10, 2016
During the past months as I have been sharing this story, I've continued
to remember events that would have caused this to grow considerably. We
have a treasure trove of photos and 35mm slides that Dad took that would have
added an enormous amount of color (no pun intended) to the story. Our
close friend and brother in the Lord, Bruce Allen, has repeatedly encouraged me
to put this in book form and publish it.
That's on the front burner, and I will get to that shortly --
AFTER I complete the book in progress titled, A Tale of Two Husbands.
It's the story of Ruth, and it is based on an experience that took place twenty
years ago when I traveled back in time (in the Spirit, of course) to watch her
life unfold, and to see the remarkable transformation of this once-Canaanite
girl into a woman of faith and implicit obedience who defied tradition and
convention to ultimately become King David's great-grandmother. But we
won't even try to go there now. Let's see if we can finish this tale of
my parents’ adventures and ministry through more than 40 years. We will
run long today.
are probably ten thousand stories and testimonies I could tell (that may be a
slight exaggeration!) The purpose of this series was simply to share enough of
an overview of their 40-plus (50, in the case of my mother) years of ministry
in remote parts of the arctic to give you an appreciation of the Gospel and
what it costs -- even in these days -- to lay eternal foundations in the lives
of individuals and families.
Dad's departure and permanent change of address, Mom initially bore up under it
fairly well from an emotional standpoint. It took awhile, but the
permanence of Dad's absence suddenly gripped her. They'd been married for
some 45 years. During those 45 years, there was nothing they'd done that
didn't involve the other in many ways. They'd watched God work on their
behalf. They'd seen many thousands of individuals from all over the globe
come to know Jesus Christ in a personal way as a result of their labors, their
sacrifices, and their personal investments in these lives.
endured pain. They'd endured deprivation. They'd endured personal
loss. They'd suffered opposition from would-be brothers and sisters in
the Lord. They'd known the joys of God's provision in the face of the
impossible. They'd seen the utterly miraculous occur year after year
after year after year after year. But they'd done it together.
realization that she was alone -- in the natural realm, anyway -- hit her like
a ton of bricks. Fear gripped her like it had never gripped her
before. For nearly two years, she was just shy of being a basket
case. Della had to take her through learning to balance a
checkbook. Although she'd always had access to the checking account and
could write checks whenever she wanted or needed anything, bookkeeping and
accounting were never her strong suit.
was apparent that Mom would need some kind of transition time in order to phase
into total management of all the business affairs. The lawsuit was still
working its way through the courts, and it was not something she wanted -- or
needed -- to concern herself with.
oldest son, Chris (Christian), was on the verge of graduating from Service High
School in Anchorage, and following his graduation, Della and I packed things up
and headed out to Saint Paul Island to try and help Mom get things
stabilized. There was carpentry work to do, repairs that needed to take
place on the wind generator, Dad's radio tower needed reinforcement where
sections had been eaten through by the wind, rain and blowing scoria, a roof
that needed to be re-tarred, and firewood that needed to be cut and stacked so
that Mom would have an ample supply of wood for heating and cooking.
Although Mom had a regular GE cooking range and oven, she much preferred to use
her wood cook stove. (That stove was also in need of some repairs and
parts replacement.)
Dad had modified that old wood cook stove in such a way that a water jacket had
been installed and connected to a 200-gallon tank in a specially-built water
closet. Whenever the cook stove had fire in it, it was heating water and
cycling it into the 200-gallon tank. That tank not only provided an ample
supply of hot water (and it was hooked in series to a regular electric hot
water heater which rarely needed to switch on), its central location in the
house provided extra heat so that even when the living room fireplace or the
cook stove fires had gone out, there was plenty of residual heat to keep things
from getting too cold.
ingenuity had provided Mom with all the basics for comfortable living, and with
Della and I making the occasional trip to the island to repair things (and
Chris took over much of the maintenance for several years to help his
grandmother), Mom was pretty much taken care of.
the continuing sense of loss, Mom pulled herself together by spending the early
hours of each day in the Word of God and time on her knees in prayer.
