ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Resurrection From the Dead, Part 16
A couple weeks ago, I quoted a statement that I’ve heard on numerous occasions during the past weeks. One of the oft-used phrases I’ve heard from both a dentist and a medical doctor in the past few weeks is, “Your health begins in your mouth.”
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Resurrection From the Dead, Part 15
When I wrapped up last week, I told you that I had a story to share with you. This story relates directly to the experience I had at the age of seven when Jesus appeared at my bedside and began to lay out His plan and purpose for my life.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Resurrection From the Dead, Part 14
Many of you know that I had to visit the dentist to have seven teeth extracted. A few weeks ago, my normal dentist removed two teeth, but discovered that the infection under the teeth was so severe that she had to spend a couple hours with major removal of cysts that were growing into the bone.
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Resurrection From the Dead, Part 13
We wrapped up last week with my comments concerning the medical profession. Guess I need to clarify a bit. Two of our daughters work in health care. Our oldest son was born under the care of one of my cousins, who was a medical doctor.