Resurrection From the Dead, Part 6
August 3, 2018
And away we go for today.
There is a lot of territory to cover, so let’s get started.
Hebrews 4:15-16: For we have not an
high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but
was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come
boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help
in time of need.
we are applying this scripture a bit differently than we might normally use it,
I need to amplify this from the Greek so that you can see its application to
Resurrection Life.
We do not have a high priest who is impervious to the testings,
the trials or the proofs of our behavior in the face of feebleness, moral
frailty or weakness; [Jesus] experienced all manner of trial and the need to
overcome every failure and weakness of the flesh, thoughts and emotions, and He
never failed to rise above it all, nor missed the mark.
As a consequence, we can come with all assurance and bluntness
unto the Throne of Grace — that Throne which empowers us to rise above and
overcome every weakness and failure — so that we may obtain compassion and
receive the empowerment needed to rise above and overcome every weakness or
failure. (Hebrews
4:15-16, RAC Translation & Amplification)
you seeing the application? Good!
we continue, let’s take this word, Resurrection, and dissect it for a
minute. Its root is “to resurrect, to
bring back to life, to restore to normal living.” The New Testament Greek term is anastasis. This is a compound word which has a fistful of
first is: to cause to rise up, to raise up.
you have the following: to raise up from laying down; to raise up from
the dead; to cause to be born, to cause to appear, to bring forward.
there we have: of those who leave a place to go elsewhere; of those who prepare
themselves for a journey.
adds the following: to appear; to stand forth; of kings, prophets, priests, leaders
of insurgents.
finishes with: the resurrection of certain ones’ history who were restored to
I’ve only scratched the surface of meanings.
We generally tend to apply this word only with resurrection from the
dead, but as you can see, it has so many applications, we have to stop and
consider its usage in our walk in Resurrection Life.
was faced with every kind of weakness — whether physical, mental or emotional —
that we face. Every issue that He
encountered, which could have been death to His physical being, thoughts or
emotions, He overcame and rose above.
Jesus lived and walked Resurrection Life. In His 33-year (approximate) lifespan, even
before His baptisms and recognition by Father, He lived a normal (by human
standards) life. He was a carpenter, a
businessman and a man who lived in and among society with all its foibles and
Jesus was announced by Father as His Son and began to walk in a supernatural
dimension, the attacks, the tests and the trials only magnified. The Greek word used in Hebrews 4 which is
translated in the KJV as “tempted” is the word, peirazo.
word has a broad scope of applications for “testing” but J.H. Thayer tells us
that one of its uses is defined like this: in a bad sense, to test one
maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments.
was absolutely tested in this way by the Scribes and Pharisees. They wanted to undo His authority. They wanted to try to prove that He really
wasn’t the Son of God. They did
everything in their power to destroy Him, and Jesus overcame their
maliciousness and craftiness. It was all
part of the Resurrection preparation. He
had to walk this overcoming. He had to
live it in front of the world. He had to
live it in such a way that it became life to the Disciples.
and I were having this discussion earlier and talking about those folks who’ve
said to us, “Well, are you saying that Jesus experienced the pain of
divorce? Are you saying that Jesus knew
what it was like to have someone walk away from Him and cut Him off from their
answer is, Absolutely! Of course, Jesus
was never married in the way we think of marriage — not in this life, anyway —
and never went through divorce, but He certainly experienced the same kind of
pain and emotional upheaval that people go through with divorce.
go back to the prophecy of Isaiah.
He is disdained and scorned, and considered as having ceased to
exist by men: a man of anguish and pain, and has known grief by seeing and
experiencing it; and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was disdained and
scorned, and we maliciously fabricated, invented and treated His suffering and
death as void.
Surely He has suffered and accepted as His own our maladies, our
anxieties, our calamities, our disease and sicknesses, and carried our anguish,
pain and grief: yet we fabricated and maliciously invented His being stricken
violently, beaten, punished, wounded and slaughtered as if by God -- choosing
to believe that God browbeat, demeaned and looked down upon Him.
But He was broken and profaned for our rebellion, our revolt,
our apostasy and our [religious] quarrel against God; He was crushed, oppressed
and smitten, and (emotionally) broken into pieces for our perversity, our evil,
our mischief, sins and faults; the breaking and ridiculing of our peace, our
welfare, our prosperity, our health and our safety was upon Him; and with His
bloodied and blue wounds we are cured, mended, repaired and made thoroughly
whole. (Isaiah 53:3-5, RAC Translation
& Amplification)
was awakened at 2:00 AM this morning by the Holy Spirit. He quoted to me the statements by Paul in
Hebrews 4:15-16, and reminded me of Isaiah’s prophecy. Then He said to me, “There is NOTHING
you have experienced, or will experience, that Jesus did not experience! That’s why you have the Throne of Empowerment
set before you. No matter what you go
through, no matter what your place of potential failure — or real failure —
might be, you can come with absolute assurance and conviction that you will
receive the ability to rise above and overcome.”
