Howdee, Howdee!
And a great gettin' up mornin' to you, this best day of your life!
Well, we sort of finished up our series on Miracles for
the time being, but this one is too good to wait. As I shared in our last
Coffee Break, Della and I went to
Paul Keith Davis, Steven Shelley and Neville Johnson were
the featured speakers. Last Sunday morning, in the wee hours of the
morning, Neville was awakened to see a large angel standing at the foot of his
bed, adorned in precious stones of every kind, shape and flavor. The
angel said to Neville, "I'm sent by the Lord to release people into their
OK. Neville has seen plenty of angels in his
lifetime, but this was a bit different. (You may have heard of a series
of events in which angels have dropped gemstones into the hands, the laps,
and/or the homes of various people during the past months, and there certainly
has been a lot of controversy surrounding it. Some folks have questioned
why such things would take place with gemstones that no one can sell or use
practically monetarily, and we will deal with this question.)
Anyway, during the Sunday morning gathering as Neville was
sharing, an angel of the Lord dropped what for all intents and purposes
appeared to be a brilliant emerald (the size was roughly an eighth of a carat
-- Della's estimation by description) into Mary Ellen's lap. Mary Ellen,
of course, is our longtime sister in the Lord, among our closest of friends,
and a continuous participant in the worship at
You'd have to know what Mary Ellen has been going through
over the past years to appreciate the full significance of this event, but
suffice it to say it lit her fire! We've been hearing about these kinds
of things happening in other places, but never personally experienced it.
For this to happen to Mary Ellen was spectacular. It was an unusual
prophetic confirmation of some specific promises God has made to her -- and a confirmation
in the form of something tangible, as well as being illustrative of John's
description of the Bride of Christ in Revelation.
Bob Bartow is a longtime friend and brother in the Lord
who lives in
All we could say was, WOW! Della recommended that
Mary Ellen have a pendant made that she can wear around her neck as a constant
reminder of this supernatural visitation.
All right. Time for us to get back to our
discussion. Let's see if we can wrap up this picture of the Spirit
of Poverty and Avarice today.
Oh, and Hey! Don't forget to pour yourself a nice
steaming cup of some dark brew. Robert brought us an Expresso
machine, so I've made a triple-shot Americano to kick this day off. (When
we were in
The Holy Spirit has continued to download more revelation
concerning this Spirit of Poverty, so let's add to the growing list of
identifying characteristics.
24. The Spirit of Poverty promotes a genetically altered
Bible. That may sound really strange to you, so let me explain.
All of the so-called "Christian" religions get
their origins in the genetic alteration of the Word of God. When I say
"genetic," I'm referring to the fact that the Word of God has its
genesis and origins in God Himself. Any statement or doctrine which takes
away from, alters or modifies in any way the truth of
God's Word in such a way as to prevent God's people from believing and trusting
and acting upon the Word is a contamination of God's
The Spirit of Poverty deliberately alters the genesis of
God's promises of abundance and prosperity for His people. It
contaminates the Word and twists it to make folks question whether or not they
really have access to those promises. The questioning results in
doctrines that promote poverty instead of prosperity. Many of these
doctrines make statements that diametrically oppose God's promises, relegating
them to the past and eliminating them from present applicability.
There's another aspect of this contamination and genetic
alteration that goes hand-in-hand.
25. The Spirit of Poverty
stands against and in specific opposition to the Blessing of Abraham. It
cheapens the importance of the Blessing and renders it of little consequence to
the one infected and contaminated by this spirit.
The perfect example of this is found in Genesis 25 and 27
where Esau cares little for his birthright and freely surrenders it to his
brother, Jacob, in exchange for a meal of bread, pottage (or stew) and
lentils. The Hebrew term used in Genesis 25:34 where it says that
"Esau despised his birthright," is bazah (which the KJV renders
"despised.") William Gesenius, in his
Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, defines bazah as: to
disesteem, to scorn, to disdain, to think contemptible.
Pretty telling, isn't it? Esau comes in weary and
hungry from a hunting trip, sees and smells the wonderful dinner Jacob has been
working on. (Sounds like Jacob must have been a pretty good chef, doesn't
it?) When he asks Jacob for a plate, Jacob quickly asks for something
that -- under ordinary circumstances -- no one in their right mind would even
consider: Esau's birthright as the firstborn son.
Yet, Esau freely and readily surrenders that right in
exchange for something that would satisfy his stomach for nothing more than
minutes or hours at best.
With the birthright came the traditional right to receive
the principal blessing of the father. Jacob, of course, knew that his
father, Isaac, would never agree to the bargain he made with Esau so that he
would have first chance for the Blessing -- which was, in fact, the Blessing of
Abraham. Most of you already know the story of Jacob's connivance with
his mother, and how they deceived Isaac together to ensure that Jacob would
receive what he had bargained for.
The point of this is that Esau was contaminated with the
Spirit of Poverty. Because that spirit had genetically altered the whole
picture of the Blessing and its spiritual importance within him, Esau couldn't
give a rip. He freely and gladly traded the right away.
26. The Spirit of Poverty creates a servant mentality, robbing God's
people of their status as sons and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. Right
along with #24, this spirit delights in generating a "feel-good"
attitude about being a servant and getting involved (often to the point of
exhaustion) in doing lots of good works.
