19, '21 8:38 AM
By Regner Capener
Frank Villa is a recent (within the
past year) friend, brother in the Lord and co-laborer in the Gospel.
my friends I like to describe Frank as a fellow-investor in the Kingdom of God
and a broker of Kingdom opportunities. That may sound like a funny way to
describe him, but Frank has discovered that it is our investments (our time,
our labors and energies, as well as financial giving) in the Kingdom of God
that pay the kind of dividends which are reaped not only here but in eternity
as well. Whether they describe it like this or not, Frank and Jan (his wife)
have entered into a powerful covenant with the Lord.
me remind you of this rather remarkable covenant that Jesus made – and this
covenant applies only to those who don’t draw back or withhold any part of
their existence from the pursuit of excellence in Jesus Christ. First let me
take you to the context of this covenant.
has just finished with His invitation to the rich young ruler to forsake all
and come and follow Him. The rich young ruler can’t quite bring himself to make
that kind of commitment and leaves Jesus in sadness. Jesus says to His disciples, “Children, how hard is it for them that trust in
riches to enter into the Kingdom of God.”
follows that statement by saying, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle (a very low and narrow gate in the wall
of the city of Jerusalem),
than for a rich man to
enter into the Kingdom of God.”
Peter and several of the disciples are fairly well-to-do businessmen and
fishermen, and have a rather abundant supply of resources, this shakes him and
he answers, “Who then can be saved?”
now answers Peter like this:
“With men it is
impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” The point He’s making is that the
ability to prioritize one’s life for the sake of the Kingdom and lay aside
possessions is a gift from the Lord.
thinks about his situation, as well as that of James and John and some of the
others and seeks to make the point with Jesus that, while they have plenty,
their trust is not in their wealth and personal resources. So, he responds to
Jesus and says, “You see, Lord, that we have left all our wealth behind and
have followed you [not making our well-being and personal comfort our
Jesus responds with a covenant statement: “Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or
brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for
my sake, and the gospel’s, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this
time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands,
with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”(See
Mark 10:17-31)
you seeing and understanding the nature of this covenant? Our families, our
friends, our relatives, our wealth and possessions get bumped out of first
place in our priorities.Jesus obviously didn’t care
if people had family and friends, wealth and possessions – in fact, He was
promising all that to them! What He was saying was, “You follow after me!You
make the Gospel of the Kingdom your priority, even if you have to walk away
from your closest family and friends, even if you have to walk away from your wealth.If you’ll do that, I covenant with you to make
family and friends, wealth and possessions my promise to you a hundred times
greater than anything you walk away from – not only now, but in the ages to
come, along with eternal life!But know this!If you have all these things and you are following
after me and making the Gospel of the Kingdom your priority in life, you will
have persecution because of it.”(My paraphrased rendering from the
Greek text)
How’s that for a mouthful? You get it, don’t you? His promise and covenant to
those who receive this gift from God to be able to set aside their family,
friends, lands and possessions is that He will restore to them – IN THIS LIFE –
all that they walk away from a hundred times over!
really the same thing that Jesus said in Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
said all that to say this: Frank Villa has made it his life’s purpose to
promote every opportunity God has directed him to for those who have eyes to
see and ears to hear to invest in avenues which provide a financial means to
enlarge the Kingdom of God.He and Jan have entered
into this covenant with the Lord. It’s the same covenant that Della and I have
entered into – hence our great appreciation for Frank and Jan.
folks get rich doing this? Sure. But the riches are not for those who just want
to have lots of money for themselves. The objective is to ensure that those who
are on the frontlines of the Kingdom doing battle with the Enemy and taking
back Kingdom territory stolen by Satan have all the resources they need in
order to accomplish the mission God has anointed them for.
what I said in one of our last Coffee Breaks? Tremendous opportunities are
being given to many to invest in the Gospel of the Kingdom. Those who hear the
Word of the Lord and obey every command to invest with their seed sowing and
their abundant giving will see their opportunities, their finances and personal
resources multiply greatly. This great transfer of wealth into the hands of
God’s people, however, is not so they can build a collection of mansions, Rolls
Royces or Bentleys (and it’s not that God objects to
His people having these things!); the purpose for this great wealth transfer is
to capitalize on the moment so that the Kingdom of God expands and multiplies
in the earth. Our first priority as believers is to extend the boundaries of
the rulership of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Jesus Christ.
