Before we finish our discussion on the Doctrine of Eternal Judgment, let me share with you a rather fascinating experience that happened not long ago.
Before we finish our discussion on the Doctrine of Eternal Judgment, let me share with you a rather fascinating experience that happened not long ago.
Finally, we come to the sixth of the foundation stones that must be laid in our lives before the Lord will allow us to go forward into the next dimensions
We're going to run long again today, so without any prologue, let's get underway.
Let me share a "funny" with you as we get underway today. I've mentioned our six-year-old granddaughter, Jasmine, a couple of times over the past months.
Well, have you gotten past the hustle and bustle (and commercialization) of the Christmas season and New Years? Whewww!!! Get's really tiring, doesn't it?
We left off in this series the week before Christmas talking about baptisms, and specifically the baptism of fire.
It has been a constant source of amazement to me that Jesus has always been painted as poor and indigent -- never mind what the Word clearly states.
Most of the church world treats this as the Christmas season, but this is not the season when Jesus Christ was born.
We really have a lot of ground to cover today and I'm hoping we can finish this part today of dealing with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues.
Perhaps one of the most controversial and misunderstood and abused teachings in the body of Christ has been that on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.