12, 2015
Good Morning! Gotta share a recent
event that took place as an illustration of our continuing study of what it
means to be "the salt of the earth."
A couple weeks back, our daughter, Shelley, stopped in to see us
and brought a friend of hers (whom I will call "Arlene" for the sake
of this discussion). Arlene had pretty obviously been through the mill and had
been battered emotionally, mentally, spiritually -- and possibly even
physically. Drugs and alcohol had played a big role in recent years and the
destruction of the Enemy showed.
Nevertheless, at some time in her past she had been exposed to
the Gospel and had at least made some kind of mental assent to the claims of
the Lord Jesus Christ. When Shelley and Arlene walked in the front door, they
were scarcely through the living room and into the dining room when Arlene
began to cry. She said, "The peace in this house is unbelievable! I've
never felt anything like this. There are angels in this place."
Shelley had brought her friend over so she could shower and
clean up, and Della told her to help herself. After a lengthy period, she
finally came out of the shower and sat down on one of the bar stools in our
kitchen. She continued to struggle with her composure and kept reiterating that
she'd never felt anything like what she was feeling.
It gave Della and me a perfect opportunity to share with her,
and Holy Spirit gave us some direct words of knowledge about her that we were
able to utilize in ministering to her. The occasion was ready-made by the Lord.
Arlene had never actually accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, but she
readily prayed with us and wept buckets as she invited Jesus Christ to take
over her life. The glow of His presence was all over her as she left with
Shelley later that afternoon.
It was a perfect illustration of what happens when we are in
Christ, and He is in us. The saltiness of God's presence so affected the
atmosphere that even though this perfect stranger -- Arlene -- had never met us
and knew nothing about us, other than the fact that we were Shelley's parents,
it brought change and the savor of the Lord into this young woman.
It's not unlike the story of the FedEx driver I shared with you
not that long ago who had this startled look on his face when he visibly saw an
angel standing behind me when he answered the door. We can't help but chuckle
over the fact that he still reacts that way when he comes to the door with his
packages, glancing up over my shoulder to see if the angel is still visible.
time to get back to our discussion. Here again is the amplification to Matthew
"In the same way that salt personifies the need for
seasoning, restraint and protection from spoilage or rotting, and preparation
for soil to produce; in the same way that salt represents wisdom and grace in
one’s speech and behavior, you are that grace and wisdom, that seasoning and
protection for the world. You are that which restrains and holds back the
execution of my judgment upon a world corrupted, spoiling and decaying in sin.
If you lose the ability to season and influence the world around, you lose your
usefulness [to the Kingdom] and, like salt that has lost its ability to make
things palatable, and winds up being thrown out, you become worthless [to the
Kingdom] and cease to have (spiritual) value, requiring that you be cast
aside." (Matthew 5:13, RAC
Translation and Amplification)
"[When I said, “Light be,” that was the light that brought
this world into being. I AM that light.] (Because you are in me, and I AM in
you, you are — likewise — the light of this world. That is a light one cannot
"[As representatives of the New Jerusalem] you are like
that City which is elevated on a high hill or mountain and cannot be hidden
from view. (You have been made and destined to be visible to this world.)" (Matthew 5:14, RAC Translation & Amplification)
"No one lights a candle, and then hides it under some kind
of covering or utensil. Rather, they put the candle on some kind of lampstand or decorative piece in order to elevate it so as
to give light to the whole room.
"Let that light (My light) which is in you, therefore,
radiate brilliantly in front of all men and women so that the value of your
relationship with and in Me — manifested in the works, the signs and wonders —
is demonstrated. That, in turn, will cause Father in Heaven to receive glory
and honor and praise!"(Matthew 5:15-16, RAC Translation and Amplification)
take a different approach to the concept of being the salt of the earth.
Genesis 18 and 19, we have the story of Abraham pleading with the Lord
concerning the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God tells Abraham that His
intention is to destroy the cities because their sin is “very grievous.”
Hebrew text uses the word, kabad, to describe the
weight of their sin and its impact on the region.
two cities resided in the “Vale of Siddim.” That
translates to “the Valley of Salt.” These two cities were supposed to be “salt”
in the region — an influence for good. Instead, they had become the epitome of
all that is evil and wicked in the earth. Their “salt” had become perversion of
every kind and God would no longer tolerate it.
Abraham’s plea. In cities numbering an estimated population of more than 50,000
people each, Abraham — understanding the significance of the righteous as salt
to preserve those cities — began with 50 righteous in asking God if He would
destroy the cities were there 50 righteous. God agreed with Abraham that if 50
righteous were to be found between the two cities, it would suffice to keep
them from being wiped off the map.
took it step after step after step until he reduced it to ten righteous — five
for each city, or one righteous person for 10,000 wicked. God promised him that
if there were even ten righteous found among the two cities, He would preserve them.
