


By |October 4th, 2019|

It has been several years – 14 years, in fact – since I last shared on the nature, the meaning and the significance of Covenant, and the fact that we are Covenant beings, living in and under the Covenant that Jesus made for us with His death and resurrection, and the blood He shed on our behalf.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Healing for the Soul & Spirit, Part 4

By |September 27th, 2019|

When the Holy Spirit launched us into this area of study some weeks back, I freely admit that I had no idea of the ramifications and the depth of revelation to which we would be taken.   Although I am sharing from a place of current and still unfolding revelation, it is obvious that Della and I are both recipients of some pretty amazing areas of healing where we had no previous awareness of demonic footholds and opportunities for the Enemy to afflict us.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Healing for the Soul & Spirit, Part 3

By |September 20th, 2019|

Obviously, the Holy Spirit is keeping us in the midst of this study and propelling us to the place where we have no soul wounds of any kind – and nothing whatever left within of memories which continue to stab at us internally.   There is a phrase which Mark used in his Gospel quoting from something Jesus said which is about as picturesque as you can get when you start talking about the wounded soul, the rending of the soul or dealing with the fragmented soul.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Healing for the Soul & Spirit, Part 2

By |September 13th, 2019|

We continue on with last week’s discussion, but this time taking a different approach and considering a different aspect of healing for those who’ve been wounded in soul and spirit. We’ll start once again with Isaiah’s prophecy – the same place where Jesus started His ministry – as we take up our study with the wounded soul and the wounded spirit and see how each area affects the other.

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