May 28, 2015
We begin again today with the amplified version of Jesus'
declaration of blessing for those who are persecuted:
Matthew 5:10-12: “Blessed and highly favored by the King [of Kings] are those who
are harassed, molested, mistreated, or pursued after with hostile intent simply
because they have been justified [by faith (in Jesus Christ and His
anointing)]; royalty, and Kingdom rule shall be theirs.
Blessed and highly favored by the King [of Kings] whenever men
or women will seek to defame you, to rail at you or taunt you, harassing and
pursuing you with malice, saying in public or writing false and hurtful
accusations about you to others, seeking to ruin your reputation because of
your relationship with me [on account of Who I AM — and who you are in me].
Rejoice — exult, sing, dance, enjoy yourself — because each time
you are mistreated for my sake, your reward and place at the Seat of Order in
things eternal is enhanced and magnified.
Consider yourself in the same company of the prophets before you
who likewise were harassed, molested, mistreated, defamed, and falsely accused
because of My Word in and through them.” (RAC Translation and Amplification)
talked thus far about the division that the Enemy wants to bring among
families, and I've shared with you a bit of history in our family heritage. I'd
like to wrap up this area of sharing with a few more examples taken from
personal experience within what we would normally refer to as "the Family
of God." Because of the threat the Family of God represents to Satan,
nowhere is the attempt to divide and conquer and persecute more evident, and
nowhere is the blessing and favor of the Lord more evident for those who suffer
persecution. At the same time, the fruit that comes from standing in the midst
of the persecution is some of the best seen in the Kingdom of God.
a transition period in 1978 while getting ready for a return to Barrow, Alaska,
I fellowshipped with a Charismatic church group in Anchorage and came to know
all of the people involved in its ministry locally as well as throughout the
state, and even some in missions in other countries. Because of our family
legacy in missions and ministry throughout Alaska, I was given ready access to
the pulpit from time to time as well as the ministry of praise and worship with
their musicians.
was still very much at the height of ministry activity for me in the realm of
deliverance from evil spirits. [That's not to suggest that it has stopped, but
rather that the focus has shifted in the way we minister deliverance.] Many of
the fellow-ministers I shared with were from traditional Pentecostal
backgrounds where the concept of a believer being afflicted by evil spirits was
totally contrary to their doctrines.
was invited to come and minister in one of the satellite churches on the Kenai
Peninsula one weekend, and -- wouldn't you know it -- Holy Spirit sets things
up to minister to folks who were being afflicted by evil spirits! Following
both the morning and evening services, the time of personal ministry -- along
with quite visible manifestations as the spirits departed -- easily lasted for
a couple of hours AFTER the time of teaching.
to Anchorage the following day I was met by a very grim delegation from the
Charismatic church who had heard what had taken place. They made it clear that
I was to meet with their entire ministerial board later that week at a luncheon
to explain why I would minister that way knowing that they were opposed to such
were perhaps 12 senior leaders, pastors, evangelists, prophets and teachers who
sat around the lunch table to grill me on "my doctrine." That
luncheon turned into an inquisition of sorts as they tried to refute the
scriptural basis for the ministry of deliverance among Christians. There came a
point in the discussion when they -- to a man -- conceded that I was on sound
scriptural grounds for the ministry; and then their senior prophet said
directly to me, "we cannot afford for you to continue this ministry in our
fellowship. It contradicts everything we have taught, and we will not have
division among the people over this. People will think that we're just lying to
them, and they'll leave!"
Holy Spirit rose up in me at that and I stood to my feet at the end of the
table as the following prophetic message from Jeremiah 8 literally poured from
my mouth: "How do ye say, We are wise, and the law
of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made He it;
the pen of the scribes is in vain. The wise men are
ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the
LORD; and what wisdom is in them?Therefore
will I give their wives unto others, and their fields to them
that shall inherit them: for everyone from the least even unto the
greatest is given to covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every
one dealeth falsely. For they have healed the
hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there
is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed
abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush:
therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation
they shall be cast down, saith the LORD." (Jeremiah
continued on: "How can you tell these people that they are free when they
are suffering, in torment from evil spirits, and fighting with sicknesses and
diseases? How dare you tell people that they cannot be suffering with evil
spirits, and you say to them that once they're saved, they are automatically
set free? As a practical matter, they have no power to fight against evil
spirits until they've been baptized in the Holy Spirit! Mark 16:17 makes clear
that one of the very first evidences of being filled with the Spirit is the
ability to cast out demons! You have the gall to say to folks, "Peace,
Peace," when they have no peace!"
