Spiritual Hierarchy & Authority, Part 25
April 6, 2018
We’re coming close to the completion of this series. We should be able to wrap this up in the next
two or three weeks, after which I want to spend some time sharing with you a
revelation of the Spirit of Poverty.
This spirit is so pervasive in the body of Christ, and – for the most
part – so unrecognized. Today, however,
let’s finish our discussion on the seven letters, the overcoming processes
described, and the release of authority that comes to the overcomer.
seventh letter, written to the Ekklesia in Laodicea, identifies a struggle we
have all seen. Their battle was with the
Spirit of the Canaanites. They had
overcome the other six spirits, and had come into a place of extraordinary blessing
and prosperity. In the midst of this
great blessing, they fell into a series of traps laid for them by the Spirit of
the Canaanites.
When individuals experience prolonged
struggles and battles in the realm of the spirit, there is a weariness which
lays hold of them. It taps them at the
core of their very being. In that place
of weariness, there is a tendency -- when one experiences great victories, and
when the blessings of the Lord begin to be outwardly bestowed and manifested --
to just sit back and relax, to feel like they have "arrived," to feel
like it is okay to quit battling for a while.
is at this point that this particular spirit steps in to deceive God's people
-- and particularly, the Bride -- into believing that they need to "cash
in" on some of the revelations they have received and the talents which
have been given to them, and to utilize the place of authority they have to
benefit their physical well-being -- in other words, to enjoy a few
"creature comforts."
is a lie! It happens with the Throne of God before
you! ....Except that you are oblivious
to that throne.
become tempted to sell, or to merchandise, the word of the Lord, the blessings
and revelations, the truths received in exchange for money, for recognition,
for esteem, for power -- or for whatever their long-subdued flesh screams out
for. They quit fighting. They stop with the revelation they have
already received. They become content
with the wonderful growth they have already experienced. And they become lukewarm.
this is such a crucial and determining place, the Lord drew an astounding
picture for them -- one they could not possibly miss. The Ekklesia in Laodicea was well aware of
Jesus' parable of the ten virgins. They
were well aware of the significance of the readied virgins entering the bride
chamber with the Bridegroom, the door being shut, and the foolish virgins
returning to knock on the door wanting to come in. They clearly understood that the foolish
virgins were excluded from being a part of the Bride.
this framework of understanding, then, Jesus says to this Ekklesia,
Revelation 3:20: "Behold I
stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I
will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me."
He was putting them in the bridal chamber, and showing Himself as being the
rejected Bridegroom, standing outside on their wedding night. There was no way they could miss the
significance of this picture. They were not
worthy of being in the bride chamber. It
was a startling way of expressing His love and desire for them. His promise, therefore, to those who overcame
the Spirit of the Canaanites was,
Revelation 3:20,21 NASB: "He
who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, even as I
also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne."
do you get it? The progression -- from
the first letter to the seventh -- begins with the Tree of Life, and ends with
the Throne.
that Jesus clearly states, "I also overcame, and sat
down with My Father on His throne."
that was written in the seven letters to the seven Ekklesias was a picture of
what Jesus overcame. I obviously don't
have room in a study like this to demonstrate for you each of the successive
areas in which He overcame, but consider for a moment the temptation by Satan
immediately following His forty days of fasting in the wilderness.
area of temptation was a challenge to that which had been established in Him. We have discussed this in prior letters, but
once again, listen to what Satan said as he approached Jesus.
"If you are the Son of God, command that these stones
become bread."
OK! Now hold on!
IF you are the Son of God?
What's with this IF? Not six
weeks before, Jesus had been baptized by John in the Jordan River. When He came out of the water, the Spirit of
God had descended upon Him in the form of a dove. An audible voice of the Father had been heard
speaking out of the heavens, saying,
"This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased."
is precisely the same question that was thrown at Adam and Eve, that is to say,
"Hath God said?" Yes! Absolutely!
Without question!
how did Jesus respond?
Matthew 4:1-11: "It is
written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word which proceeds
out of the mouth of God."
answer was two-edged. First, He dealt
with the fact that the demands of the flesh for sustenance are not the criteria
by which we live. Secondly, He answered
to the question of whether He was the Son of God. The Father had spoken audibly out of heaven
in the presence of many witnesses, who heard Him say,
"This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Those words proceeded out of His mouth. Though Jesus knew that He was the Son, and it
was certainly engraved in His spirit, it was not necessary for Him to rely
strictly on what He knew within because the same word in His spirit had
proceeded -- audibly -- out of the mouth of God, The Father. His overcoming, therefore, began with the
"Word of His testimony."
two followed as Satan took Him into the city of Jerusalem and had Him stand on
a pinnacle of the temple. Once again, he
said, "IF you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written,
"He will give His angels charge concerning you;" and, "On their
hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone."
Whoa! Here we go again! Never mind the fact that Jesus has just testified
to the fact that God has said He is The Son, Satan is going to hit Him up by a
different method. The Bible is the Word
of God -- right? So let's quote some
scriptures in order to support this challenge.
In fact, let's quote from Moses, the Lawgiver, in the Psalms (Psalm
91:11,12). This is the word of God isn't
a matter of fact -- NO! The Bible
consists of words which God has spoken, and things which He has done, but it is
not a substitute for Him! John later
testified of Jesus,
John 1:1: "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
therefore, was the Word. The issue at
hand was not what He had said, but what He was saying -- and it wasn't
to jump off the pinnacle of the temple.
