9, '12 8:11 PM
By Regner Capener
to all those who have written in and expressed their appreciation for the
things I've been sharing in the series on tribulation and wrath. While these
truths have been with me for a number of years, there really has been a fresh
outpouring of understanding and revelation in the past weeks and months as I
have followed the direction of Holy Spirit to share this. We will return to
that series next week as we take a different approach and consider the wrath of
me simply dive in once again to this review of the spiritual, emotional and
political state of our nation, and talk about the why's and wherefore's of our
need to spend these last weeks prior to the election in some serious prayer and
intercession. I've shared some of these comments in previous Coffee Breaks, but
they bear repeating. Following is an amplified version of some commentary I
provided as a guest columnist this past week in our local newspaper.
realizing it at the time, my father did a great deal to inspire me to become
involved in the political process. When Dwight D. Eisenhower was running for
President in 1952 against Adlai Stevenson, Dad frequently offered up commentary
on the political process, and on the ills of our nation. I once asked him why
he didn't run for President and he replied, "Son, God didn't call me to
political office. He didn't call me to run for President. He called me to
preach the Gospel, and that's what I'm doing." It was the first time that
I actually realized God does call some people to political office and to
was perhaps 14 years later that I sat on an Alaska Airlines flight to Seattle
with the then-chairman of the Alaska Republican Party. We had known each other
at a distance for several years and he urged me to run for the U. S. House of
Representatives in the upcoming election. I had already committed to take on
the youth ministry at Bethel Union Church in Duarte, California (and in fact
was headed there) and declined his offer of support. But it planted a seed that
would grow during the coming years.
would be another dozen years or so before I actually got involved personally in
the political process, and I won't take the time in this commentary to recount
my various political activities other than to say that I have actively
campaigned for folks (and co-managed one gubernatorial campaign) on both sides
of the political aisle, based in large part on their stance as committed
Christians and support for issues that affect our liberties as believers in
Christ Jesus.
me to pose something for your serious consideration. It's time we asked
ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by our Founding
Fathers. James Madison said, "We base
all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self government."
The idea? That government was beholden to the people, that it had no other
source of power is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history
of man's relation to man.
one of Ronald Reagan's speeches nearly 30 years ago he made a statement that
almost sounds like he wrote it for the election we have some four weeks from
now. Reagan said, "This is the issue of
this upcoming election: whether we believe in our capacity for self-government
or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that intellectual
elites in Washington can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them
"We've been told we must choose between a left or right,
but I would suggest that in politics there is more than just a left or right.
There is an up or down: Up to man's age-old dream -- the maximum of individual
freedom consistent with order -- or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.
Regardless of their sincerity or humanitarian motives, those who would
sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path."
let me address my next comments to the "extreme right." (I've been
accused of being wayyy too far to the right, but I
submit that I'm simply "on the right" from the perspective of what
the Word defines as "right."(Grin!) What makes people jump so far to
the so-called "right" is that they want to IMMEDIATELY undo the
changes introduced into American Law and society by the leftist,
socialist-driven judges of the past 50-plus years.
my friends! Patience! That reversal IS going to come; and those changes are not
that far away.
WILL see an ultimate reversal of Roe v. Wade
and an eventual ruling that life begins at conception or fertilization. We
WILL see it!
WILL see the Constitution properly
interpreted so that the rights of Christians are no longer infringed upon -- so
that Christians and Christianity is not infringed upon or interfered with by
Federal or State or Local government(s). We WILL see the restoration of
the Ten Commandments in public venues. We WILL see the return of the
Bible as an acceptable text in our public schools, in the same way that it was
for some 200 years of our nation's history.
