Reprint: April 5, 2024 12:30pm
By Regner Capener
A belated Happy New Year and Good Morning to you!
Thanks again to those of you who have been faithful readers and
subscribers! Today's edition begins our fifth year of publication.
During the weeks of the Christmas and New Year holiday break, we
have added somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 new readers despite the fact
that we have not published any new Coffee Breaks since just before Christmas.
Guess that means these Coffee Break discussions are making a difference in the
lives of some people, and that's a blessing! By the way, if you are among the
newly subscribed and are wondering why you haven't been receiving any Coffee
Breaks, it has been an extremely busy break period as I have been trying to
archive the past four years worth of these writings in one place, as well as
taking care of some needed maintenance here at River Worship Center.
Let's get started with today's discussion and pick up where we
left off in talking about sound -- and specifically, the Sound of the Lord.
Before we do, make sure you've gotten the day kick-started with
some good dark-roasted java. Della and I are trying a new coffee today. Our
daughter, Shelley, gave us a large bag of Marques Estate Harvest coffee from
Brazil. It looks good and smells good. Haven't seen this coffee before, but
because Shelley is a chef she has access to coffees and sources of coffee that
we don't normally see. After we've had a few days of trying this and comparing
it, I'll let you know my assessment.
We have quoted Paul's statement from Ephesians 6:12 throughout
these discussions on sound, and let me start there again today.
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places."
Once again I remind you that the word translated
"wrestle" in the KJV ("struggle" in the NAS) is the Greek
word, esti-pale (from
its root, pallo:
to vibrate). It is a musical term which describes two or more notes or sounds
in opposition to each other which create a resulting noise or cacophony the
ears cannot stand. This is a significant concept in the overall picture of
spiritual warfare.
Each sound has an onoma --
a shem --
a striking personality and character that drives it.
Onoma is a Greek term (shem is
the Hebrew term which has the identical picture) which most often gets
translated "name" but the image and thought behind this word go far
beyond the simple idea of a "name." The "name" is intended
as a snapshot, if you will, of a certain character, a personality, the essence
of who one is, one's makeup, their rank, power and authority, their behavior,
their integrity (or lack thereof), and so forth. The "name" is a
marker for a vision that encompasses all that a person is to be. It is a
prophecy of their future. All of this is encompassed in "onoma."
Let me draw some illustrations for you.
We have a graphic picture in Acts 19 where the seven sons of the
Jewish priest, Sceva,
saw and heard the apostle Paul casting out evil spirits in the "onoma"
of Jesus. They took the names of Jesus and Paul as some kind of religious
formula and, thinking they could simply bandy those names without being
"in the onoma"
therewith, uttered the phrase, "We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth."
Because they were simply using words as a formula and not
understanding either the power, the authority, or the
character and essence behind the "name" of Jesus, "Jesus"
became a weapon they didn't know how to use. The evil spirits came out, all
right. They came out of the demonized individual and tore them to pieces.
There's another example of this in Matthew 7:20-23 where Jesus
says, "Not every one that saith unto
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord,
Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy
name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart
from me, ye that work iniquity."
Notice what is happening. People want to be included in the
Kingdom, and say to the Lord, "We've prophesied in your name. We've cast
out demons in your name. We've done lots of miracles in your name."
The essence of Jesus' response is, "No you haven't. You've
used religious formulas and seen success because of the power of my name, but
you've used my name as a formula. You've twisted the very essence of my onoma into
something that serves your kingdom. You haven't been in my onoma!"
There are many professing Christians today who spout the name of
Jesus, lay hands on the sick and prophesy. They pay tithes,
they do good deeds in public, the feed the hungry and provide shelter for those
who are in poverty. But here's the kicker. They are not doing it in the onoma of
There is no abiding in Him. There is no intimate
love-relationship with Him. There is no willingness on their part to meet His
conditions in order to bring the Kingdom of God to realization on earth. There
is no thirst for the life and presence of the Lord in their lives. There is no
"Katy-bar-the-door," no-holds-barred drive in their spirits to see
that Jesus Christ receives His inheritance in them. They are filled with
religious doctrines which satisfy their flesh and place no requirements for the
spiritual growth and maturity that Jesus is looking for in a Bride who will be
His Counterpart, His Other Self.
Understand the difference?
Religion uses formulas. Religion uses nice phrases. Religion
sounds good. It often says all the right things, but there is no power and
authority to back up what it does. The manifestation of the life and presence
of the Lord Jesus Christ is missing.
And here's the issue I'm getting at in this discussion on the
Sound of the Lord. The Sound of the Lord brings with it the onoma,
the very shem of the Lord Himself! His sound
transmits His character. It communicates the absolute essence of Who He is!
Think about all the "church" music you've heard
throughout the years. How much of it really communicated and transmitted the
very life of the Lord Jesus Christ? How much of it simply communicated the
flesh and carnality of the people singing and playing? How much of it was real
ministry to the Lord? How much of it was dry and lifeless?
Are you beginning to see the picture? Music which comes out of
the Spirit of the Living God communicates His presence. Music that just
"sounds good" entertains you for a minute or two, maybe it makes you
feel good, but it leaves you without any sense of the character and makeup of
the Lord Himself. The reason is because of the onoma that is creating that
sound. It may have all the right words. It may have a very skilled and
professional sound. But it isn't the Sound of the Lord!
Why? Because there's no rhema of
the Holy Spirit in it. It's just not what the Lord is saying to or
through His people at the moment. If it isn't what He is saying to His people
NOW, it lacks the power and authority.
Extrapolate that to the words you listen to. What are you
hearing on radio or TV? What are you hearing in the pulpit?
Let's take this concept to another dimension.
There is a unique aspect to the Sound of the Lord and His onoma that most folks are not aware of. Uri Harel discovered that there is a musical sound or tone to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponding to its numerical value. (For those of you who don't know Uri, he was born in Haifa, Israel. Uri attended college in Buffalo, New York, where he graduated with a degree in education. After moving to Phoenix, Arizona in 1977, he began what would become a life-long passion to explore and share with others the unique beauty of the Hebrew language. I commend his work to you which you can find at www.c-bh.com, and www.musicfromgod.com
Now, let's take this picture to the onoma of
the sound of opposition.
God's people really need to get a
hold of this understanding!
The Blessing of the Lord: it makes rich and He adds
no painful toil and sorrow! (Proverbs 10:22)
Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Email Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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