ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Dealing With The Spirit of Poverty, Part 4
Last week’s discussion on poverty provoked a lot of thoughtful comments. Today’s sit-down ought to do more of the same. Let me begin today’s sharing with some personal experiences.
Last week’s discussion on poverty provoked a lot of thoughtful comments. Today’s sit-down ought to do more of the same. Let me begin today’s sharing with some personal experiences.
This is a topic that stirs a lot of folks. The Spirit of Poverty has so infected the body of Christ that all the symptoms of this spirit become accepted as the “norm” and the mindset of poverty literally rules a majority of Christians.
You’ll hear me say this again and again – not only in this series, but in many Coffee Breaks throughout the years. It is important to see and understand some of the principal causes behind poverty.
I’ve been promising to address this subject for some time, and that time has come. In the next two or three weeks (or however long it takes me) we will address the mindset, the attitudes and the spirit that drives poverty mentality. We’ll even have some fun along the way.
When we first began this series, I had no idea it was going to expand into the study it has become. It is critical for us a sons and daughters of the Most High God, Heirs and Joint-Heirs with Jesus Christ, to understand fully and to walk in the authority that we have been given.
We started talking about the connection between worship and authority a couple weeks ago, but my rabbit trails in laying foundations sort of sidetracked things a bit. I know that sometimes it may seem like I’ve become a broken record on this subject, but there is no substitute for the realm of real, intimate worship.
We’re coming close to the completion of this series. We should be able to wrap this up in the next two or three weeks, after which I want to spend some time sharing with you a revelation of the Spirit of Poverty.
Last week we talked about the seven nations and Israel’s failure to overcome them. Each of those nations represented different ruling spirits — kosmokrator, if you will — whose total existence was purposed to defeat the plan of God in the Earth. Just because Israel failed in the natural to overcome doesn’t mean that somehow throughout the ages, those wicked spirits have gone away.
We left off last week after starting a comparative list of the striking parallels between Adam and Jesus, and the events that unfolded. Jesus literally had to reverse every step that occurred when Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
We left off last week talking about the problem that takes place when we exchange revelation for humanly acquired knowledge. The only real authority is that which comes in the place of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.