During the first years following Dad's death, something unusual began to
happen. It was a gift from the Lord not only to meet extra financial
needs but to help her with living expenses where her funds were being eaten by
attorney fees.
Paul Island has for hundreds of years been known as a prime fishing ground --
especially for halibut and salmon fishermen. The History Channel,
Discovery and Travel Channels have for the past ten-to-fifteen years been doing
specials on the hazards of fishing in the Bering Sea, and in 2001 the Discovery
Channel began doing a regular weekly series on the fishermen and their Bering
Sea adventures. Saint Paul Island generally serves as the base of
operations for these men while they fish these icy waters.
the mid-1980's, using some of the funds received from the Federal Government
under ANCSA, The Aleut Corporation developed a major port at Saint Paul Island,
along with a cannery. As fishermen began to hear about it and take
advantage of the closeness of this port and cannery to their main fishing
grounds, they also began to investigate Saint Paul Island as a place for rest
and recuperation.
began to receive regular knocks on the door from fishermen who'd heard by way
of the grapevine that the house and church had been used in the past as a place
for fishermen to stay for several days at a time. Della and I had
completed a fair amount of remodeling of the home, and that made at least two
bedrooms available for guests.
was urged by some of her friends in Fairbanks to turn the house into a Bed and
Breakfast, and advertise on the Internet as such. From the get-go, she
had more customers than she knew what to do with. Chris remained on the
island for a time to help her with maintenance on the mini-bikes, three- and
four-wheelers. From a purely business perspective, having the Bed and
Breakfast customers also secured long-term rentals of the three- and
four-wheelers, since the fishermen wanted to be able to have access to the
bikes during their whole stay. So, in addition to providing rooms for
fishermen and cooking meals for them, she became what we euphemistically
referred to as the Hertz Rent-a-Bike (!) of Saint Paul Island with fishermen
renting them by the day rather than by the hour.

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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also became a classic opportunity to minister the Gospel. When these
fishermen came to stay, they found the environment so peaceful and so inviting
they just didn't want to leave. They became -- by virtue of their own
desire to stay put -- a captive audience for Mom; and Brother, did she ever
cash in on it!
ministry became the best therapy she could have ever had. As she
ministered to these men (and the very rare and occasional woman who would be
part of the fishing crew), it took her mind away from the loss of Dad and
allowed her to use her time constructively and spiritually. Thus she
found herself being ministered to by the Holy Spirit at the same time she was
ministering the Gospel to all these individuals.
doubt there are any records to prove it, but I'd hazard a guess that in the
thirteen years between 1987 and 2000 (the year she went to be with the Lord),
Mom led more people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ than she and Dad
had done between them in the previous twenty-two years on Saint Paul Island.
news of her Supreme Court victory over Tanadgusix
Corporation hit the newspaper and radio/television headlines in early 1995, Mom
was suddenly a hot news commodity. (Here is the URL to the Alaska Court
http://touchngo.com/sp/html/sp-4142.htm) Television
reporters, newspaper reporters and film crews made their way to Saint Paul
Island to do interviews with this stubborn, hard-headed missionary lady who
wouldn't allow any obstacle to stand in her way.
also caused a run on her Bed and Breakfast -- especially since the various
media articles and pieces mentioned it. Suddenly she had more business
than she knew what to do with. If memory serves me correctly, it was
either the 1997 and 1998 seasons or the 1998 and 1999 seasons where the entire
summer fishing season was booked before it even began.
