Solutions, Salutations, Greetings, Blessings, etc., etc.,
In case you missed that, Hi!
Been another one of those weeks, folks! Can't seem to catch up with myself. Everything that can
interrupt our activities has. Yup. Such is
life -- these days, anyway. Looks like it's going to
continue throughout the holiday season, too. Della and I expect to
be in Canada during the last week of December and first week of January for a
Coffee's on, folks! Got some of that double-roasted
French Roast blended with some Sumatran and dark roasted Columbian Supremo for today's brew. Talk about a wonderful
aroma! Tastes better than it smells, too.
Better get some while the gettin' is good!
When we last left off in the story about our son, Chris,
and his decision to move his family to Sunnyside so they could be a part of our
church fellowship and family, I was telling you about his effort to buy a home.
This was a rather unique home, elegantly landscaped with
gardens (yeah, plural!) and walkways, a pasture for horses (or cows, or
whatever), fifty-odd fruit trees, a barn, chicken coop, beehive, pig stall --
and what all! It was -- to say the least -- an unusual place with lots of
potential room for Chris's family. Chris visited the home only once in
his short stay before returning to work in
As I also noted last week, there was another buyer in
front of him who was better prepared financially to purchase this home on short
notice. The other buyer also had offered about $5,000 more than Chris was
prepared to offer. To make a long story short, we all prayed over the
house and felt that this was indeed Chris's house. Meanwhile, he returned
to his job in
Michael Sharpe (whom I mention from time to time in these
Coffee Breaks) who was Chris's real estate agent and representative advised him
that the sellers had decided to accept the first buyer's offer. However, in a gesture of goodwill, they said they would put
Chris in second place, and that if the first buyer backed out for some reason
at the last moment, they would sell him the house for what he offered.
Something like 45 days elapsed. Chris
had suggested that we keep looking at other houses in case this one didn't
materialize, but I assured him that the Lord had given me absolute confidence
that this house was his, no matter what the circumstances seemed like. We did
look at a couple other houses, by the way, but the price on both of them was
more than $100,000 higher.
The first buyer was getting ready to close on the
purchase, and suddenly at the last moment his employer told him that he could
not buy a home in Sunnyside. He was required to live on the orchards he
managed, or he would lose his job. Just like that, the home became
available for Chris.
One more problem/obstacle surfaced. Because of
Chris's income to debt ratio (he was still making payments on their home in
Add taxes and insurance to that, plus the $1300/month
payment on his
The natural instinct is to draw back in horror at the very thought. And Chris just choked on it. He
called me from his remote work site in
The circumstances notwithstanding, the Holy Spirit had
generated a confidence in me that said, "All is well. I've got this
under control." So I said to Chris, "Do you trust the Lord?
Do you trust His direction to you to move your family here? Do you
believe you've heard from God?"
He was quiet for a minute and then said, "Yes, I
do." I answered him and said, "Then sign the mortgage loan
agreement papers and send them back to Ginny Lee in
My counsel to Chris wasn't based on any emotional decision
just because I thought he ought to move here from
This is when your faith has to do both the talking and the
walking. God's economy is based entirely in love-driven faith. You
have to KNOW that God loves you -- personally -- and that He will NEVER direct
you to do or say anything that He won't stand behind as Father-God.
I was extremely blessed growing up as a child to have a
father whose word was as good as gold. He never made
a promise he didn't keep. He never gave me, or my brother, any instruction to
do something that he wouldn't back up if we failed in some way or found
ourselves wavering. It was a perfect picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was a faith-picture.
You remember what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:17? "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word
of God." Just a few verses
earlier in the same chapter, he says, "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in
thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved (the word in the original Greek text here is sozo, and it is an
all-encompassing word which describes safety, salvation, deliverance,
provision for every need, health, wholeness and long life). For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with
the mouth confession is made unto (sozo) salvation."
Got the picture? You can believe to your heart's
content what God says about your health, your safety, your deliverance, or your
provision for whatever need or situation, but unless you say so with your mouth
-- and continue to say so -- you'll never see faith in action. Faith
demands speaking. Without you opening your mouth to declare what God has
said to you, the substance of what you believe will never manifest!
No sooner had Chris signed the papers -- and he did so in
verbalized faith, believing --
Talk about ridiculous, utterly phantasmagorical stupidity!
No one in their right mind agrees to a mortgage with an interest rate of 15%.
It's insane!
Ginny's supervisor asked her if she had tried FHA. Because of other prevailing circumstances, she had not.
His answer to her was, "Chris's large down payment (in excess of 20%)
overrides all other circumstances and sets aside normal FHA rules. He
shouldn't have any trouble qualifying."
Ginny made one phone call and came up with a 7.5% interest
rate. It represented something like a drop of $400/month+ in the house
payment. She called Michael and me (I was acting as Chris's
attorney-in-fact) to let us know of the stupendous development. Michael
was really pushing things through for Chris and making sure nothing was missed.
The long and the short is that -- acting on Chris's behalf -- I signed the
papers for his purchase on or about the 8th of August.
