Part 22
May 8, 2020
was in the political arena that Alexander Hamilton's skills and genius began to
really shine. His somewhat interrupted writing career resumed as he
authored papers correctly diagnosing the ills of the Confederation of the
Colonies, and suggesting the need for more centralized government. He was
among the first of our nation's founding fathers to suggest adequate checks on
the anarchic tendencies of the time.
age 27, with the end of the Revolutionary War in sight, he realized that if he
was to participate constructively in the formation of a central government he
needed to have a thorough knowledge of Law and its inner workings. Just
as he had done when the opportunity was afforded him to get an education years
before, he applied himself with his whole heart and soul to the study of
law. For three months, he voraciously consumed law studies and gave
himself totally to it, graduating in Albany, New York in 1783. Following
the evacuation of the British Army from New York City, he opened his law office
at 57 Wall Street in July of that same year.
had been asked to serve in the Continental Congress in 1782 and 1783, and in
1784, he was officially elected to Congress. That same year, he founded
the Bank of New York. His activities in Congress involved him in the
preparation of the Constitution, and he began to actively promote Federalism,
along with John Jay and James Madison. Writing under the pseudonym, Publius,
the three of them wrote articles over a span of almost two years in 1787 and
1788 which were published in various New York newspapers. The
Federalist Papers, as they were called, both promoted a Federalist style of
government and ratification of the newly agreed-upon Constitution.
is drawn from the Latin word, Foedus, for Covenant. The original
concept contains the idea that a body of members are bound together in a
covenant relationship with a governing representative head. Within
contemporary political thought, federalism is the political philosophy that
underlies a system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally
divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units
(like states or provinces), creating what is often called a federation.
Proponents are often called federalists.
federalism is a synonym for basic Covenant Theology. It is a commonly
used term in serious theological works since the 17th century (prior to the
political use) and to this day, particularly among those we refer to today as
"Calvinists." Federalism describes the relationship between the
first representative man, Adam, and those born of the flesh (i.e. ALL
naturally-born mankind), and likewise between the second and last
representative man, Jesus Christ, and those who are, in addition, born of the
Spirit (i.e. ALL spiritually-born mankind; see
Theology was, by far, the prevailing thought within the New England Colonies,
and Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison were all strong adherents
and students of John Calvin's reform theology. Their objective was to
incorporate the concept of covenant -- and especially, God's Covenant with us
through Jesus Christ -- as the underlying philosophy for all government.
The term, Federalism, therefore, somewhat masks the intent of those who advocated
strong central government, with weaker state governments.
I've said all that to say this. Alexander Hamilton was easily the most
prolific among the three primary proponents of Federalism, and writing under
the pseudonym, Publius, he penned not less than 52 of the 85 essays that were
published in the New York papers. James Madison wrote 28, and John Jay
authored the remaining five.
never got the opportunity to be a part of the central discussions in Congress
that ultimately led to the adoption of the Constitution because of disputes
among his fellow-delegates from New York. They withdrew from the
Constitutional Convention, leaving New York without its delegation.
Hamilton remained, but couldn't vote because of the absence of his delegation.
He did, however, deliver a remarkable speech on June 18, 1787 in which he
attacked the states' rights proposal of William Paterson, advocating instead
for an almost-coercive, strongly centralized but representative union with
built-in protections for class and property.
days later, after it became clear that he would not have the opportunity to
cast a vote for or against the proposed Constitution, he left the
Convention. George Washington sent him a note reading, "I am sorry you went away. I
wish you were back." Hamilton returned in
response to George Washington's note at the close of the Convention to sign the
Constitution on New York's behalf.
lobbied the New York Convention for ratification of the Constitution two weeks
later, and won their agreement against all odds. James Kent, who later
became Chancellor of New York and Chief Justice of the New York Supreme Court
appointed by John Jay, who was then New York's Governor, wrote in his legal
journals that "all of the documentary proof and the current observation of
the time lead us to the conclusion that he [Alexander Hamilton] surpassed all
of his contemporaries in his exertions to create, recommend, adopt and defend
the Constitution of the United States."
continuously close friend and confidante of George Washington, it came as no
surprise that Washington appointed Hamilton as the very first Secretary of the
Treasury. He was the chief architect of obtaining credit for the United
States, and his January 14th, 1790 Report on the Public Credit
became what many economists called "a watershed in American finance,"
marking the end of an era of bankruptcy and international repudiation for the
newly-formed United States of America.