I was a bit astonished at my spontaneous reaction to them. I shook my head and
sat back down. The group quickly got to their feet, made it clear that I was no
longer welcome to be in any of their churches, and that was that! The following
Sunday evening, one of their senior pastors stood behind the pulpit and said to
the church, "I wouldn't touch Regner Capener with a ten-foot pole!"
again, you can see the picture of Jesus' statement, "Men and women in a covenant relationship with Me will find
[even] their non-covenanting [spiritual] family members to be their hostile
adversaries (who will fight and oppose them)."
look like much of a blessing at the moment, does it? Ahhh,
but there's more to this story!
the months that followed, Jeremiah's prophecy came to fulfillment among them as
several of their families broke up in divorce, at least three of the wives
wound up marrying other men, one of their prophets went to prison on a sex
charge, the other prophet died a year or so later from a painful disease and
the church split down the middle. Sounds even less like a blessing, doesn't it?
the decade that followed, the same pastor who had made the statement that he
wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole reversed his stance and began
encouraging the ministry of deliverance in his church. He was leading the
breakaway church which, by this time, was larger than the original church
fellowship he had left. The new church was flourishing, the Kingdom of God was
growing by leaps and bounds and serious repairs and reconciliation were
underway where breaches had taken place. By this time I had returned to
Anchorage after a decade of ministry in Barrow and Fairbanks.
soon became apparent that two other evangelist/pastors who had been at the
table with that group of 12 had reversed their stance on the ministry of
deliverance. On at least one occasion that I can remember, one of them even
called me for counsel in dealing with a specific issue.
day I received a call from the son of the original senior leader of the old
Charismatic fellowship. His dad had retired and he had become the new senior
pastor. He had, however, been a part of that group of ministers on that fateful
luncheon day. "Would you meet me for lunch today?" he said.
"Absolutely!" I looked forward to it.
down at the lunch table he broke the silence by saying softly, "I marvel
that you can be sitting across a table from me, after all the water that has
gone under the bridge." Reaching across the table to take his hand, I
said, "Brother, I hold you no ill will whatever! Whatever God has done out
of all that transpired has worked for the good of the whole Body. When we
parted that day, I knew that it wasn't up to me to bring the kind of revelation
needed. Holy Spirit was going to have to do that. I've never felt badly towards
you or anyone else in the church."
was real fellowship together at the table that day. God had done a rather
spectacular thing in healing the perceived breach. As we got up to leave, this
pastor said to me, "From me to you, you are always welcome in our
of the issues that we face in the Body of Christ today is that we have a bad
habit of viewing events from a "now" perspective. If we see division
take place, our immediate reaction is that it is bad. We don't see the
long-term picture. If we don't see instant vindication of either the individual
or the truth that was spoken or represented, we tend to believe the negative
about the individual who is under attack, or at the very least, that which he
or she represents. Consider what Paul wrote to the Ekklesia
in Corinth when he was talking about the Table of the Lord.
Corinthians 11:18-19: For first of all, when ye
come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I
partly believe it. For there must be also heresies among you, that they
which are approved may be made manifest among you.
word used in the KJV -- heresies -- comes from the Greek word, hairesis, which literally
means: disunion (from choices). Thayer defines it like
this: dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims,
choosing, choice, that which is chosen.
point is that these dissensions and disunity arises so that (and they) which
God specifically approves can be made known -- and here is the crux of it
-- so that the truth can
be manifested for all to see, and people can then correct their wrong choices. Persecution and
opposition produces this kind of dynamic!
wasn't kidding when He said, “Blessed and highly
favored by the King [of Kings] whenever men or women will seek to defame you,
to rail at you or taunt you, harassing and pursuing you with malice, saying in
public or writing false and hurtful accusations about you to others, seeking to
ruin your reputation because of your relationship with me [on account of Who I
AM — and who you are in me].
only are we the recipients of that blessing, the Body as a whole is blessed.
