October 1, '21 2:34 PM
By Regner Capener
few weeks ago, I shared with you the transition we’ve been going through with
our ministry and the fact that we have suspended our regular daily operation of
River Worship Center in preparation for team ministry traveling throughout the
Shortly thereafter, I
talked with Dwain McKenzie (who has been a lifelong friend and co-laborer in
the Gospel) who, with his wife Suzy, has moved back to Alaska and currently
lives in Glenallen. Dwain said that he was going to
Barrow to preach for a couple of weeks (the church there (AofG)
had just lost its pastor, and he would try to get a sense of what the Spirit of
the Lord was doing and saying on the arctic coast.
I just talked with
him yesterday and it turns out there is good reason for the emphasis the Holy
Spirit has been putting in Della and me to return to the north and minister in
the villages. Every single AofG church across the
north coast – Point Hope, Wainwright, Barrow, Nuiqsut
and Kaktovik on Barter Island – are without pastors. Not
only that, both of the Presbyterian churches in Wainwright and Barrow have lost
their pastors. An old friend of ours who was the Presbyterian pastor in Barrow
back in the 1960’s – John Chambers – has returned to Barrow to preach on an
interim basis, but as he indicated, “this is strictly temporary until we can
find someone permanent to take this church.”
What has happened is
that (and I don’t want to point fingers here judgmentally) people who should be
true shepherds and remain with their people until other shepherds can take over
the responsibility have simply walked away from their pastorates like
“hirelings” would.
Ezekiel had a strong
Word from the Lord concerning this.
“And they were
scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts
of the field, when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the
mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the
face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.
“Therefore, ye
shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; As I live, saith
the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat
to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my
shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my
flock; therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;
“Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and
I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the
flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore; for I will deliver
my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.
“For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my
sheep, and seek them out. As a shepherd seeketh out
his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I
seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been
scattered in the cloudy and dark day.”
(Ezekiel 34:5-12)
Pretty strong, isn’t
it? Della and I both understand why also the Holy Spirit has made clear to us
that we will take on this ministry throughout these communities at our own
expense. That’s to say, the Lord will make provision for this ministry – this
team ministry – without any need for us to “take up offerings” in the villages
in order to travel and teach, preach and prophesy the spiritual health these
folks need.
It is the Lord Jesus
Christ who will direct the gathering. He is, after all, the Chief Shepherd! It
is the Holy Spirit who will deliver the people from all the places where they
have been scattered. It is His calling and His responsibility that He is
implanting in us in order to “heal the hurt of
the daughter of My people.”(Jeremiah 8:11)
Now, let’s get on
with today’s sharing. Oh…and by the way…better get your cup of java poured if’n you haven’t already.
When I wrote about
David in this series, I commented that he perhaps more than any other Biblical
character has had an impact on my life. The things he shared, the Psalms he
penned, and the life of praise and worship he led have been a part of my
thought processes and unfolding revelation in my spirit for nearly sixty years
as of this writing.
As a young boy,
however, my experiences with angelic appearances and that first appearance of
the Lord Jesus Christ in my bedroom at age seven prompted my mother to take me
to the events surrounding the calling of the prophet Samuel as a youngster as
it is described in Scripture. Mom had a way of sharing events and stories from
the Bible so that you were almost a participant in those Biblical events. She
had a flair for the dramatic and loved to dramatize Bible stories so that my
brother and I – and all the kids she taught in Sunday School – were immersed in
the events by her story-telling. Mom realized that the Lord was dealing with me
and revealing Himself to me in a way that – in many respects – paralleled that
of Samuel.
That said, I was
anxious to talk to Samuel in person when the Lord gave me the opportunity to
meet and talk to anyone I desired during that first trip to Heaven. The fact
that the Lord first called him in his early youth made him someone I could
easily relate to, and I wanted to hear him talk about what he experienced.
Samuel was another
one of those folks I had a mental image of as an aged prophet. It was easy to
see him as an eight-year-old with Eli, the High Priest, and I could envision
him much later in life as the old bearded prophet and mentor of David. What I
saw in fact was very much like everyone else – a young-looking, but mature man
who was hale and hearty, filled with vim, vigor and vitality. Seeing Samuel was
one more reminder that folks don’t age in the presence of the Lord. In fact,
age is totally irrelevant since we as spiritual beings are eternal, made in the
image and likeness of the Lord God. There is nothing about Jesus that is old,
and despite the fact that Father God is described as “the Ancient of Days” He
simply does not age in any way.
