23, '12 1:22 PM
By Regner Capener
ever there has been a day for the manifestation of the Bride of Christ -- the
Sons of God, THIS IS IT!
the last Coffee Break I told you about Della's return from Alaska.However,
I did not tell you about an extraordinary event that took place with her and
our longtime friend, Dorie Wassilie.
was roughly ten days ago when Della and Dorie decided
to take a drive from Anchorage to Seward -- a distance (one-way) of roughly 110
miles -- for no other purpose than to simply enjoy God's spectacular handiwork.If you've never been to Alaska, it easily has
some of the most gorgeous scenery you've ever seen in your life, and the drive
to Seward takes you past some major glaciers.
the return trip (and it was getting late in the afternoon) the sun was getting
lower and lower in the sky, and at one point was somewhat obscured from their
vision because of the mountains.As they came around a
particular bend in the highway, they had a very clear view of the sun in front
of them.What I should say is that they had a very
clear view of TWO SUNS in the sky.No, I don't mean a
shadow or a sun dog; we're talking about two very distinct suns of at least
equal brightness spread about 10 degrees apart in the sky!
you've ever seen Star Trek or Stargate episodes where
the main characters in the series have visited planets with two suns, or even the concluding scenes in the movie 2010: A
Space Odyssey (the follow-up to 2001), then you know exactly what I'm talking about.That's how clear it was in front of them.What made it all the more interesting was the fact
that there was a ring around the second sun (a sun dog) -- not the main sun!They pulled off the road and got out to watch it.They had to watch for five or more minutes before the
second sun began to diminish in brightness and they realized that the sun dog
surrounded it instead of the main sun.
called me immediately to tell me what was happening, and I asked her if she had
a camera with her to photograph the event.She had
forgotten our camera, but Dorie had hers and snapped
some pictures (unfortunately, AFTER the second sun was diminishing in size and
something that Jesus said: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and
in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea
and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking
after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven
shall be shaken."(Luke 21:25-26)
there's Joel's prophecy (the same one that Peter quoted on the Day of
Pentecost): "And
it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon
the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun
shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and
the terrible day of the LORD come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever
shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the
LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call."(Joel
put that double-sun event in the light of these prophecies, and we have a
wake-up call from the Lord!And let's not forget that
at the time of Creation, (Genesis 1:14) God said that He was placing the sun,
the moon and the stars in the skies as His "signs."When we see a
doubling of the sun, and a display that puts two distinct suns of equal
brightness ten degrees apart (and by the way, to the best of my knowledge, this
is an exceedingly rare event!), Holy Spirit is communicating something of great
prophetic significance to us.
is the significance?
the fact that we all know this portends and prophesies the return of Jesus
Christ, let's get to the last statement in this prophecy since it spells out
exactly what we've been talking about with the calling of the Bridegroom to the
First, let me share
one other pertinent scripture which uses a unique description of Jesus in a way
that no other prophecy uses: (Malachi 4:2-3)
"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as
calves of the stall.And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under
the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith
the LORD of hosts."
that Malachi refers to the Lord as the
"Sun of Righteousness" --
NOT the Son of Righteousness.Why does he phrase it
like that?Because Malachi has seen a prophetic
picture of the Sons of God arising in this hour after the same pattern that
Joel described.Some of you may think that I'm really
taking this out of context so let me remind you first of all how Malachi ends
his prophecy, and then take you back to the specific wording that Joel uses.
we go: "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the
soles of your feet in the day that I
shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
rising of the "Sun
of Righteousness" is manifested IN the
people of God -- and more specifically, IN THE BRIDE, that same people Paul
describes in Romans 8:19 as the SONS OF GOD!Still
think I've left the planet or that I'm out in La-La Land?Then
consider Joel's last statement in his prophecy.
"For in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance,
as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call."
