

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Tribulation, Part 1

By |July 12th, 2019|

It was my intention to begin a series on Covenant today, but because of a number of ongoing discussions with different groups in the past few weeks, I felt the necessity of changing gears for the next few weeks. Most of us have grown up within the structured church world and subjected to a variety of teachings concerning “The Great Tribulation.” In fact, there is no such thing in the Word — anywhere — as “The Great Tribulation.”

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 19

By |July 5th, 2019|

Howdy, Howdy!! "I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart; I will enter His gates with praise; I will say this is the day that the Lord hath made....." Right. I'm still starting the day off singing. Can't help it. This is a stupendous day! Another blessed day! A highly prosperous day! Folks that sit next to me at times wonder if I have a case of heebie-jeebies because my legs are bouncing, or my feet are tapping. I get these really strange looks from them when I tell them that I have music that pours through my spirit non-stop; and most of the time it is completely new music I've never heard before. Guess it's a product of being a praiser and worshiper.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 18

By |June 28th, 2019|

The spirit of condemnation is one that pursues every woman who has ever had an abortion. Despite what you see and hear in the media, and the baloney coming out of Hollywood, the overwhelming majority of women who have had abortions also suffer from extreme guilt, from an overwhelming sense of loss and condemnation that they seek to hide from in a wide variety of ways.   Deliverance from both the Spirit of Abortion and the Spirit of Condemnation are an absolute necessity for these women. What sometimes accompanies these spirits is a Spirit of Murder – and the woman who has had the abortion sometimes commits suicide to escape from the guilt that haunts her.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 17

By |June 21st, 2019|

Last week, we talked about responsibility and consequences of choice. One of the things that goes with "a woman's right to choose" is the consequence of that choice. The Spirit of Abortion, of course, always hides the responsibility that goes with choice, and particularly the consequences that follow our choices. The deception for Christians who get contaminated with this same spirit is that they think that because they protest and take a stand against something so obviously hedonistic -- something which so clearly violates the Word of God -- they can avoid the consequences when their protests also violate the laws of the land.

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