Last week, I left you hanging with my story of God’s miraculous provision, so let me re-cap a part of it before we finish this narrative. We are still on the topic of For Thou art with me!
Last week, I left you hanging with my story of God’s miraculous provision, so let me re-cap a part of it before we finish this narrative. We are still on the topic of For Thou art with me!
It probably seems like I’ve been really going overboard lately in talking about our grandchildren, but when we see the Covenant of the Lord being enacted before our eyes on an almost daily basis, it isn’t hard to get emotional about it.
My apologies if it seems like I’ve gone overboard on this, but when Della and I get to see the phenomenal things happening with our grandchildren, it’s hard to not share with everyone – especially when we are in a season of miracles unfolding across this nation and around the world on a scale hitherto unknown.
Isaiah made a couple of specific promises concerning children and the inheritance of God in them. Take a look. Isaiah 54:13: And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Years ago, our youngest son, Joshua, was in prison. He had associated himself with the wrong crowd as a youngster and found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, accused of the same things his “friends” were accused of. Guilt by association sent him to prison.
Last week's Coffee Break apparently hit a nerve with a few folks, so let me begin by saying that it was not my intention to offend any of my Russian Orthodox friends or readers by my remarks.
Eight times in Jesus' ministry He says, "Let him that hath ears to hear, hear......," and then again in Revelation 2 & 3, (in the seven letters) He repeats the statement after each of the letters, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith...."
As noted last week, Rosa Frankson's death as a direct result of persecution for her faith in Jesus Christ had a dramatic impact on the village of Point Hope -- and for that matter, Kotzebue.
In II Timothy 3:11-13, Paul writes the following: Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
To repeat what we started with last week in this series, we are talking about the personality, the makeup, the very essence of the Lord Jesus Christ.