WILL see the homosexual agenda driven back,
along with the executive orders which have been issued by the current
administration in violation of the doctrine of the separation of powers
enshrined by the Founding Fathers in our Constitution.
society has degenerated into a "me first" society, with special
interest groups demanding their "rights." What our Constitution does
NOT guarantee is the right of one group to have more chances than another group
to succeed in our society. Opportunity abounds on every hand for those willing
to get out and take advantage of it.
the cries we hear from the anti-American crowd both here in America and abroad,
people are trying to get to this country -- both legally and illegally --
because America provides more opportunities for those willing to make whatever
effort is required to prosper. This nation is by far the most prosperous nation
on the face of the earth. It is the ONLY Nation that -- for more than 225 years
-- has had as its motto, "In God We Trust."
is a fundamental spiritual principle that underlies our nation's founding. We
find that principle revealed in Proverbs 11:11:
"By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is
overthrown by the mouth of the wicked."
we read in Proverbs 14:34, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but
sin is a reproach to any people."
the earliest foundations of this nation, we have had pastors and church leaders
serving at just about every level in our Federal Government. In the Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 (Yale University Press, 1911: Vol. 1, pp 450-452)
James Madison records the comments of Benjamin Franklin in a portion of his
address to Congress:
I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more
convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men.
And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable
that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the
Sacred Writings, that "except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain
that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His
concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better, than the
Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our
projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye
word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this
unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom and
leave it to chance, war and conquest.
therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of
Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations be held in this Assembly every
morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of
this city be requested to officiate in that service.
Jedediah Morse, the
"father of American Geography," delivered a sermon at the swearing in
of John Adams when he became the second President of the United States. In that
sermon, he stated, "To the kindly
influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political
and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. . . . Whenever the pillars of
Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government,
and all blessings which flow from them, must fall with them."
Ma'am! Yes, Sir! Once again, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but
sin is a reproach to any people."
as Christians have a solemn responsibility before God to get involved in our
affairs of government.
I ran for Congress in 2003-2004, a friend -- Tony W. Smith -- who was a
political consultant helped me craft the following as a part of the foundation
of my campaign and my stance as a Constitutional conservative:
I believe that the writings of the
U.S. Constitution apply to every man, woman, boy or girl who is a citizen of
the United States. There should never be a distinction between a natural born
citizen and a naturalized citizen.
I believe the Constitution should
apply equally to every citizen, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity (which is
simply a circumstance of birth), religion, or political affiliation. The
Constitution creates a representative government "Of the People, By the
People and For the People."
I believe that the Constitution must
apply to government at all levels, from one's home town city council or school
board to Washington D.C. I also believe that when we choose a representative,
they should actually represent us. When they do not, I believe that they must
be removed and someone else chosen who will represent us.
Public servants say, always with the
best of intentions, "What greater service we could render if only we had a
little more money and a little more power." But the truth is that outside
of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically
as the private sector. Our Founding Fathers never designed America's government
to replace the private sector.
All political power and influence
should flow from the grass roots upward, not from government down to the
people. All human rights are granted by God, not by government. Government
exists primarily to protect the God-given rights of its citizens. The
Constitution was written by wise men under the inspiration of God; and the
original intent of the Founders is as valid and binding today as it was in
their day.
No government in any nation can
replace private enterprise, its abilities, its inventiveness and its ingenuity.
That's not its purpose. Neither has it been anointed by God or commissioned to
replace the body of Christ in its support of the needy. Yet any time you and I
question the schemes of the do-gooders, we're denounced as being opposed to
their humanitarian goals.
history, every single nation that has accepted and endorsed homosexuality has
disintegrated, been defeated by stronger nations and scattered into oblivion.
This is the judgment of the Lord against this sin. Homosexuality makes a lie of
the purposes of God. It flies in the face of the picture of Jesus Christ and
the love He has for His Bride, His people. It distorts and perverts the whole
purpose of creation and procreation.
we must have, as the apostle Paul so appropriate describes it, is a government
that allows us “to lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
I Timothy 2:2)
nation was founded as a Christian nation. It was founded upon solid family
foundations. We must return to those foundations and rebuild. Will you help me
begin that rebuilding on November 6th?
Psalmist David wrote, “Blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord, and the people He hath chosen for an inheritance.”(Psalm 33:12)
apostle Paul instructs us, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings,
and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of
God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (see
I Timothy 2:1-2)
first responsibility as Christians, therefore, is to pray for our government,
for our nation, for our people -- BEFORE we pray for anything else!
righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to the people of that
nation. Because a nation led by righteous leaders will facilitate a quiet and
peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty. Because a nation led by righteous
leaders, IN righteousness, will facilitate an environment in which men can be "saved and come unto the
knowledge of the Truth."
for us to have righteous leadership in the nation, Christians MUST
become involved at every level. That means we have to be involved in a
political party. It is through political parties that we choose our leadership,
first at the local, secondly at the county or regional level, then at the state
and finally at the federal level.
heard more Christians than I can count make the remark, "Well, God didn't
call me to get involved in politics." Really? That's about as cheap a
cop-out as I've ever heard!
