December 16, 2016
Let’s see if we can cover a continuing picture of the
purpose of prophecy. We began this topic
a couple weeks ago, and I’d like to wrap it up today if at all possible. We will continue our picture from the 23rd
Psalm Adventure the first week of January.
From the very beginning, going
back to Adam and Eve’s departure from the Garden, prophecies were given to show
mankind the fulfillment of Jesus’ purpose.
Any prophecies given along the way were fragments of the Plan.
Human nature is really blind! Throughout history, the Lord has sent His
servants to guide and direct His people; to steer them toward His goal and
purpose of ultimate union. Yet, whenever
people have heard the Word of the Lord, they have grabbed it piecemeal, taking
segments of verses of Scripture, taking verses or even chapters out of context.
Context, you see is the whole picture of what Jesus Christ is
up to.
Let me draw some examples for you
from Scripture so you can understand what I mean.
Consider Moses. After he led the children of Israel out of
bondage in Egypt, the Lord took him – and Israel – to Mount Sinai. Here, the Lord appeared to all Israel in the
form of a cloud, in the form of fire, and with a voice that sounded to the
people like thunder. Ever wonder why?
Israel had been in bondage in
Egypt for roughly 400 years. Generation
after generation after generation of people had grown up as slaves, subjected
to cruel authority exercised in many generations of Pharaohs who succeeded the
Hyksos dynasty (e.g., the Pharaoh in power during Joseph’s era). The mental and psychological preconditioning
that takes place in people when they are subjected to slavery for generations
warps their whole psyche. It bends and distorts
their outlook on life.
(The same thing happens to people
who are on government hand-out programs for extended periods. Sorry.
That’s some commentary on our bloated government.) Authority becomes
iconic. Symbols replace reality. Normal thought processes become subverted and
perverted with unreal expectations.
Indeed, this is what Moses had to
contend with when leading an estimated six million people out of Egypt. So, with this in mind, the Lord directed
Moses to lead Israel to the foot of Mount Sinai to prepare them for
understanding His purposes in and for them.
How did He do it? Through signs and wonders. Through prophecy.
At first glance, this sounds
wacko! How on earth can prophecy
communicate the heart of the Lord and His purposes to a people with a slave
mentality? For the Lord, it was
simplicity personified. He used signs
and wonders to get through the truth-resistant exteriors. He used symbols and icons. He used virtual reality to demonstrate what
was to be.
Let me explain.
From the beginning, Jesus Christ
has had a Plan for a people who would be His people. The entrance of sin in the earth did not
catch Him off guard. In fact, He planned
for it. As part of this great Plan, He
ordained that a people, who were no people, would be redeemed from sin,
overcome it, the devil, and their natural fleshly desires, and become an
example for all peoples of the earth of His love, His Plan and purpose.
Israel was integral to this
Plan. They were not a cohesive people at
this point in time. What better choice,
therefore, than to take them, mold them, give them purpose and a vision of the
future, and make of them a nation that would rule with authority in the earth!
Again, how do you do that? You start with a vision and a visible
image. A temple! The Lord, therefore, took Moses up to the top
of Mount Sinai for a total of 80 days in two 40-day periods. While there, Moses was allowed to see into
Heaven. The Lord showed him a
temple. Now, this temple was not an
objective in itself, it was simply a prophecy in picture form.
Broken into three sections, this
temple had an outer court with a gate.
That outer court represented the place of redemption, the place of
sacrifices and burnt offerings. In other
words, it was a very real picture of salvation.
Next, was the Holy Place, with the
golden candlestick, the altar of incense and the table of showbread. It was a graphic portrayal of the developing
of a relationship between the Lord and His people. The golden candlestick represented a people
in love with the Lord, giving forth a light that burned from an oil rendered
from a crushing process. Thus, the
candlestick was, all by itself, a prophecy of what God’s people would go
through. I won’t try to go into all of
the other representations and their prophetic impact in the Holy Place – at
least for now.
Finally, there was the Holy of
Holies. It contained the Ark of the
Covenant. The Holy of Holies was
separated from the Holy Place by a thick veil.
The Holy of Holies was prophetic of the intimacy to come between the
Lord Jesus Christ and His people – His Bride.
Entrance through that veil was
restricted to the High Priest, who was a picture of the Bride of Christ, and he
came by invitation from the Lord. The
High Priest was prophetic of a people to come – a people who would become kings
and priests unto God. They would enter
that place of intimacy by virtue of a covenant of marriage with the Lord. They were His, and He was theirs. They were One! Or so the prophecy foretold.
Again, let me reiterate. The temple was a prophecy in the form of an
image that would stand in the midst of a people as a living testimony of what
was to be. In Moses’ case, he was
directed to make a portable copy of the temple for the sake of a people who
would be on the move continually throughout the next forty years. The Tabernacle, as it was referred to, was
not particularly elegant in outer appearance, but it served exactly the same
purpose as the Temple served when Solomon later constructed it.
Neither the Tabernacle nor the
Temple were ever intended to become a thing of permanence in the earth. Each simply represented the prophetic promise
of the Lord of that which was to come: true, intimate relationship between
Jesus Christ and His Bride, His Holy People!
The Tabernacle/Temple was a sign to a nation, and to an onlooking
world. That this prophetic emblem had
served its purpose was clearly demonstrated on the day Jesus was
crucified. The veil separating the Holy
of Holies from the Holy Place was ripped in two, from top to bottom.
It is a sad commentary from
history that Caiaphas, the High Priest, disavowed the miracle of prophetic
fulfillment, and had the veil stitched back together. Not until Caiaphas was on his death bed did
he acknowledge that he had erred, and that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
However, the vision of the Temple,
and the instruction to make a portable copy in the Tabernacle, were not the
whole purpose of Moses’ trip(s) into the mountain. Ten Commandments were given to Moses as the
foundation of a Law for the children of Israel.