Time for us to get back to our main discussion. Got a big carafe of some
dark-roasted Columbian mixed with some lighter-roasted Swedish coffee sitting
on the kitchen counter. Come on by and pour yourself a 16-ouncer as we continue
talking about my adventures in Heaven.
was in the early spring of 1971 after returning from speaking at a Full Gospel
Businessmen’s Convention in Phoenix that I dived into a three-week fast. Other
than some one-, two- or three-day fasts, I had never really engaged in any
fasting to speak of up to this time. Somehow I’d become fixated on the
Esther-type of fasting: that’s to say, no food of any kind and no water. I knew
Moses had gone twice for 40 days without food or water so it never dawned on me
that it took a rhema and an act of God in order to pull off
something like that.
food and no water” was pretty normal to me and that’s the way I dived into this
three-week fast.It wasn’t until I hit the 8th
day of the fast that I realized I was in physical trouble. You’ve no idea how
rough it is on a person’s constitution to be without water for eight days!It was in my physical weakness that I flipped open my
Bible the afternoon of that 8th day. My Bible fell open to the 10th
chapter of Daniel. In a split second my conversation with Daniel (20 years
before while I was in Heaven) came flooding back and I suddenly knew it was OK
to finish out the fast drinking water. Even though Daniel could eat bread on his
fast (it just couldn’t be whole bread or sweet bread), I felt restrained from
eating any bread.
fast finished and culminated with the miracle of Eskdale
(if you’d like to read that story go to this link –http://regnersrangers.multiply.com/journal?&=&page_start=540
– and scroll down the page just over halfway. There are three parts to this
up where I left off in our last Coffee Break, my questions to Daniel now
centered on his life of prayer, intercession and fasting.
and when did your daily life of prayer and intercession begin," I asked.
prayer life began in my youth," he began, "even before we were taken
into Babylon.It had become a regular activity for me.
While I was still a very young person, my prayer life was resulting in a
tangible sense of the presence of the Lord being with me.If
daily activities and family affairs interfered for a day or a few days, it soon
became clear to me that I was missing out on the immediacy that I experienced
with regular and consistent daily prayer."
was at this moment that he allowed me to see a quick vision of the carrying
away into captivity and the long, tiresome and wearying procession. I saw
Daniel and his companions as they trudged mile after mile after mile. He also
allowed me to see the combination of disappointment and occasional flashes of
fear -- a fear of the unknown that lay ahead. At the same time I saw the rising
up of hope and determination in him with the knowledge of God's presence. There
were flashes of revelation in his spirit that, despite the fact that he was
leaving home and all the surroundings he'd known in Judah, he was walking into
a destiny that God had purposed for him before he'd ever been born into the
House of David.
now continued his discourse."During our long trek to Babylon, it became
very clear to me that the only way I was going to succeed or prosper in any way
in our new and foreign environment was to be constantly in communication and
communion with the Lord.I resolved in myself to spend
my first waking moments in praise and worship, prayer and intercession and
seeking the heart of the Lord for that day. When mid-day came, I wanted to
renew and refresh my spirit with His spirit and ensure that my day was
completely on track with His plans and purposes.
evening came, it didn't matter that I would be asleep during the late hours. I
wanted my spirit to be completely in tune with the Lord in such a way that any
dreams or visions would be those in which He wanted to reveal more of Himself
to me. It was mandatory for me -- a mandate in my spirit from which I could not
escape -- that my last waking hour or minutes would be spent in communion with
was in that moment that I saw what God was doing in me, even at my young age. The
very first thing I did each morning when I awoke was to grab my Bible and read.
The hunger in me to know the Word was nothing less than voracious. As I read
and meditated, there was a place of communion with the Lord that unfolded in
the midst of that time. It wasn't a thing where I would grab the Bible, read a
few verses or a chapter, put it down and focus on the things that I wanted or
needed to do. I enjoyed the presence of the Lord and would read and read and
meditate and commune until I heard my Mother call me for breakfast.
concept of stopping in the middle of the day to read or to pray had not entered
my mind or my spirit, but there wasn't a night in which my last activity was to
get my Bible and read and read and meditate and commune with the Lord until I
fell asleep.In fact, here I was in Heaven, brought
here by the Lord while I was doing what I always did: read the Word and
meditate on Him before going to sleep.
realized that the prayer and reading practices of early morning and late
evening which had developed -- and my parents readily encouraged -- were very
much like that which Daniel lived. Suddenly I related to him in a way that I
couldn't put into words, but there was a bond of communication in the realm of
the spirit. There was nothing in me at that moment that said my life would
unfold like Daniel's life had, nor was there any idea that the Lord would
unfold for me that same kind of revelation he experienced.
next words to me were almost obvious. I knew where he was coming from.