He didn't call you to run for office, but you can't avoid your responsibility
to be involved. If we are going to have Christians -- born again, committed,
Holy Spirit-led Christians -- governing the affairs of our cities, our
counties, our states and our national government, we have to be involved. I'm
not telling folks to become Republicans or Democrats. I'm saying they need to
get involved.
reason why the Republican Party has become a party of RINO's is because
compromisers have been allowed to be in authority in the party, causing it to
swerve from its conservative, Christian roots. The reason why the Democratic
Party has become the voice of insanity and shrill, hateful rhetoric is because
Christians have abandoned the party to leftists, socialists and communists.
Both parties have been contaminated by extremists who have neither the will nor
the backbone to hear and respond to the direction God has, and has had, for
a different political philosophy is one thing. Allowing the God-hating, the
unrighteous, and the wicked to take control of the party is another thing
altogether. There's only one place where we can lay the responsibility for that
happening: at the feet of God's people who have abdicated their responsibility
for spiritual oversight of the nation.
up, folks! Do you want a righteous judiciary? Do you want a righteous President?
Do you want righteous governors, senators, congressmen, state leaders and
mayors of cities? First, get on your knees and begin to fulfill your
responsibility in intercession. Secondly, get involved with the party that
God instructs you to get involved in! Don't pick a political party because
it's what you grew up with, because your friends are involved, or because it
just seems to fit your political philosophy. Get involved where the Holy Spirit
leads you. Make a difference – not so much for the party's politics, but for
righteousness' sake!
cannot emphasize enough just how critical it is that YOU become involved NOW at
the precinct level, at the county level, at the state, and at the federal level
in shaping the policies and stances of your political party according to the
dictates of the Holy Spirit -- not the whims of deceitful men! Della and I have
served at the precinct level, the county level, and the state level; and we
have had the privilege of influencing national affairs, even if it was in the
tiniest of ways; so my remarks come from both conviction and personal
again, let me repeat: this nation was founded as a Christian nation. It was
founded upon solid Godly family foundations. We must return to those
foundations and rebuild. Will you help me begin the
rebuilding on November 6th?
"Throughout our history, we have been a blessing to other
nations. And it is my belief that from a benevolent standpoint, the church in
America has made America great. No matter what difficulties we have gone
through, we have always been a generous people. We give to those who are
suffering from disasters or hard times, both in our own country and in other
I believe this generosity allows us to hold onto God’s
redemptive thread as a nation. By caring for those in need, the church has
given the nation access to God’s promise in Isaiah 58:8, that in our time of
need for healing, our “recovery would speedily spring forth.”
Samuel was instrumental to the reconfirming of God’s covenant
with Israel following Hophni and Phineas’
destructive leadership tenure. Samuel represented a new generation—a righteous
priesthood to replace that which was profaned. He was an uncompromised, prophetic voice of courage used by God
to call the people back to His ways.
I believe in our own nation, God is going to raise up a new, prophetic voice of courage, one that
will call our nation back to God. This Samuel generation will challenge the
unjust judiciaries and corrupt politicians. They will refill the lamp of God
with the oil of the Spirit and restore His light within the church.
Our restoration as a nation, however, requires that we take an
honest look at our true state. We cannot continue on as we have been and expect
different results. To remain on the same path will only mean a further moral
decline. God used Samuel to show Israel their true state. His predecessor, Eli,
had lost his eyesight. Eli had allowed the evil his sons were committing to
continue. He maintained the status quo. As a result, the Lord had to raise up
Samuel to expose the true state of Israel’s leadership.
I believe God wants to empower a generation in our land who will
serve this same purpose. They are unwilling to allow the evil that is being
committed to continue unchecked. They are not interested in maintaining the
status quo. Their concern is for the true state of the church and of the
nation, and they will be courageous in speaking forth God’s truth."(Prophetic Word from Doug Stringer)
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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