Part 17
April 3, 2020
In last week’s Coffee
Break, I deviated somewhat from the discussions on our nation's founding
fathers -- those who were actively involved in the politics and policies that
brought those American colonists together to form a cohesive nation under God
-- to talk about a couple of preachers (Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield)
whose lives, whose teaching and preaching became integrated into the thoughts
and decision-making processes that formulated our Articles of Association in
1774; the Declaration of Independence in 1776; the Articles of Confederation in
1781 and the United States Constitution in 1788.
We first
talked about Jonathan Edwards, and how his active labors in the Gospel during
the Great Awakening brought about a sense of cohesiveness among Christians
throughout the colonies. But it was George Whitefield whose travels
throughout every single one of the colonies made him one of the most-recognized
figures of the 18th Century. His preaching drew unprecedented crowds of
listeners and participants.
I noted on
Friday that history says George Whitefield preached an average of 500 sermons
per year, and more than 18,000 in his lifetime. In England, he
preached to several crowds numbering between 80,000 and 100,000. When he
began his travels across the Atlantic to preach in the American Colonies (he
made a total of 13 trips across the Atlantic), he first landed in Philadelphia
and began preaching from a balcony on the old courthouse on October 30,
1739. It gave him an elevated place from which to preach. An
estimated crowd of 6,000 people turned out to him him preach that morning, and
another crowd of 8,000 gathered to hear him that same evening.
A week
later, the news of his dynamic preaching had spread. He preached to
10,000 people in the morning, and 25,000 in the evening. Newspaper
reporters wrote that "as many as 500 people fell prostrate under the
power," and that "many people made demonstrations" (meaning that
there were visible signs and manifestations of deliverance from evil
spirits). One reporter wrote, "Audible cries of the audience often
interrupted the messages. People were usually saved right during the
progress of a service. The altar call as such was not utilized."
When preaching
his farewell address in Philadelphia a week or so later, more than 35,000
people assembled in the streets to hear Whitefield. From Philadelphia he
headed to New York where throngs of people met him. Even before he could
reach a promontory or an elevated place in the city where he could see and be
seen by the crowds, some 8,000 people assembled before him in an open field to
hear him. After preaching to that crowd, he made his way into the city
where he preached to 15,000 people his first Sunday morning, and another
gathering of more than 20,000 that same afternoon.
a short stay in New York, he traveled with an entourage of more than a thousand
people to Chester, Georgia. So powerful was his preaching that the
business of city and state government ground to a halt. The courts closed
their doors as judges sat and listened to him and would not resume their court
activities or hear any cases until George Whitefield had finished his
preaching. He traveled back and forth between Savannah, Georgia,
Maryland, and Charleston, South Carolina where he established "Bethesda
House" on March 25, 1740 as a place for orphans and the homeless.
Let me
pause for a second. Of the estimated 18,000 messages that George
Whitefield preached, no more than perhaps ninety remain in written form.
When one reads those written messages, it becomes clear that they really were
nothing more than outlines. The outlines themselves contain nothing that
would indicate the profound impact of Whitfield's preaching, nor are they
particularly revelatory in content.
differentiated George Whitefield from his peers was that he rarely, if ever,
preached from a prepared sermon. His preaching was extemporaneous.
He was a dramatist. The Holy Spirit had given him revelation on some
fundamental truths, and his preaching was quite theatrical as he became the
message he was preaching. When he preached on individuals from Scripture,
and their lives, he became those individuals in front of his audiences.
The Word of God became a living, breathing demonstration to the hearers.
There had never before in history been a preacher quite like him.
Jonathan Edwards was an articulate writer on the truths of the Gospel, George
Whitefield was the spokesman who breathed those truths in such a way that tens
upon tens of thousands -- and even hundreds of thousands -- of people turned to
a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. More than that, the principles
of the Gospel were instilled in the hearers in such a way that it permanently affected
and altered their lives, their thoughts, and the way in which they lived.
George Whitefield returned to New England, he headed for Boston where
Massachusetts' Governor Belcher awaited him. Once again, the largest
crowds ever assembled in Boston's history turned out to hear this Holy
Spirit-anointed preacher and evangelist. His first morning in Boston,
more than 8,000 people assembled to hear him, and more than 15,000 returned to
the famous "Commons" to hear him that evening.
When he
was asked to preach at the "Old North Church" (synonymous with Paul
Revere's ride), thousands were being turned away, so he took his message
outside to them. Governor Belcher then drove him back to the Commons
where another crowd of 20,000+ awaited him. The faculty and staff at
Harvard University invited him to come and speak. The university
facilities were hardly equipped to deal with the crowds of people that turned
out to hear Whitefield, so the faculty invited him back four or five more times
so that everyone would have the opportunity to hear and respond to his message.
Edwards was very much aware of George Whitefield and his preaching, and the two
had become good friends. Edwards was, at the time, pastoring in
Northampton, Massachusetts. Whitefield preached for Edwards four times
during the short month he was in New England between October 17 - 20. His
preaching there culminated in the beginning of a revival and an outpouring of
the Holy Spirit that lasted for more than a year and a half. He departed
for England in March of 1741 where he spent the next three years traveling
throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Not since
the days of John Knox had Scotland seen such a move of God. Crowds
ranging in respective sizes of 30,000, 20,000, 10,000 -- and even 100,000 in
Glasgow -- turned out to hear George Whitefield. For the first time in
his years of ministry, he came very close to being a martyr for the Gospel as a
man manifesting demonic spirits leaped out of the crowd and beat him senseless
with a gold cane. When he recovered, he made a statement that folks would
hear several times from him in the coming years, "We are immortal until
our work is done." Again he said, "Let the name of Whitefield
die so that the cause of Christ may live."
the fact that he was attacked on numerous occasions, stoned several times --
almost to the point of death -- in Ireland, England and Scotland and left
bloodied and almost unrecognizable, his request to the Lord, "May I die
preaching," was fulfilled Sunday morning, September 30, 1770.