December 13, 1790, Alexander Hamilton published his Report on a National
Bank, advocating a private bank with semipublic functions patterned
after the Bank of England. The following year, he published a Report
on Manufacturers -- a report which became the epitome of modern
economics. So powerfully did he argue this policy advocating a system of
moderate protective duties associated with a deliberate policy of promoting our
national interests, drawing from the Constitution of the United States, that he
easily persuaded George Washington on the constitutionality of a National
Bank. His skillful and inspired arguments were so convincing that his
report became England's official economic policy, and -- later -- the primary
foundation for the German economic system.
a man with such genius and gifts (and maybe because he had such genius
and gifts) Hamilton was seen by many of his peers as self-confident,
opinionated, arrogant, indiscreet, "impolitic" (that's a fancy word
for not being "politically correct") and even manipulative. He
readily confessed to friends that his heart was the master of his judgment.
any case, Alexander Hamilton was known as being uncompromising. If he
believed in something, he believed in it heart and soul. He was a master
of reading the hearts and intents of people, (in truth, he had the ability to
function with that Gift of the Spirit we know as "the discerning of
spirits.") and when he saw questionable methods or tactics being applied
by his fellow-founders, he wasted no time in letting them know that he wouldn't
stand for anything less than above-board truthfulness and integrity. When
his arguments appeared to fall on deaf ears, he would go around the individual
in question and inform others of those actions he considered ill-advised.
the day of Washington's death, Hamilton remained his closest friend and
advisor; and when George Washington prepared to leave office as President of
the United States, Alexander Hamilton wrote his farewell address to the
nation. Washington remained the titular head of the Federalist Party, and
as such, wielded enormous influence over the nation even after John Adams
became President. In 1798, two years after Washington left office,
President John Adams was preparing for war with France. Washington
persuaded Adams that Alexander Hamilton needed to be employed as active head of
the military forces. GW was still recognized as the head of America's
armies, and Adams wanted him to direct the war against France. He agreed
to accept the title under the condition that Hamilton take the active leadership;
and Adams acquiesced.
Washington died, the Federalist Party became divided under Adams' leadership
and Hamilton's. John Adams had the prestige and the national recognition
because of his more than spectacular career, and his strength with the nation
as a whole.
on the other hand, controlled all of the leaders of lesser rank, along with the
majority of the distinguished men in the country. Alexander recognized
that he was not a "people person," and that he lacked the ability to
function in a high public profile. He saw his abilities more in the sense
of policy and advice, and became the principal advisor to members of John Adams
cabinet, often affecting Adams' policy without Adams' agreement.
Burr had, for many years, been a close friend of Alexander Hamilton, but his
defeat of Hamilton's father-in-law, General Philip Schuyler, in 1791 in a race
for the United States Senate, and the tactics he used to win, opened a rift
between the two erstwhile companions. George Washington had never trusted
Burr and made his distrust known to Hamilton on numerous occasions.
on the other hand, was extremely outspoken in his acrimony towards Washington,
once telling Hamilton that he "despised Washington as a man of no
talents, and one who could not spell a sentence of common English."
Burr's comments only served to widen the rift between the two because of
Hamilton's intense loyalty to Washington and absolute trust of him.
began to get really nasty when, following Alexander Hamilton's appointment as
active head of the nation's armed forces under Washington's direction, Burr
applied for a commission as a brigadier general in the war with France.
Washington turned him down flatly, seeing him as nothing more than a political
opportunist and a schemer. Burr continued to vie for political power.
the days leading up to the elections of 1800, Hamilton made the mistake of
circulating a private and highly confidential memo opposing some of John Adams'
policies among his cabinet members. In the memo, he included a
considerable amount of confidential cabinet information. By some unknown
scheme, Aaron Burr obtained a copy of Hamilton's memo and published it in the
newspapers with the objective of doing political damage to both Adams and
Hamilton and furthering his own ambitions.