Nebuchadnezzar? Remember the dream he had and how when his so-called "wise
men, soothsayers and astrologers" couldn't begin to explain or unfold it,
he sent forth Arioch, the Captain of the Guard, with
an order to kill all his wise men and counselors?"
interrupted him."Daniel, how was it that you and Hananiah,
Mishael and Azariah were
incorporated into his wise men? How did you get chosen for that when you were
anything but an astrologer or soothsayer or someone who invented connections
between the position of the stars or other heavenly bodies and unfolding
began to laugh. "That's a humorous way of putting things," he said,
smiling broadly."But you are right! Astrology is nothing more than an
effort to predict events based on the position and alignment of stars or other
heavenly bodies. Those who engage in astrology fail to realize that every
constellation was named by God when He created the heavens. The constellations
are there as His signs in the heavens so as to confirm His Word -- NOT to
predict events in the lives of individuals before they happen.
who seek to use the stars as a means to foretell events or draw personality
profiles become the tools and victims of a lying Spirit of Divination because
they are not walking and living in a personal relationship with the Lord. Without
that place of intimacy and covenant with Him they become subject to lying
spirits which purpose to lead them astray, confuse them and sidetrack them so
that their focus is not on receiving the life God has for them.
answer your question more directly, because we were all of the royal House of
David, it was thought that, as members of royalty, we would have had better
training, better schooling and -- as a result -- more wisdom and knowledge than
the average individual. Add to that the fact that the four of us had an outward
manifestation of the Spirit of God upon us which set us apart. Without the
king's advisors realizing it, they selected us to become part of the magi
because they sensed the Spirit of the Lord God with us; and His Spirit -- all
by Himself -- conveys a wisdom and understanding that the natural world does
not have."
that make sense to you, my young friend, Regner? "Daniel
asked." Do you understand?"
nodded my head affirmatively, and he continued the discourse I had interrupted
a few minutes earlier.
get back to my question to you about Nebuchadnezzar's dream and his order to Arioch."When I realized what the king's orders were,
namely, to destroy all of the magi because they couldn't tell him what he
dreamed, nor give him an interpretation of that dream, I knew immediately in my
spirit that the Lord would not only unfold the dream to me, He would also at
the same time explain the dream in such a way that I could make the king
understand what God was saying."
had given me favor with Arioch, the Captain of the
King's Guard, so that I was given an opportunity to request time from the king
to put the whole matter before the Lord. Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were quick to
agree with me and we began a time of prayer and intercession and waiting in the
presence of the Lord. That same night, God gave me a vision in which he
literally put on display for me every facet of the king's dream, along with a
full understanding of the events that would follow throughout the centuries to
was really fascinating to me! It was the first of many like experiences in
which the future unfolded in front of me like a scroll. As amazing as it was
for Nebuchadnezzar to hear his own forgotten dream read back to him, I was
honestly just as amazed to see and hear what the Spirit of the Lord was saying
about the kingdoms that would succeed the Babylonian kingdom.
it did ultimately was to inspire and compel me towards a life of prayer and
intercession more than ever before. Intercession, you see, is more than simply
praying intensely over some situation or set of events. Intercession is active
participation in bringing to pass the heart's desire and the will of Father God
on earth and in the affairs of men. Intercession is what Father God has
ordained for us in order that the Kingdom of Heaven and God's rulership be implemented and enforced here."
last comment sparked a series of questions from me -- and we'll take those up
in our next Coffee Break.
HEAVEN XVII: Daniel's Prophecies.
When people are given a glimpse of their individual role in God's
destiny, it transforms them and sets them on the course to repentance and the
impartation of the Christ-like nature. They see the cause of God and are forever
changed and have the joy of their salvation restored. We are seeing that happen
now. Strongholds of hopelessness, despair, depression and other oppressive
mindsets will be overcome when God's "zoe"
life is breathed into an exceedingly great army. -- Paul Keith Davis
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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