Mount Zion.In Jerusalem.In
the remnant whom the Lord shall call.If that doesn't
make sense to you, or you are still seeing these words and phrases as a
description of the literal city of Jerusalem (and in fact they are!) the prophets
began to use these descriptions -- Mount Zion, and Jerusalem -- to
prophetically describe, first of all, the larger body of God's people
(Jerusalem), and then that distinct and called-out people -- the Bride --
(Mount Zion) who represented those who understood and sought after the heart
and the heart's desire of our Bridegroom.
course, Jerusalem and Mount Zion were representative of God's people, Israel,
and because His covenant was a covenant that lasts "through all
generations" (the Hebrew phraseology makes it much clearer: the eternity
of eternities), it certainly applied to the Jews, and more specifically, to
those Jews who recognized, acknowledged and worshiped Jesus Christ!But
these prophets of old had a much larger vision which included the Vine (Jesus)
and the branches (non-Jewish Christians) grafted into the Vine -- or, as Paul
describes in Romans 11, we as Christians being grafted into the olive tree (the
symbol of Israel) as God's chosen and called-out people.
what are we saying here?In Jerusalem and in Mount
Zion SHALL BE DELIVERANCE!Hello?Are you seeing it?Deliverance, Salvation, Healing -- it is all available
to the world today in the Sons (Suns) of God as they are arising in the midst
of this darkening world.
more prophetic word and I'll get on (I hope) with where I originally planned to
go in this Coffee Break.
was it that Isaiah prophesied?"Arise, shine; for
thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.For,
behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but
the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the
Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy
WHO is arising?The people of God!That
chosen, called-out and set-apart people we corporately refer to as "The
Bride of Christ" -- or as the Song of Solomon phrases it, "My Sister,
My Spouse" (KJV), and more accurately translated from this Hebrew
metaphor, "My Counterpart, My Other Self!"And, folks, this is a
people arising and shining during a darkening age, an age in which "gross darkness shall cover the earth."
Family of God, is precisely what the call of the Bridegroom is designed to do:
to call to attention, to commission, and to send forth in the earth a people
upon whom the Glory of the Lord has arisen.Now do you
see the significance of the double-sun event?Do you
see, do you hear the call of the Bridegroom?Do you
see His signs in the heavens?Then, my friends, you
are beginning to grasp what Holy Spirit is doing and saying in the earth today.
Whewww!!!That explanation took
a whole lot longer than I expected -- and honestly, Holy Spirit just began to
download things into my spirit as I wrote.You're
getting it fresh as I'm receiving it!
said, perhaps you are seeing the immediacy that comes with a rhema Word.Let me pick up with
where I left off in our last discussion as we talk about the revealed (in us)
Word vs. academic study of the written Word.
have shared in these Coffee Breaks in time past the travesty of the KJV
translation of II Timothy 2:15 in which the word "Study" has been
translated from the Greek "spoudason"
contradistinction to the real message of Holy Spirit.That
messageis to "Be instantly responsive!"What
a huge difference in meaning!What a huge difference
that one single word represents to those of us who are pressing in for the
intimate presence of the Lord.
verse of Scripture which we have all heard hundreds, if not thousands of times,
is found in II Timothy 2:15.The KJV renders it,
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
is an absolutely tragic translation.Although the NASB
and NIV both render it more accurately,
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a
workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of
truth," the KJV rendition, "Study," has
been a mainstay of many messages and doctrinal presentations.
this passage in the original Greek text one day, I discovered that it has some
very immediate and potent applications in the call of the Bridegroom to the
verse begins with the Greek word,
"spoudason."While the NASB
rendering, "Be diligent," is an acceptable translation, this word has
some deeper meanings. It is eminently more accurate to translate it, "Be
instantly responsive..."Where the Greek word, "dokimon," is
rendered "approved" in most of the translations, this word has a
unique background, and a special application for this particular passage.