you get the idea she was getting rich from all this, think again! She was
making some good money all right but our son, Chris, (who was
"helping" her maintain the fleet of bikes) accidentally backed the
pickup truck into one of the guy wires for the generator tower. It
snapped causing the tower to vibrate and shatter, bringing the wind generator
down on the roof of the house and punching a hole through it. Chris was
enough of a carpenter by this time to make the necessary repairs to the roof
and get it sealed, but he didn't have the ability to repair or rebuild the wind
wasn't possible for me to come back to Saint Paul Island to do the job since I
was working at KPLC-TV, the NBC station in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
(That's roughly 5,000 miles away!) Suddenly, Mom had those inordinately
high -- $400 - $700/mo. -- electric bills, and those bills consumed her income
like water. Nevertheless, she managed to make ends meet.
the Bed and Breakfast bookings provided her with, however, was a constant flow
of fishermen and tourists from all over the world to whom she could minister
the Gospel. Her final years of ministry -- and she ministered to people
nonstop until just a few months before her death -- consisted of perhaps 95% to
non-islanders, and 5% to people on the island. Mom was never much of a
preacher but she could really teach, and her one-on-one skills were without
peer. It was a made-to-order situation by the Holy Spirit.
was in the Spring of 2000 that she accidentally mixed some wrong chemicals to
clean a stubborn drain. The toxic gas released from those chemicals
nearly did her in. She had already been struggling with a growing degree
of congestive heart failure -- an issue that had begun to manifest itself in
1996 or thereabouts -- and the toxic reaction required her to be flown to
Anchorage on a MedEvac aircraft. Della had only
recently left her management position with Zales
Jewelers, so she was free to fly to Anchorage to assist Mom.
some three weeks at Providence Hospital, she was released to return to Saint
Paul Island and Della accompanied her. It was almost immediately apparent
that Mom was no longer going to be able to care for herself, so Della remained
on the island with her for almost four months. In late July or early
August, Mom began to struggle with her breathing. Medical care on the
island was limited to a Physician's Attendant (PA), the local PA advised Della
to get her back to Providence Hospital in Anchorage.
attending physicians made it clear that she would need constant medical
attention, and that her days on this earth were soon coming to a close.
Della arranged for Mom to be placed at a respite care facility and flew back to
our home in Texas for a breather. By the second week of September, we had
a phone call from the attending physician to the effect that if we wanted any
time with her before she "changed addresses", we'd best get there.
and I were both at her side on the morning of September 26th when her heart
simply gave out and she went to be with the Lord. She had previously
given the doctors notice not to keep her alive by artificial means. She
was ready to go and didn't want any artificial delays.
funeral was not the splendid affair that Dad had received (he would have been
greatly resistant to the pomp and ceremony if he'd had his say), yet there were
folks who came from thousands of miles away to pay their respects to a woman of
God whose life and ministry had impacted them and brought them into a personal
love relationship with Jesus Christ.
life and ministry of Alvin Earnest and Lillian Lorraine Capener
spanning more than 40 years (for Dad) and even 50 years (for Mom) left a mark
on the State of Alaska and arctic Canada and Greenland -- and more than that,
many parts of the world -- that will last for eternity. They left a
legacy for our family and a spiritual heritage for us, our children, our
grandchildren and generations to come.
used to put it like this: "Everything that my grandfather and
great-grandfather were in God, my father became -- and more! Everything
that my father became in God, I became -- and more! Everything that I am
in God has been invested in you, and you will become more in God than all these
prior generations."
Dad and Mom could count their many thousands -- even tens of thousands
-- whose lives were impacted and changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a
result of their ministry. May the Lord give to Della and me the tens and
hundreds of thousands in the years to come. Dad and Mom will still
receive credit for all of them because of the heritage of faith they left for
me, my brother, and our generations to come.
NEVER calls His people to do the possible. "Possible" is only the
rational mind's way of dealing with human capabilities. God ALWAYS calls
His people to do and perform the impossible. "Impossible" only
exists in rational thinking. "Impossible" is ALWAYS
"probable" and "accomplished" when seen through the eyes of
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At the same time, in
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is 308640#. We hope to make
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on you!