26, 2016
We have a lot of ground to cover today, and I need to share with
you my own personal deliverance from one of these spirits of fear, so let’s get
right to it.
left off in our previous discussion on “He restoreth
my soul” talking
about deliverance from the Fear of Death — a spirit of fear that invaded the
human frame with Adam’s disobedience to the Lord in eating of the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil. As we have already noted, we were never
designed to die when God first created us.
see the evidence of this in the extremely long lives that men and women lived
prior to the Flood — and even for a time thereafter. The very fact
that death now existed opened the door for the Fear of Death to rule in the
lives of men and women prior to Jesus taking the Curse upon Himself on the
Cross and canceling the death sentence for all who believed on Him and entered
into a love relationship with and in Him.
Fear of Death was not the only invader to contaminate and take up residence in
men and women, however. There was another family of fear — and I
relate these spirits of fear to families because of all the other spirits that
cohabitate with the master spirit of fear, be that the Fear of Death, the Fear
of Man and/or the Fear of Evil.
said, let me take you on a personal journey.
1978, living in Barrow, Alaska, I was able to strike an arrangement with the
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation to purchase a communications company from
them, then known as ASA Communications. The regional corporation had
already hired me a year earlier to develop a consumer-based entertainment
retail business as an adjunct to ASA Communications.
a year of developing the business, the regional corporation underwent a change
of management. The new management decided that retail operations
were too far removed from their primary thrust and began to talk about
divesting itself, hence my offer to purchase the communications company as a
complete business.
first order of business was to create two separate business
entities. Retaining the “ASA” moniker, Arctic Slope Audio became the
retail entity and North Slope Communications became the communications business
dealing with the need for two-way radio communications between the far-flung
communities in a borough nearly the size of the state of California.
and 1980 were banner years for Arctic Slope Audio, bringing more than
$2,000,000 in the sales of Sony Audio Lab products and television
sets. Sony Audio Lab was a division of Sony that specialized in very
high-end consumer audio products. You can understand what I mean
when I say that we sold custom sound systems costing up to $60,000-plus.
Slope Audio became a name in Alaska, with a customer base that reached into
Alaska’s major cities such as Anchorage and Fairbanks. Our primary
customers, however, were the men and women who were building and maintaining
the Alaska Oil Pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez.
a lot of preface to where I’m headed with this story.
January of 1980, I went to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Chicago where
I was met by the president of Sony Corporation. He wined and dined
me and honored Arctic Slope Audio as being the largest Sony Audio Lab dealer in
the world. With that honor came interviews with trade magazines and
— most notably — Time Magazine.
you beginning to see where this is going?
know what? I loved the honors. I loved the praise of
men. The personal and national — no, make that global — recognition
went to my head. I was reveling in the fact that my name was being
bandied about in consumer electronics circles as someone deserving of high
praise and esteem for my accomplishments.
where things went wrong! You see, the enormous success of the
business was NOT so that I could get rich or have a lot of
money. What was getting lost in the translation was that God was
doing this! My initial purpose in acquiring ASA Communications was
so that we would have the necessary financial ability to expand the ministry of
CBN and the 700 Club throughout the state — and especially the bush
success wasn’t so much that I was selling a fistful of electronic equipment and
gadgets; it was that a whole lot of funds were available to purchase the
necessary equipment to build tiny little TV stations in the villages so that
they would have access to Christian television. And we were doing
just that.
is very glad to allow His people to receive recognition and honors, so long as
they remain humble and honor Him as the source of their success.
was being faithful to the objective of building these little TV stations and
using the funds properly to accomplish that. What went wrong was
that the public acclaim and recognition went to my head. I
discovered that I loved the praise of men. I loved the honors and
the awards, and I loved it to the point of becoming insensitive to the voice of
the Lord when He began to direct me differently.
door to the Fear of Man had been opened in my life, and that spirit had jumped
in with both feet! Now I was going out of my way to get the honors
and the public recognition.
the fall of 1980 (we had already exceeded in sales what we had done in 1979 for
the same time period) I began to look forward to a record-setting holiday
selling season. I began contacting my vendors to see what new
products were in store for the 1981 year and making decisions on what I would
bring in for the Christmas season.
in the store one day and looking over the product that lined the shelves, the
Lord spoke to me as clearly as He had ever spoken, “Close the doors!” With that
word came the very clear sense that I was to have a “Going Out of Business”
sale and shut the whole thing down.
I argued. That can’t be God! After all, look what we’ve
accomplished so far! Look what we have in front of us as far as
communities that still need to hear the Gospel via Christian
television. These people need to be built up in their faith!
