

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 16

By |June 14th, 2019|

Today, let’s touch on an evil that has beset our generation, and has plagued both our nation and the body of Christ pretty much since shortly after the turn of the 20th Century. With Georgia and Alabama leading the way in the news lately with their efforts to pass legislation essentially blocking all kinds of abortion, no matter the circumstance, and no matter the timing in a woman’s pregnancy, as well as the controversy surrounding the Virgina governor’s statement saying that it was OK to allow a child to come to full birth, then keep it alive, until a decision was made to kill it, the controversy surrounding abortion has taken center stage.   Let’s tackle this subject today from a Scriptural standpoint.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 15

By |June 7th, 2019|

I want to continue where we left off last week in dealing with the spirit of compromise that has grossly affected our society – AND – the body of Christ to a large extent! Excuse me in advance, if I stomp on your toes or touch a sensitive nerve.   Let’s talk about a touchy subject – well, touchy to political types, anyway. I’m fixin’ to go over the edge today. Way over the edge!   When Dad passed away, I inherited a ruler he kept on his desk for many years. It had a phrase I’ve always considered to be classic. The ruler was a gift from a group of pastors who decided that Dad was one of the greatest diplomats they’d ever met.

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 14

By |May 31st, 2019|

Last week, we started off a bit differently than we have in the past, and this week’s Coffee Break is no different. Last week, we dealt with the effect of curses, and the non-effect of causeless curses. This week, let’s talk about deliverance from the need to compromise. In Psalm 122:6, David writes, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good."

ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Deliver Us From Evil, Part 13

By |May 24th, 2019|

"As the sparrow in her wandering, as the swallow in her flying, so the causeless curse shall not alight."  (Proverbs 26:2, Amplified Version) "How can I curse those God has not cursed? Or how can I [violently] denounce those the LORD has not denounced?"  (Numbers 23:8, Amplified Version) Today I'd like to take a few minutes and share with you some of my own personal experiences in the realm of causeless curses. Some of what I share you’ve heard me share previously, so bear with me if you’ve read it or heard it before. Anyway, Good Morning, all you Blessed People! Sorta got started there a bit different than normal. Pull up a chair, set a spell, and pour yourself a cup of this good Columbian brew.

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