There is one detail (and I'm leaving out lots of really neat
details) worth mentioning. Turns out that the lender (or a loan officer
for the lender) decided that the power of attorney that Chris had signed
empowering me to represent him wasn't specific enough. The closing date
was something like five days away. Chris was working at the Red Dog Mine just
north of the
The lender wanted to send Chris a new set of
power-of-attorney documents, have him sign them before a notary public, and
then overnight them back so we could do the closing on
schedule. At this remote mining site, they don't
normally have a notary public, and even if Chris could somehow take advantage
of a Saturday charter flight to Kotzebue or Nome to
find a notary, he still wouldn't be able to get a FedEx or
He called me again. Monday was the lender's closing
deadline. If the closing didn't go through on that date, the loan would
have to be reprocessed from scratch. The sellers were in a predicament
because they needed to close on that date in order to have the money to pay for
their new home.
The Holy Spirit gave me an instant answer. I said to
Chris, "Have Ginny Lee email the new documents to
you. Print them off. Get in touch with your site supervisor and see
if any of the office employees on site, or at your local airfield are
The site supervisor was standing next to Chris when he
called me, and when he heard the conversation he said to Chris, "We don't
normally have a notary on site, but one of our employees who is
a notary just happens to be here. She'll notarize your papers for you."
To top things off, one of Chris's co-workers was just
getting off his six-week rotation and heading to
Think God doesn't work out even the finest details for His
people when they act according to His directions and in His will? Better
believe it! With the Lord having worked miracles, Chris and family now
have a 4200+ square-foot home in the country, just out of Sunnyside.
One more note to this before I move on. The FHA just
called Chris a few days ago and offered to refinance and lower his interest
rate to 6.25%. The refinance was approved last night. That will cut
another $160/month off his house payment.
Are you getting the picture? Get your assignment,
your place, your station, your place to fit in the body of Christ FIRST.
With that settled in your being, watch God begin to work out normally impossible
details on your behalf. In fact, get ready for the adventure of a
I said it before, and I'll say it again. Kingdom Economics are designed to
return us to that "need-less" place -- that place of authority and
dominion, that place of every conceivable need supplied, the place that Jesus
promised when He said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly."
Yup! That's the essence of Kingdom Economics.
A life of abundance!
But this is a lifestyle that's going to cost you -- and,
NO, I don't mean monetarily, and I don't mean in terms of pain and hardship.
At least not in the traditional sense, anyway. What this lifestyle is
going to cost you is giving up your thought processes, your reasoning, your
analyses -- in other words, human logic. You've got to realize that to
live the life of abundance and peace that Jesus Christ has made available to
every believer requires a walk of faith.
Let's talk about this walk of faith for a minute.
We've already said that real faith (as opposed to
"theoretical, religious or doctrinal faith") demands confession.
But real faith also demands that you have total confidence and trust in God's
love for you. Without that confidence and trust in the Lord, any faith is
pure theory and lacking in substance.
Let me take you again to the epistle of Paul (we assume
him to be the author) to the Hebrews where he writes, "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." (Hebrews
Get it? Anyone who draws back, anyone who backs away
from believing and trusting and having full confidence in God and in His Word
will NOT see His pleasure. In other words, God will withhold the very
thing from you that you desire -- and that will disappoint Him greatly.
What was it that Jesus said? "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Fathers good
pleasure to give you the kingdom."
(Luke 12:32) And it is, too! There's nothing that the Lord desires
more than to show us His delight and pleasure at our walk of faith and trust in
Him, and our confidence in His love and His Word.
But if we draw back, if we do not have confidence and
trust in Him, if we don't trust that His love for us wants to give us the
world, if we don't believe that He in His love wants us healthy, wealthy and
wise, we will cheat not only ourselves, but the Lord by depriving Him of the
opportunity to demonstrate His good pleasure.
This may be the strangest lesson in economics you've ever
had, but what I'm sharing with you is iron-clad in God's Word.
Let's go back to something Paul wrote in his second letter
to the Ekklesia in Thessalonica: "Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would
count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the
good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: That the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to
the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." (II Thessalonians
There it is again! God counts and treats us as
worthy when we believe Him, when we love Him, when we trust Him implicitly.
And when He counts us worthy, He absolutely, unconditionally fulfills His good
pleasure in us. What's more, He fulfills that good pleasure not just for
our sake, but so that the name, the character, the personality, the makeup, the
very essence of the Lord Jesus and His anointing are glorified in, with and
through us.
You see, we are called to Him. We are a people -- a
bride (to use the Biblical metaphor) -- designed and destined to show the world
God's authority, His power, His grace, His love, His might -- His very onoma !
We are designed and destined to be Jesus' counterpart, His
other self: a people whose life and lifestyle show something to the world that
causes people to want what we have, want to be who we are and desire the love
and grace we manifest.
I don't want to run long today, and this seems like a good
stopping place. Hopefully, I'll get to continue
this before this week gets away from us.
In the
The Blessing of the Lord be upon

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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