Fear of Man can get really religious! That fear knows exactly how to
argue and manipulate you so that you disobey the Word of the
Lord. It causes you to reason with the same reasoning and logical
arguments that come from eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil. In this case, this spirit was arguing the “good” that would
happen if I didn’t close the doors. But it was a lie! And
that was NOT what God was saying!
as the serpent did with Eve, I was being enticed and tempted with what was
“good” and made sense. In the same way that the serpent blinded Eve
to the consequences to follow, I was being blinded by the Fear of Man to the
consequences that would follow if I listened to that logic.
Yup! Listen
to the human logic that follows when you start to rationalize what God is
saying to you.
would close the doors alright — after the Christmas selling
period. OK, I reasoned, the Lord has some other provision for the
problem with this logic was that it came out from a piece of news that was sent
to me from the president of Sony Corporation. Following the CES show
in January of 1981, Sony was planning to fly me to Japan and honor me
corporately as well as providing a fistful of other niceties that would go with
it. The Fear of Man had absolutely set the stage! I
wanted those honors! I wanted that recognition! I wanted
the esteem of man.
“listen” to the Serpent is exactly what I did. My first decision was
to fly to Seattle and meet with a Sony distributor to place an order for
equipment in anticipation of a banner selling holiday season.
Proverbs 16:18, we read the following:
Pride goeth before destruction, and a
haughty spirit before a fall.
you need to see this picture within the context of sharing on the Fear of
Man. Let me amplify this for you.
[The deafness that results from] being lifted up in one’s own
self-grandeur brings the crashing down of one’s dreams and accompanying vexation,
and a self-exalting (man-pleasing) spirit precedes calamity and ruin. (Proverbs 16:18, RAC
Translation & Amplification)
new product had scarcely arrived and put on display. I set it all up
one night in a presentation that would make it desirable to my customers when
they entered the store, then locked up and went home.
at the store the next morning, I was stunned when I realized that the store had
been broken into, ransacked, and most of the new equipment gone. I
called Dave Dobbs at the Department of Public Safety. Dave was the
dispatcher for the local police, but he was also my associate pastor at Inupiat
Christian Center. Dave sent a couple of officers over to
investigate. Most of the local police officers had been my customers
during the past couple of years and they were quite familiar with the kind of
things we were selling.
was only a matter of days before they found the culprit — and the stolen
equipment. All that high-end equipment had been stashed under a
house in the snow. Though they recovered it, the equipment was
unsalable. Video-tape machines and snow are
incompatible. So are $4,000 amplifiers and $1,000 cassette decks.
was a huge blow to my plans for a record-setting season, but I still had a fair
amount of product in storage, and I rebuilt my displays. Not to
worry! The Enemy was far from through.
November and January, the store was broken into and robbed no less than six
times. So much for the expected honors from Sony
Corporation! Not only was I unable to attend the CES show, I was
nearly bankrupt.
January, I put together what remained of the product for a “Going Out of
Business” sale in the hopes that I would bring in enough money to pay off the
$50,000 debt owed to the Sony distributor. Instead the owner of the
building I had leased for the retail store decided she needed the building back
to move her restaurant into and canceled my lease, effective
immediately. Now I had no place to operate from which to sell my
remaining product.
I reasoned. I will box everything up, put it into a cargo container
and ship it to Fairbanks or Anchorage and sell it outright to another
dealer. No sooner had it been prepared for shipment when the
container and all of the product disappeared, never to be
retrieved. Now I WAS bankrupt! There was no way to pay my
creditors and convincing them that I would come up with some other way to pay
off the debt didn’t even make it to first base. There was no such
thing as insurance for anything in the arctic, so the loss was complete.
I listened to the Word of the Lord when He spoke to me in October and said,
“Close the doors,” things would have been radically different. But I
had listened to a lying spirit — a spirit which had enticed me with the desire
to be honored and recognized: one which was strictly “man-pleasing.”
Fear of Man always generates the need to please others. The fear
part of it is strictly subconscious but it still manipulates you to do whatever
it takes — even going to extravagant lengths — to please others and to be seen
in a good light by them. It frequently results in something we all
know as “passing the buck” when something happens to put us in a bad light with
our peers or those in charge to whom we answer.
I could finish my story today, but it will make this Coffee Break too long, so
let me finish it for you next week.
remind those of you in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call normally
takes place on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM
Pacific). Our call-in number is (712)
775-7035. The Access Code is: 323859#. For
Canadians who have difficulty getting in to this number, you can call (559)
546-1400. If someone answers and asks what your original
call-in number was, you can give them the 712 number and access code.
At the same time, in case you are missing out on real fellowship
in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship
gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:45AM
Pacific. That conference number is (605)
562-3140, and the access code is 308640#. We
hope to make these gatherings available by Skype or Talk Fusion before
long. If you miss the live call, you can dial (605)
562-3149, enter the same access code and listen in later.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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