ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: David’s Tabernacle Restored, Part 9
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Few people in this age and generation really understand what it is to be joined together by the Lord in a union that is more than physical. People often get married because they “fall in love.” The problem is that in a few months or years, they “fall out of love.” Their relationship really wasn’t based on love but on a physical attraction to one another or because of seeming parallel interests.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: David’s Tabernacle Restored, Part 8
We are really taking a different approach today to understanding the Tabernacle of David and the nature or praise and worship. You may even think I’ve gone off the deep end at first, but that’s OK. Bear with me while I lay some foundations. You will remember how we’ve talked about Lucifer and his original creation as worship leader in Heaven and how he was created to surround the Throne of God with worship. The concept of “surrounding” comes into play with where I want to go today, and why that was so significant.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: David’s Tabernacle Restored, Part 7
My remarks at the end of last week’s Coffee Break were, no doubt, very controversial to some folks. I’m not trying to be controversial. After being with David, after experiencing what he experienced, after watching and experiencing all of the adventures that have come over the past 70+ years in the presence of the Lord, I can’t help it. These are honest observations shared in the hope that I can awaken folks to the true nature of praise and worship, prayer and intercession.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: David’s Tabernacle Restored, Part 6
The prophecy to the Ekklesia in Philadelphia is one of the most germane prophecies in the Word concerning the Tabernacle of David. What we see in this prophecy is the actual fulfillment of the heart’s desire of the Lord for those who have overcome the Enemy, his tricks, his machinations, the various evil spirits by which he seeks to destroy them – and in reality, destroy God’s objective to have a family like Him.