At the same time, it hides and camouflages the fact that
Jesus has raised us above the status of servants to Sonship
and being joint-heirs with Him. Let's see. What was it that Jesus
Oh yeah! "Ye are my friends, if
ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not
servants; for the servant knoweth not what his
lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I
have heard of my Father I have made known unto you." (John 15:14-15)
Big difference, isn't it?
27. This may seem redundant to
some of what has already been shared, but let me state it like this. The
Spirit of Poverty causes us to listen to --
God doesn't choose anyone because of their skills or their
abilities. In fact, He more often chooses folks who completely lack
ability, and then supernaturally empowers them for whatever task (or tasks) He
sets before them. God chooses people to do things and anoints and
commissions them based on their willingness to respond to His voice and their
obedience to His heart's desire.
The Spirit of Poverty causes us to feel unworthy to
respond to God by demeaning us and criticizing our character, our makeup, our
personality and/or our skills and abilities.
28. The Spirit of Poverty dams up
the free flow of the Holy Spirit in a believer. This spirit, as you can
easily see already, opposes freedom and liberty -- and the power, the
authority, and the boldness that come with that freedom -- because of the
threat to its existence.
The apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians, said, "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the
Lord is, there is liberty." (II
Corinthians 3:17) Right! And no Spirit of Poverty wants Him around.
29. Right along with #28, the
Spirit of Poverty causes people to reject the supernatural and question
visitations from the Lord, dreams, visions and angelic appearances. The
realm of the divine supernatural brings with it an awe-inspiring presence of
the Lord. If the angel of the Lord appears to a person, there is a
radiant sense of the glory of God. If a person sees unusual signs and
wonders being demonstrated by the Holy Spirit, a breaking in oneself of bondage
and restraints from Satan almost always takes place. When those
restraints are lifted and broken off, the freed individual becomes a threat to
Satan and his domain.
30. The Spirit of Poverty
is the father of the Spirit of Debt. This probably needs some
clarification, so let me put it this way. The Spirit of Debt wants to
keep folks in debt so they have no liberty to give as God directs. How
many times have you felt prompted to give to meet someone's need, and just had
no ability to do so because your available income was tied to make payments on
your credit cards, your cars, your home, your furniture, or something else?
Get it? The Spirit of Debt deliberately drives you
deeper and deeper into debt so as to prevent you from fulfilling your giving
mandate from the Lord. The Spirit of Poverty and Avarice, working hand in
hand with the Spirit of Debt, entice and compel you to buy things you really
can't afford, or live a lifestyle that supposedly causes you to keep up with
today's "standard of living" -- and that standard is purely
artificial. That standard is driven by the King of Babylon -- NOT the
Holy Spirit.
It is the Spirit of Poverty and Avarice, working with the
Spirit of Debt, that drives people into
bankruptcy. I speak this not from theory, but from personal
experience. I've been there -- and folks, I'm NOT going back!
As we have already said in this series of Coffee Breaks,
we don't work for a living: we work for a giving! The apostle Paul put it
like this in his letter to the Ekklesia in Ephesus: "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him
labour, working with his hands the thing which is good,
that he may have to give to him that needeth." (Ephesians 4:28)
I'm already running longer in today's Coffee Break than I
intended, and I'm not going to get to the picture of the Blessing of Abraham in
this discussion, but let me make some final comments concerning this statement
by Paul.
The Spirit of Poverty drives people into debt. The
Spirit of Debt enforces that driving. People make commitments they can't
keep. They begin to fall behind on their monthly payments. The more
they labor to get out of debt, the "behinder"
they get! Their integrity and honor go out the door. Their
reputation and credit-worthiness are ruined. Their name gets besmirched.
When they discover they have lost their credit-worthiness
and borrowing power, many folks are driven to changing their names, their
identities, their homes -- and more -- fleeing in an effort to avoid the
debt-collector. Essentially, they become thieves and liars. When
the pressure reaches a certain level, some file for bankruptcy protection, some
go to elaborate methods to change their identities and start all over again
(being driven by the Spirit of Poverty and Avarice), and a few just quit on
life in general and commit suicide.
That, my friends, is exactly what this demonic spirit is
seeking to do. Jesus put it best. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it
more abundantly." (John 10:10)
The Economy of God's Kingdom is designed to bring God's
people to abundant living and deliver them from this Babylonian system of
greed, avarice and debt. Kingdom Economics are the economics of freedom
-- the freedom to live and give, the freedom to trust God entirely as your
source, freedom from the need to work for a living, freedom to cast all your
cares, your worries and your frustrations on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the
freedom to live prosperously and richly without having debt and poverty and
avarice hanging over your head as a continuous "Sword of Damocles."
In our next Coffee Break, we'll dive into the Blessing of
Abraham and identify the reasons why the economy of God's Kingdom uses Abraham
and the blessing of the Lord he received as its hallmark.
Poverty is a form of Hell caused by man's blindness to
God's unlimited good (and blessing) for him. God's plan for man is the
prosperity that comes by living in divine favor. Living in divine favor
is the product of direct and committed -- covenanted -- obedience to Him and
His Word!
The Blessing of the Lord: it makes rich and He adds no
painful toil and sorrow! (Proverbs
10:22) Be blessed!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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