what Paul writes to the Ephesians:
Ephesians 3:17-19, AMP: May Christ through
your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in
your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,
That you may have the
power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted
people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height
and depth [of it];
[That you may really
come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of
Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may
be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the
richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and
flooded with God Himself]!
take it the next step:
2:8: “For
it is through the direct influence, (grace) empowering and drawing of Holy
Spirit that you are saved, healed, delivered, made whole, protected and made to
prosper, through and by means of faith, and that faith doesn’t come because you
willed it or made a decision in your mind (humon):
it is the sacrificial gift — a present — of and from Father, Son and Holy
Spirit.” (RAC Translation & Amplification)
1:12-13: But as many as
believed in and responded to Him, to them He gave the authority and ability to
become – and be transformed into – begotten children of God, specifically to
those who entrust their future existence and well-being by faith in His name,
rank, position, character, personality and being;
Who were begotten, not of flesh and blood, nor because human
flesh determined it by its own decision, nor because the mind and intellect of
man seized upon it and willed it into existence, but by God as a sovereign act
of His Will and determination. (RAC Translation
& Amplification)
folks, is the power of Resurrection Life.
me take you down a bit of a rabbit trail for a few minutes and talk about the
culture of death that we live in. We are
so contaminated by the death mindset that reversing that overcoming its
tentacles in our lives takes a miracle only the Lord can accomplish in us. It has to begin with our agreement with Him,
with what He has done for us, and his Word becoming our flesh.
about this for a minute.
work on changing the confession of our mouths.
We think we are making progress, but it is our actions which are
tell-tale. We gamble with our health and
we gamble with our lives. How, you
ask? By buying life insurance and health
know. The next question is, So where is
the gambling? Look at it this way. The insurance company is gambling that you
are going to live a good, healthy life.
You are gambling that you are not, and so you pay them money. The insurance company is making money off
your doubt, fear and unbelief.
same applies to life insurance. The
insurance company is gambling that you are going to live a long and productive
life. You are gambling that you are
going to die, and you pay them good money because of it. Again, the insurance company is making money
off your fear, doubt and unbelief.
I’m nuts? Think I’ve gone off the deep
end? That’s OK. Once you start digging into the actual
practices of our lives, you soon discover we are so impregnated with the Fear
of Death that it is woven into the core of our beings.
me to digress for a minute and share with you some personal experiences from
the past few weeks.
of you know that I had a bout with the flu and pneumonia during the
Christmas/New Years holiday and was hospitalized for
a week. In the weeks that have followed,
I’ve had many follow-up visits to the doctors and clinics. One of the doctors is a cardiologist who is a
professing Christian (I wouldn’t be surprised if they all were, but this one is
quite outspoken) and she is from Nigeria.
of the blood tests run in the lab indicated that my potassium levels had spiked
to what they considered a critically dangerous level, and this doctor called
and insisted that I check into the ER, where they kept me for the better part
of two more days to flush the potassium from my body.
of it made sense to me since not three days prior I had gone through a bio-scan
(called an Oligo Scan) which showed my potassium levels on the low end of
normal. Some research determined that
one of the doctors had prescribed a wrong combination of meds which caused the
reaction in my liver and caused the spike.
never been a fan of the medical profession in general, and this experience did
nothing to improve that impression.
Della and I have spent most of our lives avoiding things pharmaceutical
and relying instead on natural supplements.
While I have been faithful to take the meds prescribed by the doctors,
it is also clear that I get much better results from natural supplements.
this instance, in a conversation with the cardiologist, the subject of natural
supplements came up, Della showed the doctor the list of supplements we are
taking. She became angry and flipped the
page back to Della with a snort and a comment about “bad science.” It became clear that all of her medical
education was predicated on the efficacy of the pharmaceuticals with zero
tolerance for natural supplements based on what God created for us in the first
was a reminder that much (although not all) of the medical profession relies on
“treatments” — NOT cures. “Healing” and
“wholeness” are not words you will hear very often from doctors and nurses. They are programmed by the pharmaceutical
industry to think “treatment” but not “cure.”
This way, they create a dependency on the profession and on the
industry, relying on the Fear of Death, which so permeates the human frame, to
fill their financial coffers. If we are
to live Resurrection life, we have to destroy the mindset that operates in
fear, doubt and unbelief — and Jesus has made that available to us!
excuse me if I get or sound very opinionated on this topic, but that comes from
walking and living in the realm of the Spirit and seeing how our Resurrection
life in Christ Jesus actually works. See
you next week.
In case you are
missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday
worship gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:45AM
Pacific. That conference number is (712) 770-4160, and the access code is 308640#. We are now making these
gatherings available by Skype. If you
wish to participate by video on Skype, my Skype ID is regner.capener. If you miss the live voice call, you can dial
(712) 770-4169, enter the same access code and listen in
later. The video call, of course, is not
recorded – not yet, anyway.
on you!

Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76504
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