Good Morning. WHAAATT a GOOOOOOODDDD week! Uhhhh, Huhhh! Della and I decided that we needed to just get away for awhile this week and be alone with the Lord
Good Morning. WHAAATT a GOOOOOOODDDD week! Uhhhh, Huhhh! Della and I decided that we needed to just get away for awhile this week and be alone with the Lord
Solutions, Salutations, Greetings, Blessings, etc., etc., etc.! In case you missed that, Hi! Been another one of those weeks, folks! Can't seem to catch up with myself. Everything that can interrupt our activities has.
Starting the day with my best Minnie Pearl imitation: HaowdeeEE!!! Hmmmm...... Guess that worked, OK. Anyway, how're y'all doin' this fine and wonderful day? Gotcher coffee yet? Ayyup! Reckon we need to get on with things.