

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 8

By |April 19th, 2019|

Several years ago, I was prompted to do a study on witchcraft and discovered that there are a host of words and applications in Scripture that spell out in great detail the nature and character of witchcraft and its tentacles.   This is a study that I can’t even begin to share in a week or even two weeks, so we will likely spend the next three weeks talking about it. My objective is not to focus on something that is so dark and negative — even if I have to for a short time — but rather to open up your understanding to the invasiveness of these spirits (and there are many!) to help you understand what we are battling in these transitional days before the thousand year reign begins.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 7

By |April 12th, 2019|

The Spirit of Rejection has contaminated the lives of so many believers that it is sometimes hard to calculate the damage done to their lives because of how they have reacted.   We live in a society which has become evil to degrees that none of us could have conceived in our wildest imaginations. The wickedness that has abounded in this era has so infected our nation and the world that it affects the ways in which people respond one to another. Offenses are common. People receive commentary from other that they perceive as insulting, whether real or imagined. What used to be rational, reasoned behavior has become so agenda-driven that many (and this is more than evident in the political realm) have become blinded by their own self-imposed positions.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 6

By |April 5th, 2019|

One of the biggest doors that people have opened up in their lives is rejection. This is a spirit that is part of the family of The Fear of Death, and a companion to The Fear of Man. It has many tenets to it and manifests in different ways. That door can open in a person’s life if they have been mistreated by a parent during their growing up years, or experienced some traumatic event at the hands of a friend or relative.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 5

By |March 29th, 2019|

When we wrapped up last week, we were talking about the fact that so many Christians are reluctant, or outright afraid of dealing with evil spirits and addressing them. They believe that “that’s only for really spiritual people” or maybe even that “that was only for Jesus and the apostles.”   Whatever happened to the concept of “Christ in you, the hope of Glory?” Whatever happened to Jesus’ prayer in John 17? Do you not think that His prayer is answered?  Consider what He prayed.

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