And a Great Gettin' Up Mornin' to you this fine day! I may sound like a broken record sometimes, but this IS the Best Day of Your Life! Yup! It really is!
And a Great Gettin' Up Mornin' to you this fine day! I may sound like a broken record sometimes, but this IS the Best Day of Your Life! Yup! It really is!
We've talked about our granddaughter, Jessica, (now seven years old) many times throughout the past few years and the rather spectacular things she's come out with, her experiences with the Lord, her boldness to lay hands on others and command healing, and the revelations she's had. We have another young one in our midst who is apparently coming up the same way. Rich and DeAngela Warren have been an integral part of River Worship Center for more than two years, and are worship leaders in our fellowship.
Neville Johnson is a former pastor of one of the largest churches in Australia and currently travels the world sharing foundational teaching with the body of Christ. He has a strong prophetic anointing and has a real sense of what God is doing and saying to His people now.
Every Wednesday at 10AM (PST) or Noon (CST) we join Billye Brim via the Internet ( at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks for corporate prayer for this nation. There are tens of thousands of people who join this concert of prayer for a new Great Awakening -- not just in America, but around the world. I want to encourage you -- wherever you are -- to join us in this world-wide prayer event. Periodically Billye shares about past Awakenings that have changed the course of affairs for this nation and other nations.
When we began our last Coffee Break, I started to tell you about a personal experience that opened my eyes to the importance of "partnering" as a Kingdom principle, but never got back to share the events that generated the revelation in me. Instead we talked about the foundation of partnership and the fact that it all begins with a covenant we have with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Greetings, Salutations, and the Blessing of the Lord to you! Kitty and René Loyd are two of the funniest, and two of the most unusual people you could ever meet. During the 1960's and 70's -- and even into the 80's -- Kitty traveled around singing in different churches with a couple of ladies from Spokane, and she developed quite a reputation for her musical gifts as well as her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Some time in the future, perhaps, I will share some very funny anecdotes from Kitty's life.
Coffee's on, folks! Good Morning! There's an absolutely heavenly aroma filling my office right now. Although the French Press is full and running over, it's the Expresso machine that steaming away on some of that Double-Roast French we picked up at Winco Foods. Mmmmm....Mmmmm Good!
This is the best day of your life; and today's going to get even better as it progresses! Yessirree, Bob! So Good Morning already!
And a good, good morning to you! This is the best day of your life! Yessirree! It is! And it's only going to get better. I'm still not quite back on track for my regular schedule of Coffee Breaks, but things are improving.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! Brother! I sure didn't expect to be offline for such a long period, but our move from Sunnyside to Prosser turned into a much larger undertaking than we'd thought.