

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 12

By |May 17th, 2019|

We have talked on numerous occasions in the past about the Spirit of Jezebel, and how that spirit has invaded the body of Christ. The common misconception is that refers strictly to women who aree afflicted by this spirit. Not so! I have personally seen more men afflicted by this spirit than I have women.   Let me start off today with a prophecy that John gives in Revelation 2 to the Ekklesia in Thyatira:  

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 11

By |May 10th, 2019|

In our last study on this topic, we began doing a breakdown and pursuit of understanding the various words that are translated in the Old and New Testaments — Hebrew and Greek — that are either translated “witchcraft” or “sorcery” or one of the variants that are part of the whole genre of witchcraft in general.   We wrapped up taking a look at the word pharmakeia, which is one of the primary words translated witchcraft in the New Testament, and specifically translates as: “to enchant with drugs.” I want to move on today with another one of these 64-dollar words from the Greek that are part and parcel of witchcraft or sorcery.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 10

By |May 3rd, 2019|

In our last study on this topic, we began doing a breakdown and pursuit of understanding the various words that are translated in the Old and New Testaments — Hebrew and Greek — that are either translated “witchcraft” or “sorcery” or one of the variants that are part of the whole genre of witchcraft in general.   We wrapped up taking a look at the word pharmakeia, which is one of the primary words translated witchcraft in the New Testament, and specifically translates as: “to enchant with drugs.” I want to move on today with another one of these 64-dollar words from the Greek that are part and parcel of witchcraft or sorcery.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 9

By |April 26th, 2019|

We will continue the discussion today that we began last week in dealing with the words that appear in Scripture that define witchcraft, or its tentacles. If I didn’t mention it last week, let me say that there are seven words used through Scripture that translate out to “witchcraft,” “sorcery,” “necromancy,” and all the varieties thereof.   People today – and especially believing Christians – have no idea of the things they accept as “normal” in today’s world that are some variant of witchcraft or sorcery. By the way, we generally use the word, “witchcraft,” when we are referring to women or the feminine usage of manipulation. “Sorcery” refers to the masculine or male activity in this realm.

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