Last week I had to stop when we started talking about baptism, and Jesus’ understanding of this. Let me do a bit of a refresher for you on the significance of what was about to take place.
Last week I had to stop when we started talking about baptism, and Jesus’ understanding of this. Let me do a bit of a refresher for you on the significance of what was about to take place.
I sort of got ahead of myself last week in sharing the pictures I had started on. During the week, Holy Spirit unfolded an understanding for me of just what Jesus walked, and how He prepared the Paths of Righteousness ahead of us.
Today, let’s see if we can draw a picture of the overall purposes and objectives for the Paths of Righteousness. Let me begin first of all with three illustrations from the Word:
Some forty years ago or thereabouts, a friend of mine put Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10 to music. It went like this:
The paths of righteousness are there for God’s leading and His design (from the beginning) to restore us to His standards, His character, His makeup, His personality, His authority and His power!
Because of where we need to go today with this discussion, let me lay some foundations.
From beginning to end, the Word of God is literally filled with graphic pictures of how men and women reacted to the various spirits of fear.
People have asked me over the years how I can share like this on these families of fear and deliverance from fear. The answer is quite simple.
We have a lot of ground to cover today, and I need to share with you my own personal deliverance from one of these spirits of fear, so let’s get right to it.
By now you’ve all gotten the understanding that the 23rd Psalm is anything but some trite Scripture to read to console folks at some funeral. This is a living Word from Holy Spirit!