Felicitations and Blessings to You All! And another best day of your life while we're at it! The French Press is full and running over.Come on it and set a spell. Let's talk.
Felicitations and Blessings to You All! And another best day of your life while we're at it! The French Press is full and running over.Come on it and set a spell. Let's talk.
And another great day of blessing and prosperity to you! Coffee's on!Grab one of those large "vitamins" and set a spell.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! No, my record isn't broke, I just need another cup of java to get my juices flowing for the day.(Grin)You can have some, too, you know.Join me for a cup, why don't you, and let's get right to our discussion.
Good Morning! My apologies for the long delay between the publishing of Coffee Breaks.
And a good, good morning to you! This is the best day of your life! Yessirree! It is! And it's only going to get better. I'm still not quite back on track for my regular schedule of Coffee Breaks, but things are improving.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! Brother! I sure didn't expect to be offline for such a long period, but our move from Sunnyside to Prosser turned into a much larger undertaking than we'd thought.
Howdy! Did you have a great Easter? It was a wonderful celebration of our redemption. As I noted before, I much prefer to refer to the day as Resurrection Day. That's the day that Jesus rose from the dead and demonstrated his absolute supremacy over death, disease and decay.
Even if I'm a bit early, Happy Easter, Everyone! Maybe I should better say, Happy Resurrection Day! Sound better? Yup. I like that better, anyway.
Greetings to you, Oh Great, Wise, and Illustrious Ones! When's the last time you had a Good Morning greeting like that! Yeah, Yeah. OK Michael, Robert, Lynn the rest of you smart alec who heard it before! No wisecracks from the peanut gallery.
Good Morning! It's another best day of your life, don't you know? Yup. Yesterday's gone, and tomorrow's not here yet; and God has great things in store for this day. So get ready. Gotcher coffee, yet? So, whaddaya waitin' fer?