Greetings, Salutations and Blessings on you as we head into another weekend. I will continue this week with one more set of stories before we resume doing series-type Coffee Breaks.
Greetings, Salutations and Blessings on you as we head into another weekend. I will continue this week with one more set of stories before we resume doing series-type Coffee Breaks.
Last Sunday, we had Keith and Elsie Gerner with us from Ireland. Keith is one of God's Generals -- a man who was heavily involved in the birth of the Charismatic Renewal 40+ years ago in Ireland, and saw Holy Spirit break down the walls between those who called themselves "Protestants" and those who were Catholic as the Spirit of God fell upon people who desired all that God had for them.
To all of those who have been praying for Della during the past few days, let me say a very big THANK YOU! Not being familiar with migraine headaches, we didn't know until today that's what she was dealing with. Three times during the past couple of days, George has prayed with us for Della's healing, and three times she has experienced an immediate cessation of the stabbing pains.
Over the past few weeks I've talked about a retired trial attorney by the name of Jim Christianson who flew here from Alaska, and to whom our fellowship has ministered healing. Jim's healing has yet to be completed in some areas, but this past Sunday he requested healing over tremors he has experienced since the event when he was crushed in a grain elevator many years ago.
If you have not yet joined us in our Monday-Wednesday-Friday healing prayer calls at 7:00 PM eastern, and are in need of healing in your body, please join us so we can minister to you.
Well.......yawn......Guess it's my turn to get told, "Wake up, Sleepy!" I went to bed early last night and then woke up at 3:15 in the morning absolutely wired! Got up for a couple of hours to do some work on the computer and then went back to bed for a bit.
Hiya, Folks! This is the best day of your life! Sure it is. Yesterday’s gone, and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Fact is, if you were any better, you’d be dangerous! Hohohohoho…….
Well......Howdy! Vitamins! Yeah, you know, those four-inch in diameter old fashioned kind with the holes in the middle and the frosting on the outside. Got a bunch of them on hand for today’s discussion.
Good Morning! It was just 21 years ago this month that Holy Spirit downloaded into us a vivid prophetic picture of the calling of the Bride into the secret place (see Song of Solomon 2:13-14).
During the 2003-2004 political campaign/election cycle I ran for the U.S. House of Representatives to represent Texas' 25th Congressional District.