The Body of Christ grows, it multiplies, it expands, understanding and maturity
take place, there is a Kingdom prosperity that comes (and I point out -- in the
long term!) of the show that God puts on as a result of the harassment, the false
accusations and the malicious defamation that comes by standing in His Truth!
more personal story for the sake of illustration, and I'll quit.
I returned to Barrow in 1978, it was not my intention to begin another church
fellowship. I was focused on Christian television and bringing the ministry of
CBN to the arctic. A young pastor (late twenties or early thirties) had been
assigned by the denomination to the church I had helped my Dad build. My hope
was to be an encouragement and a help to this young pastor and support him.
That, obviously, was not going to happen. As soon as he heard my name and
realized who I was, he perceived me as an instant threat to his leadership and
made it abundantly clear that I was not welcome and that I could forget about
any ministry in Barrow. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him because of his
ignorance and fear, and I did my best to try to allay those fears. Holy Spirit
obviously had other things in mind. An old friend who had helped Dad to get the
property on which to build the church and provide the vehicle to haul gravel
with in order to create a good foundation was now the presiding elder at the
Presbyterian church. He asked if I would serve in an interim capacity as
their pastor until the missions board could assign a permanent pastor.
That's another story with implications I can't take time to get into today, but
the four months I did serve as their interim pastor saw a move of Holy Spirit
in their midst that was absolutely wonderful!
the weeks and months that followed, a number of folks approached me about my
continuing to pastor and forming a new fellowship. Although that new fellowship
never became very large (it was more of an overgrown home fellowship that
expanded beyond the walls of our home) it was perceived by the young pastor as
a threat to his domain, and he began to actively speak out against us as
heretics, or -- using the picture of the native culture -- someone who
dishonored his father and abandoned his father's faith.
Christian television was my primary objective, and I needed a way to fund the
development of television outlets in the arctic, a door of opportunity opened
for me to purchase ASA Television from the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation.
ASA became Arctic Slope Audio and North Slope Communications -- two distinctly
separate businesses with different focuses in retail consumer entertainment and
business communications. The profits from these businesses went to purchase
equipment and fund the building of tiny little TV stations in remote villages
throughout the northland.
had my hands full, operating two businesses, pastoring
a small fellowship, building small TV stations and promoting the growth of
Christian television throughout Alaska. Without realizing what was taking
place, a target was painted directly on my backside for people with a religious
agenda, and they quickly took advantage of it.
started with threatening phone calls. "We know that God didn't send you
here, and we're going to drive you out!" Try this one. "The next time
you step out the door, you're going to get a bullet through the face."
(That call was repeated more times than I can count.) Then there was the
somewhat humorous hate mail in the form of post cards. "Go directly to
hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go straight to hell."
things began to spiral upward. I've already noted in previous Coffee Breaks the
two times a sniper tried to take me out. My oldest daughter was shot at six
times. My oldest son and second daughter were repeatedly attacked in the dark
as they were on their way home from school (we were in the midst of the 66-day
perpetual darkness cycle) by men who would pick them up and throw them against
the side of a building, and they would come home bruised and bloody. I wound up
sending them away from Barrow to be with my parents at Saint Paul Island for
their own protection.
events are only a drop in the bucket of the persecution that unfolded but in
the midst of it all, the Lord spoke to me and told me that the day would come
when many of these same people would spontaneously fall on their knees in the
middle of the streets and cry out in repentance. By late in 1980 it became
clear that we were going to have to move our operations center to Fairbanks for
CBN's ministry to expand, and we made that move in 1981.
years later, Dwain McKenzie -- my lifetime friend and brother in the Lord --
was back in Barrow pastoring the church Dad had
founded. He called me one day to report that people were literally falling on
their knees in the streets of Barrow, calling on the Lord.
the persecution fun? Not even! Was it necessary to stand in the midst of it and
not give up? Absolutely. Was it worth it? The lives that have been changed and
transformed by the power of God as a result are clear testimony and proof that
persecution yields the blessing of the Lord. The Kingdom of God has expanded!
I remind those of you
in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call takes place on Mondays at 7:00
PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). Once again, the number to call for healing is
(805) 399-1000. Then enter the access code: 124763#.
At the same time, in
case you are missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship gatherings are available by
conference call – usually at about 10:45AM Pacific. That conference number is
(559) 726-1300, and the access code is 308640#. We hope to make these
gatherings available by Skype or Talk Fusion before long.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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