ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Dealing With The Spirit of Poverty, Part 6
We’ve been talking about the Law of Sowing and Reaping, and how it is so integral to the Law of Prosperity. As noted last week, it is the absolute antithesis of the Spirit of Poverty. Let’s see how far we can get in today’s discussion in understanding the poverty mindset and the spirit that drives it.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Dealing With The Spirit of Poverty, Part 5
We wrapped up last week with the statement that Jesus wasn’t poor. In fact, Jesus had to be among the wealthiest individuals of that era. Consider how he began his life. At age two, when the magi came to visit him and pay honor and tribute to the “King of Kings,” they brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Dealing With The Spirit of Poverty, Part 4
Last week’s discussion on poverty provoked a lot of thoughtful comments. Today’s sit-down ought to do more of the same. Let me begin today’s sharing with some personal experiences.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Dealing With The Spirit of Poverty, Part 3
This is a topic that stirs a lot of folks. The Spirit of Poverty has so infected the body of Christ that all the symptoms of this spirit become accepted as the “norm” and the mindset of poverty literally rules a majority of Christians.