1800, following the election, he was tied in the Electoral College with Thomas
Jefferson at 73 votes apiece. Though Hamilton was no great friend of
Thomas Jefferson and often decried his political arguments, his distrust of
Burr was such that he simply could not see Burr as President of the United
States. He considered it his patriotic duty to block Burr's
ambitions. When the election was handed off to the House of
Representatives for a decision, Hamilton argued strongly in favor of
Jefferson's Presidency. The House quickly decided in Jefferson's favor,
and Burr became Vice-President instead.
Burr subsequently failed in his attempt to gain the Republican nomination for
Governorship of New York, he sought the aid of the Federalist Party.
Alexander Hamilton denounced Burr to the party as "a
man of irregular and insatiable ambition … who ought not to be trusted with the
reins of government." Burr
had had it with Hamilton. He falsified his conversations with Hamilton,
made spurious accusations against him by Hamilton public, and then forced a
duel between them.
Hamilton felt that he had no personal quarrel with Burr. He simply felt
that Burr's personal ambitions had run away with him, making him unfit for
public office, public trust and leadership. Prior to the duel, Hamilton
wrote his last essay stating that "a compliance with the
dueling prejudices of the time was inseparable from the ability to be in the
future, useful in public affairs." His
personal opposition to dueling was well-known. His son, Philip, had died
as the result of a duel in 1801.
He made
known his intentions not to fire his pistol prior to the duel, although his
pistol discharged as he fell. The minister who attended him later told
friends that Hamilton had said on his death bed, "I
have no ill-will against Col. Burr. I met him with a fixed resolution to do him
no harm. I forgive all that happened.”
Hamilton's personal faith in Jesus Christ was the guiding force that governed
his life. His personal sense of covenant and the deep commitment that
comes in covenant relationship drove him. For Hamilton, covenant was the
essential means by which government could and must operate. Through
Federalism he saw the opportunity to help bring about a "nation under God,
indivisible, and with justice for all."
was Henry Cabot Lodge who wrote of Alexander Hamilton, saying, "Hamilton’s
mind was eminently legal. His writings are distinguished by their clarity,
vigor and rigid reasoning rather than any show of scholarship. In his earliest
writings of 1774-75, he started out with the ordinary pre-Revolutionary War
Whig doctrines of natural rights and liberty. After the War’s conclusion, his
experiences of semi-archaic states’ rights and individualism ended his earlier
"Hamilton saw the feeble inadequacies of conception, the
infirmity of power, factional jealousy, disintegrating particularism, and
vicious finances that marred the Confederation. No other author saw more
clearly the concrete nationalistic remedies for these concrete ills or pursued
remedial ends so constantly and consistently as Hamilton. He wanted a strong
union and energetic government that should "rest as much as possible on
the shoulders of the people and as little as possible on those of the state
early as 1776, he urged the direct collection of federal taxes by federal
agents. In 1781 he created the idea that a non-excessive public debt would be a
blessing. He conceived the constitutional doctrines of liberal construction,
"implied powers," and the "general welfare," which were
later embodied in the decisions of John Marshall.
“Liberty,”he reminded his fellows in the New York
Convention of 1788, “seemed to be the only consideration for the new government.”Hamilton
pointed out another thing of equal importance; "a
principal of strength and stability in the organization … and of vigour in its
did not agree with Jefferson that the general public should control
government. His far-sighted ability to see down the road to the end
results of a purely democratic society caused him to err more on the side of
limited democracy.
"Men,"he said,
"are reasoning rather than reasonable animals."
His last
letter on politics, written two days before his death, illustrates the two
sides of his thinking already emphasized; in this letter he warns his New
England friends against dismemberment of the union as "a clear sacrifice of great positive advantages,
without any counterbalancing good; administering no relief to our real
disease, which is democracy, the poison of which, by a subdivision, will
only be more concentrated in each part, and consequently the more
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Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76502
Email Contact: CapenerMinistries@protonmail.com
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