19:24 makes clear that He did not! We are told that He “overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the
inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.”
about destruction! The destruction with fire and brimstone so reduced the area
to ash that absolutely nothing has been able
to live there ever since. In 1987 and 1988, a friend by the name of Henry
Gruver accompanied the archaeologist, Ron Wyatt, as he surveyed the area and
found that the ash remains as a kind of burned salt — and it is the only place
on the planet where that kind of ash exists! The brimstone produced a valley of
salt unlike any anywhere else in the world.
makes this so fascinating to me is the fact that this fits exactly what Jesus
was saying, “if the salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be
cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”
“salt” of Sodom and Gomorrah had long since ceased to have the savor that God
wanted for the land. It became “good for nothing.” In order to demonstrate to
the land — and to the world of that day — just how critical our role is in
seasoning and making the area around us palatable to the Lord (and I’ll address
this more, momentarily) and how abominable these cities were to the region, God
sent fire and brimstone to rain down upon those cities of the Valley of Salt
and render their salt worthless for all time!
wonder why God considers it so important for us to be palatable and to make the
world around us palatable to Him? One only has to go back to Creation to see
that the world and all that God created were nothing but perfect.
Genesis 1:31a: And God
saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very
Hebrew word translated “very” in this passage is the word, meòd.
is a vehemence in this word, indicating that everything was finished to
perfection. The world wasn’t simply palatable to God, it met His definition
of “finished, complete, whole, perfect!”
Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and brought sin into
Creation, it was no longer palatable to God. The smell and taste of the Earth
had become corrupted. It smelled rotten because of Satan’s presence and
influence, and tasted even worse!
1996, when the Lord enabled me to travel backward and forward in time, and I
was transported into the Garden of Eden, the beauty was indescribable. It was
stunning! But there was more.
was a fragrance to the Garden that I have only smelled a very few times in my
life when that presence of the Lord flooded the atmosphere where I was. There
was a peace and a quiet that the world of today does not know. That peace and
quiet was punctuated by the sounds of birds singing or chirping musically —
harmonically. Their sounds were not discordant or strident.
of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil changed all that! It seems
strange that a single act like that could bring such corruption, but David
expresses it quite succinctly in the Psalms when he writes:
Psalm 115:16: The
Heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath He given to the
children of men.
brings us back to the origins of that rulership.
Genesis 1:26-28: And God
said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth.
had given man absolute dominion over the earth and everything in it. With
Adam’s disobedience, there was a consequence. That consequence was death.
Nothing about God’s Creation was ever designed to corrupt and/or die.
the DNA of humans, plants, animals, birds, fish, etc., is corrupted so that it
now begins to break down and die, there is a rottenness and a stink that comes
with it.
greatly slows the breakdown. Salt will, in some cases, eliminate the odor of
spoilage. Salt changes the flavor and causes things that might otherwise not be
palatable or edible to be consumed easily and tastily.
God covenanted with Israel, therefore, His covenant with them was a Covenant of
Salt. They were to make the earth tolerable to Him. They were to be the
seasoning in the earth that provided seasoning to those peoples and nations
that didn’t yet know Him. He required the priests and Levites to add salt to
the sacrifices as a symbol of the necessity of their restoring what had been
the same time, He required that the priests offer up incense in order to make
the fragrance of the earth around them “a sweet-smelling savor” to Him. Each
sacrifice and each offering had an enormous spiritual significance which
related back to God’s original Creation, the dominion which had been given to
man, and the corruption that came into the earth as a result of sin. Each
sacrifice and each offering was designed as a prophetic symbol of the
redemptive plan in which each aspect of Creation would be restored. No
offering, and no sacrifice, was offered without salt. Salt was a symbol of the
coming redemption.
let’s return to Jesus’ statement:
In the same way that salt personifies the need for seasoning,
restraint and protection from spoilage or rotting, and preparation for soil to
produce; in the same way that salt represents wisdom and grace in one’s speech
and behavior, you are that grace and wisdom, that seasoning and protection for
the world. You are that which restrains and holds back the execution of
my judgment upon a world corrupted, spoiling and decaying in sin. (Matthew 5:13a RAC Translation and Amplification)
may seem like a deviation from our sharing, thus far, (and what I’m about to
share may fly in the face of some traditional doctrines) but consider something
that Paul wrote to the Ekklesia in Thessalonica:
II Thessalonians 2:3-7: Let no
man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is
God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these
things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he
might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already
work: only he who now letteth will let,
until he be taken out of the way.
see that word, “letteth”? That’s an archaic English
word which, in today’s usage, means the exact opposite. The word in the
original Greek text is, katecho.
word means, to restrain, to hold back, to hinder, to hold fast. Get it? So who is
doing the restraining? Who is doing the preserving? Who is hindering the
full-blown rottenness and decay in society and in the world? Right! You’ve got
it! The salt of the earth! The people of God who, as Daniel so appropriately
puts it:
Daniel 11:32b: But the
people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
means that those people will truly season, add savor, and alter the status quo
in the earth the way they are supposed to. We have been commanded to be the
salt of Heaven in the earth. We have been commissioned to be God’s salt to
restrain, to hold back, to preserve this earth.
have been commanded and commissioned to season the societies that live therein
until the day our role as salt has completed that purpose. That role can never
be minimized or degraded, or else we suffer the consequence of losing our “saltness,” and cease to fulfill the destiny He has set
before us.
we never got to the second part of Jesus’ statement concerning our being the
light of the world. That’s where we will pick this up in our next Coffee Break.
I remind those of you in need of ministry that our Healing
Prayer Call takes place on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). Once
again, the number to call for healing is (805) 399-1000. Then enter the access
code: 124763#.
At the same time, in case you are missing out on real fellowship
in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship
gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:45AM Pacific.
That conference number is (559) 726-1300, and the access code is 308640#. We
hope to make these gatherings available by Skype or Talk Fusion before long.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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