Last week we wrapped talking about the sound and the sound that Adam and Eve brought to the Lord by their very existence and by their walk with Him each day.
Last week we wrapped talking about the sound and the sound that Adam and Eve brought to the Lord by their very existence and by their walk with Him each day.
One more story before we get started today, if you don’t mind, about our granddaughter, Jasmine. Without getting into a lot of unnecessary detail, she has sort of been “the odd man out,” to use an old cliché. She came into the family after the other children were already on the scene and struggled initially to gain acceptance with the other children, as well as many of her peers. The consequence of it was that she became very territorial. Her things were her things, and she was slow to share with her brothers and her younger sister.
You’ll pardon me if I take another opportunity to talk about some of the growth developments and the spiritual changes we are seeing with the four grandchildren we are now raising.
Felicitations and Blessings, everyone! We are all aware of the cliché that comes with Friday: TGIF. Nope! Not for me, and not for our family! Our labors run seven days a week. Now, don’t get me wrong. Sunday is a day of rest, and that’s because the total change of routine and activity is a break – and a rest – from the business activities that go on Monday through Saturday. But it is still a very busy day of ministry, of sharing, of teaching, etc., and the refreshing that comes in the presence of the Lord brings a rest that no amount of sleep can replace.
We began this series last week by noting that this is nothing less than a prophecy – a decree over our lives.
Some 40 plus years ago, the Lord began unfolding for me the 23rd Psalm in a revelatory way.
During the past months as I have been sharing this story, I've continued to remember events that would have caused this to grow considerably.
Greetings, Salutations and Blessings! There's lots more to tell, so let's get right to it!
OK. We've spent the last three weeks on what it means to be the salt of the earth. Now it’s time to get on with what it means to be the light of the world. Once again, here’s how it reads in the KJV:
Greetings and Solutions! Today, we were going to move on to the second part of Jesus' use of the two metaphors describing our authority in the earth -- the first one was the way we permeate and "season" our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities, etc., as salt -- and the second being our function in Christ as "the light of the world.