"Dokimon" was
a word originated among numismatists to identify the process by which gold and
silver coins were tested after smelting in a crucible.It
was the process which allowed them to determine the genuineness and purity of
coins, as well as to detect any counterfeit coins, bars, etc.The
translation which renders this word "approved" is sort of OK, but you
really need the context in order to appreciate it.
the same vein, the word, "parasteesai," translated:
"to present," was first used by the Septuagint translators within the
context of "making oneself available for the purpose of being
questioned," as well as "making oneself available"
metaphorically "for fellowship and intimacy."
therefore becomes a powerful message from the Holy Spirit when we translate it
thus: "Be
instantly responsive to the Lord, making yourself available to Him in the midst
of the crucible, a tried and tested laborer, who has no fear of being examined
-- one who, by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with
Him, knows the proven word of truth."
"proven word of truth" in this instance can be identified as a "rhema" word
from the Lord which has been walked out and put to the test in our lives.It is an experiential word!It
is an incontestable word no man can combat with any doctrinal argument or
16 and 17 of the same chapter reinforce this.Without
taking the time, here, to break down each of the pertinent Greek words or
phrases, it can be rendered, "Stand aloof from, and avoid the untested, untried
"word" which comes forth from those who would propagate speculation
and create their own doctrines. These profane speculations and so-called
"words" are empty babblings which only serve to advance ungodliness;
and those who spread these doctrines will only yield a gangrene pasture -- a
source of poison to those who ingest their "word"......"
unbalanced emphasis on "Study" which has been ingrained into the
fabric of church structure has led to a large majority of the doctrines which
skillfully bring division among God's people. The push to "study" has
led to the creation of seminaries and Bible colleges, with the subsequent
"ordination" of those who complete the "approved" courses
of study.Those who graduate are supposedly ready for
"ministry," ready to step out and speak in the name of the Lord,ready to administer guidance and correction to those
who are growing in the Lord.
don't throw rocks at me for saying this!I'm not quibbling
with the need to study or (better, yet) immerse oneself in the Word.David wrote and sang,
"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin
against thee."
(Psalm 119:11)In this case where we see "word" it is the Hebrew
parallel to "rhema."Thus, the
"Word" that David was hiding in his heart was the spoken Word that he
heard in his spirit.It was directly spoken into him
by Holy Spirit.David had no written "Word"
to "study."
Bible colleges and seminaries tend to produce formulas and doctrines.When
the formulas fail, and the lives of those people who depend on the pastor or
church leader crash, condemnation sets in.Because the
"minister" has put his or her dependence on formulas and doctrines
which are ingrained into the very core of his existence -- in the name of
putting that dependence in the Lord -- the "minister" now feels that
the Lord has failed him.Despair sets in, depression
reigns, and questions arise by the multitude.What's
the problem?
"minister" never heard from the Lord.Much
of his upbringing and preparation for "ministry" was predicated on
"profane, empty babblings which only serve to advance ungodliness."
never forget the day that I asked the pastor of a large church how the Lord
called him into the ministry.He looked rather blank
at me, stammered and stuttered around momentarily, and then said, "It just
seemed like a good occupation for me to go to, and the pay looked pretty good,
so I went to seminary."When I tried to explain the call of the Bridegroom,
and the absolute knowing that happens in one's spirit when you hear that call,
it was apparent that I was speaking a language he did not understand at all.
those who sit under these teachers receive a mix of truth with poison.Taken to its logical extension, it results in
"Christians" who have a name that they are alive, when in fact they
are dead.It is nothing less than the spectacular
grace and mercy of God that many have survived this era in the life of the Body
of Christ to come to a place of recognizing the reality of a love relationship
with the Lord, and have responded -- even within the limited framework of their
understanding.Fortunately, the Lord is greater --
much greater -- than the church, the structure, and the doctrines of men; and
He leads those on who follow by faith.
where we'll go next time.
"We are called to be heirs of God in Christ. There is no
higher calling in all of creation. Everything
happening in our lives is intended to prepare us for this high calling by
working in us Christ's nature. Christ is the answer to
every human problem, and He is the answer to every problem we're now facing.It is not just that He has the answers, but He is
the answer.If we are living in the knowledge that the
One we serve is over all rule and authority and dominion, how can we fear?Every challenge is an opportunity to grow in faith, so
a key to the victorious life is to not waste our trials.(Prophetic Word from
Rick Joyner)
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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