22, '12 5:54 PM
By Regner Capener
the 2003-2004 political campaign/election cycle I ran for the U.S. House of
Representatives to represent Texas' 25th Congressional District. After losing
the Primary a sizeable number of people approached me who apologized for not
having voted for me. These were bankers, lawyers, businessmen, church leaders
-- you name it -- all of whom crossed over to vote on the Democratic ticket
thinking that they would cast their vote for the weaker of the two Democratic
candidates and thereby alter the race dynamics in my favor.
seemed to indicate to them that I had a fair lead against my Republican
opponent, and they felt like I had the race in the bag. They felt safe in
crossing over so as to alter the outcome of the Democratic ticket. In fact,
their crossover vote made virtually no difference in the outcome of the
Democratic Primary, whereas had they actually cast their vote for me my outcome
would have been very different.
a result I published a political commentary consisting of a somewhat
abbreviated version of today's Coffee Break. Because of what we are currently
seeing take place in the ongoing Primaries around this nation I felt the
importance of once again expanding on that same commentary.
said, pour yourself a good 16-ounce cup of that Double-Roast French, pull up a
chair and let's discuss the current spiritual state of our political spectrum.
of the tragedies of modern society is the drive towards political correctness. Striving
to be inoffensive to every segment of society and desiring to please everyone
has created a tyranny of the minorities. Despite the fact that mainstream America overwhelmingly
professes to be Christian, the majority succumbs to the pressure of the
after election, people who privately hold mainstream, conservative, Christian
values continue to vote for candidates who -- year after year -- peck away at,
and incrementally erode the freedoms granted by our founding fathers in our
United States Constitution.
is this? What is it that possesses people to compromise their values? How is it
that we can go behind the curtain in the voting booth, away from the prying
eyes of those who want to control the election outcomes, and vote contrary to
what we know to be right?
answer, plain and simple? Fear.
are three families of fear that infect and contaminate the human race: the Fear
of Evil, the Fear of Man, and the Fear of Death. These three families of fear
operate respectively in each of the domains of human existence.
Fear of Evil affects people at the level of their spirit. It manipulates the
hearts of men and women to react in fear where anything spiritual is concerned.
It causes people to be in terror of God, substituting a healthy respect and
reverential awe of God for an unhealthy terror. The Fear of Evil is the driving
force behind all religion and man-made efforts to please God. It substitutes a
love-relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ for a set of rules, regulations
and laws that are performance driven.
Fear of Man works at the level of our human relationships. It works in the mind
and soul of man, causing him to fear how others think of him or see him. In the
same way that the Fear of Evil is a liar, the Fear of Man is a liar, invoking
imaginary scenarios of how we see ourselves through the eyes of our friends and
society in general. The Fear of Man drives modern politics in a way that seems
to escape a large segment of the voting public; and people seem to be oblivious
to the fact that their voting choices are being manipulated by an evil spirit.
Fear of Death directly compromises us at the level of our flesh, our natural
existence. It causes us to fear the unknown, creating imaginary situations that
threaten our physical well being. With the modern push for a socialist society
where Government becomes our source of supply, steals our trust and confidence
in the Lord as our Source, and forces the nation into a "gimmee, gimmee" welfare
mentality, the Fear of Death becomes an increasingly driving force in our
electoral choices because we fear having that money or those benefits being
taken away from us. The subconscious fear is that we will die or suffer
physically if we lose those things a "freebies" from the government.
how exactly do these fears affect the way we behave in the voting booth? Let’s
look at a series of events that have unfolded over the past 50 – 60 years.
let’s define an increasing political polarity.
the conservative, the Christian, the individual who believes in the essential
liberties granted in our Constitution for life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness – or, to quote the Apostle Paul, “….that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty,” the objective is a candidate who
will promote and defend those liberties without taking any more from us than is
absolutely necessary to accomplish the goal. Unfortunately, conservatives – by
virtue of their very nature – tend to be passive and non confrontational.
secularist, humanist, socialist liberal believes that he or she is entitled to
those liberties at the expense of the state; that if the state lacks sufficient
money to guarantee his or her “right” to have those liberties regardless of
cost, it is perfectly acceptable – nay, mandatory – that the funds be extracted
by whatever means necessary from those who have prospered by their labors. That
mindset leads to a dependency upon the state. The state becomes the arbiter of
all things, and the supplier of all needs. Personal responsibility diminishes
as the state picks up more and more authority, and provides more and more
the voting booth, the conservative – being more or less non confrontational –
adopts a compromising attitude if the individual running for office mostly
supports the concept of smaller, less intrusive government, and stands for some
of the basic moral and spiritual values that epitomize conservatism. The fact
that the candidate might be 55% conservative and 45% socialist humanist is set
aside in fear.