He had
been back in America for just over a year, and was in Newburyport,
Massachusetts with his friend, Jonathan Parsons at the First Presbyterian
Church -- a church which George Whitefield had helped to found. He had
preached for hours the night before, and people had gathered at the parsonage
begging him to continue. There he preached on Faith and Works until the
candles were used up at 2:00 AM. As his candle extinguished, he told a
traveling companion, Richard Smith, "My asthma is returning. I must
have some rest." Four hours later, George Whitefield went to be with
the Lord.
Edwards had sown seed throughout the area. One historian wrote,
"Whitefield's presence was the straw that was to break the devil's
At a
memorial service held later, John Wesley said, "Oh, what has the church
suffered in the setting of that bright star which shone so gloriously in our
hemisphere. We have none left to succeed him; none of his gifts; none
anything like him in usefulness."
America suffered a great loss in his passing. Like Edwards who was 55
years of age when he passed on, George Whitefield was 55 years and nine months
of age when he went to be with the Lord. Yet despite the fact that
neither of them were involved in government in any way, there were few involved
in the American Revolution and the forming of this nation whose lives had not
been unalterably changed and impacted by the writing and preaching of Jonathan
Edwards, and the preaching with signs following of George Whitefield.
later wrote that the intercessory prayer movement begun by Jonathan Edwards,
followed by his articulate writings, and capitalized on by George Whitefield's
preaching, created such a wave of revival throughout America and caused such a
cohesiveness, a sense of unity and "corporate family" among the
inhabitants that it bred all of the necessary conditions essential for
America's founding as a nation.
colonists had before times held pretty much to themselves -- and particularly
among the various denominational groups -- and reserved their interaction
between colonies to business and political affairs, they now had a sense of
"belonging" to and with each other with shared experiences,
motivations and goals. Jonathan Edwards' writings and articles became
defacto references by many of the founders as they sought to pull the colonies
together in a common bond. George Whitefield's preaching resulted in such
change in the lives of so many thousands of people that it lit the fires of
independence, creating a purpose for a nation that could come together in the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and found "one nation under God" in which the
Gospel would have free course.
No two men
better deserve to be included among those we revere as our nation's
"founding fathers" than Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.
Without their obedience to the Lord, and their daring to break the traditional
molds of religion, it is doubtful that the American Revolution would ever have
taken place.
I failed
to add one piece of information to the past two discussions concerning Jonathan
Edwards and George Whitefield, so let me add this tidbit.
pretty much knows that Benjamin Franklin had a fairly notorious private life,
and that he was known for his rather "Bohemian lifestyle" -- to put
it carefully. As I commented last Friday, George Whitefield greatly
impacted Franklin's life. The two of them became friends, and Franklin
often accompanied George Whitefield to his meetings to listen to him.
We have no
direct evidence of any conversion on Benjamin Franklin's part despite being
exposed to what was obviously some of the most powerful and anointed preaching
ever heard. Yet Franklin could hardly sit under George Whitefield's
preaching without being changed and affected and/or having his very liberal
views permanently altered. The evidence of Whitefield's preaching and its
impact in Benjamin Franklin's life came some years after Whitefield's death
when Franklin was addressing the Federal Convention in 1787.
Listen to
what Benjamin Franklin had to say:
"Mr. President:
The small progress we have made after 4 or five weeks close
attendance & continual reasonings with each other—our different sentiments
on almost every question, several of the last producing as many noes and ays,
is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding.
We indeed seem to feel our own want of political wisdom, some we have been
running about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models
of Government, and examined the different forms of those Republics which having
been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution now no longer exist. And we
have viewed Modern States all round Europe, but find none of their
Constitutions suitable to our circumstances.
In this situation of this Assembly, groping as it were in the dark
to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to
us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly
applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the
beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had
daily prayer in this room for the divine protection.—Our prayers, Sir, were
heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the
struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending providence
in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of
consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity.
And have we now forgotten that powerful friend?
I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more
convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men.
And if a a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable
that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the
Sacred Writings, that "except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain
that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His
concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better, than the
Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our
projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye
word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this
unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom and
leave it to chance, war and conquest.
I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service."
Barton, the founder and president of WallBuilders, Inc. writes the following
commentary (excerpted) as his follow-up to some of James Madison's notes on the
Federal Convention of 1787.
authorized by the Congress of the Confederation, the Constitutional Convention
of 1787 was nevertheless cloaked with secrecy and confidentiality. The
official papers of the Convention sat in the Department of State, untouched,
until 1818. Yet in retrospect, the gathering reveals both the men and the
issues they faced during the founding era. Through analysis of both the
Philadelphia debates and the various ratification conventions, we realize the
concerns and needs of a developing nation.
Men of
means and education pursued a limited, federal government capable of providing
political and economic stability in a land of diverse sectional
interests. The fight for freedom had been experiential; much of the
struggle for structure and unity would be theoretical. The doctrines of
scholars would meet with the practical necessities of an emerging nation,
resulting in a balanced blend of pragmatism and principle—the Constitution of
the United States of America.
We will
pick it up here next week.
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Blessings on you!

Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76502
Email Contact: CapenerMinistries@protonmail.com
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