Quoting scriptures to get people to disobey and/or disregard that which
the Lord is saying has always been one of the primary tactics of
Satan. Jesus' response hit directly at
the heart of this tactic,
"On the other hand, it is written, You shall not put the
Lord your God to the test."
it? The temptation began with, "IF
you are the Son of God...." No
amount of scripture quoting was going to get Jesus to put the IF to the test. He was and is the Son of God, Period! End of Statement! Exclamation Mark! Then Jesus quoted a scripture in return (from
Deuteronomy 6:16) to demonstrate that which God was saying,
"You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."
Jesus to have acted on the basis of written scriptures in response to Satan's
temptation would have been to submit Himself, as Adam and Eve had done, to the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
His response to Satan restated in the most emphatic of terms that which
the Father had said: namely, that He was The Son of God; that as the Son
of God, He was God, and therefore Satan was in violation of that which
was both spoken and written,
"You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."
so stating, He also testified to the fact that He, Jesus Christ, was "the
Lord your God" as far as Satan was concerned. In other words, He was the Lord God over
Satan, and Satan was as much subject to Him as he was to The Father.
how Jesus has overcome up to this point.
has overcome the undoubted screams of His natural flesh to be fed. The feeding was certainly justified. He had completed the full forty days of
fasting. It would have been
"good" for Him to eat at that point.
The temptation of Satan was not to get Him to do anything out of the
ordinary in terms of feeding Himself.
The timing was wrong, however. So
was the methodology. The point was not
whether Jesus had the ability to turn the rocks into bread. The point was in proving His divinity as the
Son of God in order to feed His flesh.
The point was in responding to a suggestion from Satan. Jesus was overcoming both His flesh (The Fear
of Death), and the need to prove His Divine nature (The Fear of Man) so as to
impress Satan with His great power.
the second temptation reinforced His authority over The Fear of Death and the
Fear of Man. It also established the
basis for His throne as the preeminent throne, with absolute authority over
Satan. The specific scriptures which
Satan quoted, however, were addressing The Fear of Evil. Satan's suggestion was that He could commit a
rash act under the premise that Angels were in full charge of the situation,
and that He had nothing to fear by stepping off the pinnacle of the temple.
is another, even greater, aspect of Jesus' overcoming in this temptation,
however. Do you see where the temptation
occurred? On the pinnacle of the
temple. Satan was prophesying falsely,
using "the temple" as a religious symbol. The idea being promoted was this:
is the temple (the church). This is the
house of God. This is the place of God's
presence. Submit to me here, and you
will be safe. So long as your act is
attached in some way to the temple/church, you can do anything you want. There is safety in the structure."
was the manipulative lie later promoted under the doctrine of the
Nicolaitans. It made system and
structure to be God in place of a personal relationship, and justified any and
all acts associated with the structure.
overcoming of this temptation, therefore, went beyond the Fear of Death, The Fear of
Man, or The Fear of Evil; He also overcame the master spirits of rebellion,
control, witchcraft, false prophecy, divination -- and all that was represented
in the Spirit of the Amorites and the Spirit of the Perizzites.
temptation of Jesus still had one final effort.
This time Jesus was taken into a very high mountain and given a view of
all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory.
that Jesus had overcome everything of the Enemy's tactics up to this point.
now says, "All these things will I give you, if you will fall down
and worship me."
about blatant! At first glance, it seems
ludicrous that Satan would use a frontal approach with such transparent bribery
in view of his previous failures and rebuffs.
wait! Stop for a moment and consider
once again the Ekklesia in Laodicea. He
did exactly the same thing with them.
Here they are, having overcome all the wiles of the Enemy, having
received the invitation to the wedding, having been made a part of the Bride,
having been given a crown.
reached this stage, however, they are weary and fatigued from the
struggles. For them, the blessing of the
Lord has begun to bring some physical benefits -- our society today would call
it "prosperity." In
step-by-step fashion, the Serpent comes with his artifice and says,
"You're tired. You don't have to
wait until some far off future date to enjoy the benefits of your victories.
can cash in on the esteem you have received.
Make compromises with the Roman Emperor.
He'll cut you some slack -- I guarantee it! Then you can parlay your favor with him to
gain prominent positions in the politics of Laodicea; and then use those
positions to provide gainful employment for your Christian brothers and
sisters. You can have a ‘Christian
thus did Satan sell the Ekklesia in Laodicea a bill of goods. He laid before them "the kingdoms of
this world, and their glory." This
is precisely how it all happened. They
bought into it hook, line and sinker.
And in the process stopped fighting Satan. And stood still spiritually. And became rich in this world's goods. And lost their place of intimacy with the
Lord. And gave up the real Throne for a
very artificial and temporary throne and place of power.
For those of you
who’ve participated during the past three years in our Monday night Healing
Prayer Conference Call, this is just a reminder that the calls have resumed on
a once-a-month basis, the first Monday of each month. If you have a need for healing, or you have
friends in need of healing, here is the number to call: (712) 775-7035.
The Access Code is: 323859#. For Canadians who have
difficulty getting in to this number, you can call (559) 546-1400. If
someone answers and asks what your original call-in number was, you can give
them the 712 number and access code.
At the same time, in
case you are missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our
Sunday worship gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about
10:45AM Pacific. That conference number
is (712) 770-4160, and the access code is 308640#. We are now making these
gatherings available by Skype. If you
wish to participate by video on Skype, my Skype ID is regner.capener. If you miss the live voice call, you can dial
(712) 770-4169, enter the same access code and listen in
later. The video call, of course, is not
recorded – not yet, anyway.
on you!

Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76504
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