My first question to
Samuel related to his age when he first heard the voice of God.“How old were
you when you first heard the Lord call your name?”
He smiled as he
responded, “Not that far off from where you are now – and perhaps closer to
your age when the Lord Jesus first appeared at your bedside to call you. I was
eight years of age. Unlike your experience, however, visions, dreams and
angelic visitations had become a rarity in Israel. Though the priesthood should
have been regularly experiencing communication with God because of entering
into the Holy of Holies once a year, it had been generations since there had
been a High Priest who really reverenced the Lord, or had any real perception
of what it meant to fear the Lord and His Holiness.
“Eli had received the
Word of the Lord concerning his lack of respect for the sacrifices and the way
in which he permitted his two sons to continue as priests despite their utter
disregard for the Lord as well as their perverse behavior and contamination of
the sacrifices – and he did nothing to stop them. But he had never personally
received angelic visitations; and he had never personally heard the Lord. For
that matter, neither had any of his recent predecessor High Priests. There
simply was no open vision of the Lord or of the Heavenly realm in those days. We
had no visible manifestation of the presence or power of God in the way that
Moses and Joshua had experienced.
“All of Israel knew –
I knew – that we were a people who were supposed to be chosen by God. I knew
that we had priests who were supposed to represent us before God, but I’d never
seen any demonstration of Him that I was aware of, and I’d certainly never
heard of anyone hearing or talking to God in any recent times. When the voice
of God first spoke in my hearing, it was different from Eli’s voice and yet I
thought instinctively that it had to be Eli calling me from another room. I had
no expectation of God talking to me. After all, I was a young boy! Who was I
that He would talk to me?!”
This was different. In
my conversation with Abraham earlier, he had said, “Once you’ve heard the voice
of God, there is no other,” meaning of course that His voice is distinctively
different from all human voices. That begged the following question from me.
“How would you have not
known instantly that this was the Lord speaking?” I asked.“Surely you would have
known in your inner self that it was God!”
My question came from
my own reference point, of course. I’d had three years of non-stop visitations
from angels, followed by the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ at my bedside.
His voice was filled with an indescribable peace and presence I don’t to this
day know how to adequately put into words. No one would ever be able to tell me
I hadn’t heard or seen Him, and no one would ever be able to sell me on a Him
being a false Christ or demonic apparition. In the years since that event I have
seen demonic spirits visibly and I can promise you that there is no peace or
presence of the Lord that accompanies them.
Samuel answered me,
“Thinking back, I did know the difference but as I said, there had never been
any reference point for the voice of the Lord to me. I just didn’t know Him yet
and He had never revealed Himself to me up to this time. My reactions were
based in my own reasoning. It had to be Eli calling me. Who else
would it be?
“Not until it had
happened three times and Eli instructed me to say, ‘Speak Lord, for thy servant
heareth,’ did it actually register that this was
truly the voice of God. Then when the Lord spoke to me and told me what He was
going to do to Eli and his household, the last thing I wanted to do was to
share any of it with Eli.
acknowledgement and acceptance of that Word of judgment sealed in me the
realization that God had indeed talked to me and that the Word was
going to be fulfilled. I never had to guess again as to whether it was the Lord
speaking. I knew! In the months and years that followed, He spoke
to me on numerous occasions – and each time He spoke I received more revelation
of Who He is. There was a distinct impartation and revelation that came with
His voice and an inner knowing that He would fulfill everything He spoke to
Everything Samuel was
speaking confirmed my own personal experiences with the Lord up to this time. I
could easily recall the pictures – the visions, if you will – of the Jews being
able to return to their homeland as Israel was once again declared a nation. Those
pictures had been engraved in the back of my mind, and not too many months
thereafter I saw a copy of Life Magazine with photographs of the very same
thing. The Lord had said to me during that first visitation that Israel was
being restored as a nation, and now I had seen the photographic proof exactly
as He had implanted the visions. The Word of the Lord had been confirmed to me
in the same way that He had confirmed His Word to Samuel.
“One more question
before I change the topic,” I said.“How many years went by before God’s
judgment fell on Eli and his house? When did you become the High Priest in
“There is one thing
you ought to keep in mind,” Samuel answered.“This will help you in the years to
come in understanding that God has a specific timing in the way He does things.
He’s not in a hurry, and He is never late. There is a mathematical order to Him
and numbers with God have great spiritual significance. Because of that there
is a principle of maturity and responsibility.
