For the past couple of months we've been talking about various other topics, sharing some miracles, and basically taking a break from this series.
For the past couple of months we've been talking about various other topics, sharing some miracles, and basically taking a break from this series.
Let's begin with a news report today taken from Zion Oil Company's publication, Oil in Israel:
Nearly ten years have passed since I first began to share the amazing story of Houston oilman and drilling legend, Andy SoRelle.
Felicitations! Greetings and Solutions! Good Morning! Howdy! In case I missed anyone, Hi, there!! Glad you could join me on this most auspicious occasion.
Good, Good, Good Morning! Wired up? Are ya cookin’ today? Got your coffee poured, yet? You’re drinkin’ the good stuff today, aren’t you? Dark Roast?
Good Morning!! When I opened up our last Coffee Break, I neglected to follow up on the comment about some Amish brethren who were part of the praise and worship gathering a couple weeks ago in an area just a short distance from Lewiston, Idaho, and it is worth following up.
Good Morning!! We are witnessing stupendous signs and proofs of what God is doing in the earth today as it relates to the purification of the Bride of Christ, and the great in gathering of souls into the corporate Ekklesia.
Much change is in the wind -- not just for the body of Christ -- but for us as a family. I've periodically shared our plan and intention of returning to Alaska.
This past week I had an experience in which I was transported to Heaven. I was taken to an area in which angelic beings were preparing white robes for the Bride of Christ.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! And the best day of your life to you!