Wow! With all of the events of the past two weeks, I haven't been able to sit down long enough to write. We've been moving our daughter, Rebekah, from Pasco, and helping our daughter-in-law, Chelsi -- along with three of her children -- make preparations for travel to south Texas and Mexico on a missions venture.

By |2019-08-20T09:51:34+00:00July 2nd, 2008|

A Testimony – From Prayer Request To Praise Report!

I am Curt Atkinson and I live in Florida. I am 70 years old and live alone. I had everything wrong with me. Between my back, my legs, and hips I just couldn't get up and go nor sit up too long, but I tried as best as I could. I was in terrible physical shape and a little mental I hate to admit, and I needed prayer so bad. I've had two heart attacks and two strokes and diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. 911 have picked me up four times since April of '98. It seemed like I was just going back and forth to the hospital.

By |2019-08-20T09:50:16+00:00June 21st, 2008|


And a Great Gettin' up Mornin' to ya! Like I said in our last Coffee Break, so much is happening even as I write that it's hard to keep up. Grab that cup of good really dark roasted coffee, maybe a "vitamin" or two, and let's not waste any time getting started today.

By |2019-08-20T09:48:07+00:00June 1st, 2008|


Greetings, Solutions, Salutations, and Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! We're back home in Sunnyside, Washington after nearly three weeks of travel. Those of you who are individual subscribers to these Coffee Breaks will have received K-E XXVI while we were still in Canada.

By |2019-08-20T09:47:16+00:00May 27th, 2008|

A Roadmap for America’s Future

“A Roadmap for America's Future” Remarks from Congressman Paul Ryan WASHINGTON – Wisconsin’s 1st District Congressman Paul Ryan unveiled his bold, comprehensive proposal to transform the Federal government. At today’s news conference, Ryan delivered the following remarks:

By |2019-08-20T09:45:42+00:00May 23rd, 2008|

Learn to Discern

Learn to Discern: How to Recognize and Respond to Error in the Culture ["Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." Jude 1:3, NKJV.]

By |2019-08-20T09:45:05+00:00May 22nd, 2008|
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