These Ten Commandments were – again – a prophecy of that which was to
come. The first three commandments were
vertical in nature. We refer to them as
vertical because they deal exclusively with our relationship with the
That relationship takes priority
over the horizontal, making every one of us subject to God, exclusive of how we
relate to each other. In fact, we can
say that if the vertical relationship is not in order, the horizontal
relationship will likewise be out of order.
The first three commandments were
summed up by the scribe who, when answering Jesus, said, “Thou
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
all thy strength, and with all thy mind.”
The last seven were horizontal in
nature. We refer to them as horizontal
because each of them deals with the way in which we relate to one another on an
earthly or human plane. That same scribe
summed them up with, “and thy neighbor as thy self.”
Put the Ten Commandments together,
superimposing the seven horizontal over the three vertical, and they form a
cross. Once again we have an emblematic
prophecy. It foretold Jesus crucifixion
and death on the cross, and the end of the Law.
Since the purpose of the Law was to bring all to Christ, its purpose was
fulfilled in His coming, His death on the cross, and His resurrection.
For those who had eyes to see, and
ears to hear what the Spirit of God was saying, the Law of Moses was a picture
of human behavior when true relationship with the Lord was established. The Law portrayed the kind of perfection that
had existed in the Garden with Adam and Eve, and it foretold a return to that
perfect relationship.
Think about King David for a minute. He saw past the Law. He saw its purpose. He saw – and believed – the prophecy that
would be fulfilled when it was completed in the coming Messiah. The Scriptures refer to David as “a man after
God’s own heart.” Because David saw by
Faith and believed with every fiber of his existence, the mercy of the Lord was
extended to him over and above the Law.
According to the Law of Moses, he should have been put to death for some
of the sins he committed, yet the Lord not only had mercy on him, He fulfilled
the promise of the coming Messiah in David’s seed.
Both the Tabernacle and the Temple
were prophetic pictures – visual images that demonstrated the purpose of Jesus
Christ. The Law was given as a prophecy
to be walked out in the lives of the children of Israel until its purpose was
There has always been only one Plan.
There has always been only one Purpose.
Jesus never had a “Plan B” if “Plan A” didn’t succeed. There has never been a chance that His Plan
and Purpose would not be fulfilled.
The Tabernacle/Temple testified of Jesus Christ. The Law testified of Jesus Christ. Thus, as we have previously discussed, the
testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
let me head a different direction with this discussion.
The Body of Christ has been caught
in a quandary with the unfolding events of the past couple of years. Leaders within the church world are
prophesying doom and gloom. One
prominent TV preacher, whose name shall go unmentioned in this discussion,
prophesied “blood running in the streets” (to the horses’ bridles?) commencing
in March of 2003.
While the Iraqi war certainly had
its casualties, we would have to call the war President Bush referred to as
“Operation Iraqi Freedom” as one of the most bloodless wars in the history of modern warfare. Fought in record time, this war moved troops,
tanks and war machines over a greater distance than any army has ever
accomplished in the annals of warfare, taking territory and subduing the
enemy. It is not necessary for me to
rehash the events of this war, or to get into all the statistics.
Suffice it to say that all the
predictions – many of which were based on horrible mistranslations and
misapplications of prophecies in Revelation and Daniel – fell flat. Despite the “gloom and doomers,” Iraq is fighting
the odds and on the verge of becoming a very free nation – free from ISIS, and
a symbol of peace and democracy in the Middle East.
False prophecy has led many of
God’s people down the primrose path. The
hallmark of the true messenger of the Lord – sent to speak in the “name” or onomaof the Lord – is that
the Word is absolutely accurate in every respect.
Consider the Word of the Lord
spoken through Jeremiah. “For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait,
as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.”
Who indeed are these “wicked
men”? Simply put, they are none other
than those who prophesy falsely in the “name of the Lord.” The trap they set for God’s people is to
create a scenario that stirs them to busyness and activities which keep them
from really knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoying a truly intimate
The “snares” they set are rooted
in Scripture verses, taken out of context, and used to make God’s people engage
in fruitless endeavors in the mistaken belief that they are “preparing for
events that lie ahead.” The seduction of
this use of Scripture is that it causes people who heed these lying prophecies
to believe they are walking in the will of God, that they are serving Him, and
that there is a long-term purpose. Many
are led to believe that they are fulfilling an important role in the Kingdom of
God, that what they do will usher in “The Millennium.”
This use of Scripture “catches”
(snares) men and women. Because their
relationship with the Lord is based on the knowledge of some Scripture(s)
instead of the knowledge of Jesus Christ Himself, they are caught in a trap.
There’s no way I’m going to wrap
this up today. To do so would turn this
into an epistle, so let’s pick this up the week after Christmas and we will
wrap it during the last week of December.
I remind those of you
in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call normally takes place on the
first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). Our call-in
number is(712) 775-7035. The Access Code is: 323859#.For
Canadians who have difficulty getting in to this number, you can call (559) 546-1400.If someone answers and asks what your
original call-in number was, you can give them the 712 number and access code.
At the same time, in
case you are missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our
Sunday worship gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about
10:45AM Pacific. That conference number
is (605) 562-3140, and the access code is 308640#. We hope to make these
gatherings available by Skype or Talk Fusion before long. If you miss the live call, you can dial (605) 562-3149, enter the same access code and listen in
on you!Be blessed in the city, blessed in the field, blessed coming in, and
blessed going out!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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