fear is not overpowering. It is not apparently or obviously driving the
individual. It is subversive, and subconscious. It is persuasive. It is seductive.And it manipulates through either or both the
Fear of Man, and the Fear of Death. Compromise or not, the voter casts the
ballot for an individual who will ultimately chip away – ever so little, but
ever so surely – some of the freedoms the voter currently enjoys.
the other hand, the secularist, humanist, socialist fears a society that
demands responsibility. Responsibility portends the possibility of failure. Failure
threatens one’s existence. Failure threatens one’s “comfort zone.”The Fear of
Death becomes a driving force.
secular socialist has none of the peace that comes with a walk with Jesus
Christ, nor the assurance that there will be a brighter day ahead by the help
and provision of the Lord. A mandate develops, therefore, within the humanist
to elect a candidate who will continue to ensure his or her livelihood no
matter how much it costs the state.
take this to the next level.
of compromise – make that decades of compromise – have watered down the
conservative stance of the Republican Party. Instead of standing for the
principles that originally made up the GOP – principles that were rooted in
smaller, more efficient, less-intrusive government and Christian moral
leadership – we have seen a willingness on the part of Republican leaders to
incorporate those as candidates who accept “a little socialism,” or “a little”
larger, more intrusive government in order to have candidates that appeal to
the voting public.
the same time, because of the similar compromises made within the Democratic
Party -- compromises with communism and the socialist principles of Marx and
Lenin – the Democratic leadership has shifted to the far left of mainstream America.
The Democratic Party supposedly used to represent the interests of the working
man, the common man, the ordinary, every-day individual. You’d never know it
today! The party leadership has moved towards a Robin Hood philosophy in order
to provide “gimme” programs that encourage poverty
and stifle productivity.
a reaction almost wholly based in the fear of death, conservatives have
compromised their values even more, thinking that the compromises would stop
the march toward a completely socialist v
It is a fraud! It is a lie being perpetrated on conservatives and Christians.
once candidates stepped forward on their own volition, inspired by genuine
concern and/or spiritual motivation to stand up against the march towards socialism,
trepidation has taken over. Now, those who might normally present themselves as
available for public office avoid doing so because avarice, greed, the love of
money – and the need for enormous sums of money in order to even enter the race
– have taken over.
Party leaders have frantically sought for candidates they’ve calculated would
be “viable” against their Democratic counterparts. Formulas have been
devised.“Bean counting” has taken place in an effort to figure out how to
strategically position candidates for a winning strategy.
formulas and voter profiles have replaced integrity. Winning has become so
important that leaders are willing to sacrifice conservative principles in
order to elect candidates selected through compromise.
profiling possible candidates and studying statistical patterns in districts,
choices are being made that eliminate candidates with true conviction and moral
clarity. These are often candidates who can articulate clearly the conservative
message in such a way as to convince undecided voters.
leaders who could and would financially support candidates that actually
reflect their conservative values are discouraged from giving in order to
direct the “available dollars” to the candidates “most likely” to win. It
becomes a “numbers game.”We play the roulette wheel, hoping to cash in with the
odds in our favor. Worse, it becomes a game of Russian Roulette in which we
hope the hammer falls on an empty chamber.
it is all motivated and driven by The Fear of Evil, The Fear of Man, and The
Fear of Death.
we as a people return to our core values and stop playing these games of
compromise, THE HAMMER IS GOING TO FALL on a loaded chamber, and we will find
ourselves living in a socialist, secular humanist state, deprived of the
essential liberties our Founding Fathers sought to guarantee this nation.
1781, Founding Father Samuel Adams made the following statement, "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his
vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual --
or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the
most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his
was in 1881 that President James A. Garfield made the following
more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their
Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the
people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent,
brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to
represent them in the national legislature.”
the picture? Then come on, Folks! Let’s wake up and get our act together!
Spirit of God is preparing leadership by releasing upon them the anointing that
rested upon the sons of Issachar. They had understanding of the time and were
aware of what the people of God should be accomplishing (see 1 Chronicles
12:32). The Spirit of Truth is releasing
revelatory insights for all who are actively seeking to fully follow God (see Jeremiah
29:12-13).Let me stress again that the Kingdom of God will not be established
by mere words or abilities of men, but by the Spirit of God (see 1 Corinthians
4:20). This type of realistic confidence can only come from genuine union with
Christ. It is abiding in His manifested
presence that results in our boldness (see Proverbs 28:1)." (Bobby
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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