Have you ever noticed how many times we see the number Seven in the Word? Seven is a number in Scripture which metaphorically represents completeness — a finishing of something.
Have you ever noticed how many times we see the number Seven in the Word? Seven is a number in Scripture which metaphorically represents completeness — a finishing of something.
We got started last week on this look at the number, 12, and the significance it plays in the picture of the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem, of course, is the portrayal of the Bride of Christ John saw and wrote about in Revelation 21. Because the number 12 has such significance as a metaphor for the completed Bride, the Bride who has gone through the fire, been tested, and overcame all in order to become the Counterpart and Other Self of the Lord Jesus Christ, we see all of the other intricacies of this number unfold before us.
The exhaustive use of the number 12 in Revelation as John begins to unfold the picture of the New Jerusalem has always astounded me. Talk about mathematical precision. The metaphorical representations draw a picture of the Bride of Christ in a way you just can’t miss! I’ve talked about this in times past, but take another look. When John wrote, “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband,” the angel of the Lord was showing him the same thing that Ezekiel had seen in a vision. It was not a city in the sense of a physical or geographical place; it was the ensample of a principle: a principle which strikes at the very heart of all that the Lord has been doing in our midst.
It may appear that I go overboard with this but I can't help it. I get started with this stuff and can't stop. I love the parallels in Scripture. Math and mathematical principles abound in the Word of God. God is very precise in everything that He does, and we govern our lives according to that precision.
Well, did I leave you scratching your head last week? Let’s see if we can do some more head scratching this week as we look at more mathematical arrangements in the Word of God. A lot of people don’t realize just how precise God is! Think about the layout of the Universe. There is nothing random about it. When God spoke those fateful words, “Light be!” (“Let there be light, KJV”) Creation began unfolding instantly. He never told it to stop, and as a matter of fact, the Universe is still expanding as we speak. It has never stopped. In any case, let’s continue where we left off last week.
We’ve been dealing with some pretty weighty topics over the last months. Let’s take a break for the next few weeks and take a look at some unusual mathematical features that appear repetitiously in the Word. I’ve always been a math hound and numbers played a great part in my early education (hence, a substantial part of my business career being based in math).
Well, I’m hoping I can wrap up this part of the series today in our look at the life of David and what he had to overcome between the time he was anointed by Samuel and took the throne of Judah and Benjamin some 13 years later prior to taking the throne of the entire nation of Israel.
We’ve talked about this before in this series but let me say this again. The newborn believer in Christ has more authority in their little finger than the strongest unbeliever has at their disposal. The problem is that 99.999% of them don’t know it, don’t know how to access it, and as a consequence get run over like they’ve been hit by a Mack truck.
We often associate authority with Royalty. Indeed, we ARE Royalty! Unfortunately, we’ve been programmed by our society, by our surroundings, by what we see and hear on television, radio and general advertising to see ourselves in an unfavorable light, and we fall into the trap of thinking of ourselves in the light of something considerably less than what God has designed us to be.
Watching God move in such spectacular ways in the past days has only reinforced the benefits of God’s people ruling and reigning through prayer, fasting, decrees, declarations and exercising the authority of the Lord. This is a normal part of our existence as committed believers. You understand, of course, that commitment demands that we respond proactively to every Word of the Lord given to us.