Greetings, Salutations and Solutions! Continuing with the pattern of beginning the past three Coffee Breaks, there is an urgent matter of prayer for believers worldwide on September 25th
Greetings, Salutations and Solutions! Continuing with the pattern of beginning the past three Coffee Breaks, there is an urgent matter of prayer for believers worldwide on September 25th
And a Great Gettin' Up Mornin' to you this fine day! I may sound like a broken record sometimes, but this IS the Best Day of Your Life! Yup! It really is!
Much change is in the wind -- not just for the body of Christ -- but for us as a family. I've periodically shared our plan and intention of returning to Alaska.
This past week I had an experience in which I was transported to Heaven. I was taken to an area in which angelic beings were preparing white robes for the Bride of Christ.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! And the best day of your life to you!
Felicitations and Blessings! Before I get into today's Coffee Break, I have an issue that needs attention. One of our primary forums for publishing these posts -- -- has decided to cease operating in its present form.
Let me share a quick but funny story before we begin. Some weeks back I shared with you the changes that have been taking place in our son, Joshua. The overcoming of temper outbursts and anger has been an ongoing struggle.
We may run long today as we attempt to wrap up this series, so let's see what kind of progress we can make in today's sharing.
We may run long today as we wrap up this series, so let's get right to it.
Good Morning! Longtime friend and former VP of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Jim Bramlett, sent me the following link to some pretty amazing footage out of Egypt.At about 1:19 into the piece shown on MSNBC (see the piece on YouTube: there is a very clear image of a pale green rider on a pale green horse appearing in the crowd, riding through the crowd and vanishing into thin air.