Hiya, Folks! This is the best day of your life! Sure it is. Yesterday’s gone, and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Fact is, you’re downright dangerous! Hohohohoho…….
Hiya, Folks! This is the best day of your life! Sure it is. Yesterday’s gone, and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Fact is, you’re downright dangerous! Hohohohoho…….
It has been a constant source of amazement to me that Jesus has always been painted as poor and indigent -- never mind what the Word clearly states. Ever since the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD,error after error after error has crept into the body of Christ, and promulgated with traditions that have no validity in the Word. The compromises that Constantine made with church leaders in order to bring the Roman Army into the church and declare them to be "Christian" have contaminated the truth ever since.
This whole topic of death cancellation is one that is hard for many Christians to swallow. Even though it is so clear throughout the Word, the death culture is deeply embedded in our culture and our mindsets. It takes a real leap of faith for us to accept this, and having done so, it next becomes the transforming and renewing of our minds in order for it to become life to us. Here’s what Paul writes to the Philippians.
I sort of got off on a political tangent at the end of last week’s Coffee Break in talking about the focus in our society on death or the threat of it. Think about the two weeks or so just preceding the election on November 3rd. The media was using the threat of the virus to shape the thinking of people in the outcome of the election. Because the Biden campaign was focusing on the virus as the fault of the Trump administration it became an easy way to associate people’s think with the threat of death as it related to Trump. Fortunately, the Lord had another plan in mind, and it didn’t work.
We’ve been talking about the significance of the laying on of hands and the impartation that comes with it. Generally we think of the laying on of hands in relationship to healing or ministry for some particular issue – not as a prophetic impartation. The Lord directed me many years ago to lay hands on certain individuals as He directs and prophesy over them. The laying on of hands generally comes with the impartation of certain prophetic gifts.
It has been a constant source of amazement to me that Jesus has always been painted as poor and indigent -- never mind what the Word clearly states. Ever since the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., error after error after error has crept into the body of Christ and promulgated with traditions that have no validity in the Word. The compromises that Constantine made with church leaders in order to bring the Roman Army into the church and declare them to be "Christian" have contaminated the truth ever since.
Once again, Good Morning! Let’s pick up today where we left off last week. Some folks have wondered why, when I deal almost exclusively with spiritual issues and what Holy Spirit is saying to His people today, that I would seem to deviate from that to talk about the foundations of our government. Unfortunately, our society today has attempted to separate matters of government from spiritual issues, and especially Christianity.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! After weeks of making reference to this series which deals with the foundations of our nation, we're actually going to begin with it today. You will see, as this series unfolds, that every single one of the 50 states in our union recognizes that their existence, as a body politick, flows from God. The rejection of this principle by modern politicians is a huge contributing factor in the chaos which has unfolded since prayer was removed from public schools, and gradually from public discourse.
My hope and plan is to wrap up this part of the series on Covenant today. We’re into this subject now for two and a half months, and we still have a long ways to go! My objective is to now begin sharing on the Covenant that our founding fathers made with the Lord for the establishing of America as a land – a country – dedicated to the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Well, I warned you last week that we needed to run down a religious rabbit trail, and that we needed to blow that rabbit trail apart. You see, the problem is that throughout the centuries, God’s people have been caught up in traditions that began with their ancestors – traditions that began before their ancestors had the kind of revelation that Holy Spirit is pouring out on His people today. We need to break those traditions and get out of the religious boxes that we’ve all suffered with for generations.