“Within the life of
Israel as a people, when a young man is first released into his years of
training and preparation by his father to assume the family name and
responsibility, he is usually about twelve years of age. There have always been
a few exceptions – me being one of those exceptions – where the training begins
earlier. That period of training usually lasts about seventeen years, give or
take a couple depending on the responsiveness of the young man.
“Usually by the age
of 30 the father calls friends and family together and there is a public
ceremony or pronouncement that the son has accomplished his years of
preparation and is now taking on the responsibility of the father’s business. The
son now has the authority to speak and act in his father’s name; and everything
he does from now on carries the weight of his father’s character and integrity
– his name and his rank.
“That tradition has
come out of the way God has dealt with His people. Isaac was nearing 30 years
of age when Abraham was instructed to offer him up as a sacrifice to the Lord. If
you remember your Scriptures, Jesus was about 30 years of age when Father God
placed His stamp of approval on Him and released Him to minister and to speak
in Father’s name and on His behalf.
“In that same way, I
was about 30 years of age when the Philistines invaded Israel and took the Ark
of the Covenant. The two sons of Eli were killed in the ensuing battle and Eli
fell over and broke his neck, dying instantly when he heard the news. Though
Eli had in many ways mentored me for more than 21 years, it was the continual
and growing relationship with Father God throughout those years that prepared
me. It was His voice that released me. It was His voice in me and through me
that caused Israel to respond and accept me as God’s spokesman to them.
“The Word of the Lord
was holy to me. I reverenced Him and I reverenced His Word; and I wasn’t about
to allow anything He revealed to me go to waste. With Eli’s death, I now had a
solemn responsibility before Israel to act on their behalf towards God and
plead Israel’s case. My relationship of trust with Him made it imperative that
I do or say nothing to lose His trust, nor Israel’s trust.”
We now switched
topics as I asked him, “Would you tell me about anointing both Saul and David
to become King over Israel? What was so significant about pouring oil over
them? Why did that set them apart?”
“You’ll remember that
God instructed Moses to set Aaron and his sons apart from the rest of Israel’s
leadership. A specially prepared oil was poured upon them, and then rubbed on
them. It signified the anointing of the Spirit of God. The oil represented the
Holy Spirit. The rubbing in meant that this was something more than “skin
deep.”It was to saturate them in such a way that they became a separated people
unto the Lord. The Lord would hear them when they interceded and offered up the
sacrifices for the sins of the people because He had set them apart for that
“In that same way I
was acting on behalf of the Lord to set Saul apart to become God’s leader and
king over the people. Israel’s elders had decided they didn’t want to be
different from the other nations in having a High Priest and Prophet to judge
them. Rather they wanted to have a king so they would look like the other
nations surrounding them. I warned the elders that this would be a huge
mistake, but they wouldn’t listen. So the Lord picked someone out of their
midst who would look like a king in their eyes and in the eyes of the
surrounding nations.
“When I first poured
the vial of oil on Saul, you’d have thought he had become a prophet like me. The
impact of that anointing caused an impartation of the Spirit of God to Saul and
when he came in contact with a company of prophets he began to prophesy as
though he’d set apart as God’s spokesman to the nation. You’ll remember that it
didn’t take long for the people to accept him as their king.”
“I guess I don’t
understand why he rebelled against the Word of the Lord the way he did,” I
responded.“How could someone with the anointing he had get so far out of line? What
would make him think he could get away with offering sacrifices in your place? Why,
after such exacting instructions from the Lord through you, would he save Agag, the king of the Amalekites,
alive and keep the best of the sheep and oxen?”
Samuel laughed.“The
anointing is not a substitute for relationship,” he said.“The anointing is an
empowering that comes by the Spirit of God so that a person can accomplish
tasks that would normally be beyond their capability. You are forgetting also
what happened with Lucifer. Remember how Isaiah prophesied of him how he had
become lifted up in his own eyes and thought he could take over the throne of
God? If Lucifer could fall like that, men can fall as well.
“Even David with his
anointing, his heart after the Lord and the wonderful experiences he had in God
messed up. David’s salvation was his intense desire to please God and to
fulfill His heart’s desire. David’s salvation was the fact that he truly knew
how to repent. Saul wasn’t the least bit sorry for what he had done; he was
only sorry that he got caught.
“David was a
different breed entirely. Israel never had another king like him. It wasn’t
just his anointing, either; it was his pursuit of the Lord and his desire to
see that Israel became a living picture of God’s chosen people in the earth. David
wanted to see that the Lord received the honor and Glory due Him.
“The day I was
instructed to pour oil over David and anoint him to become King of Israel, when
I saw him I knew the Lord had deliberately chosen him and that the timing in
his choosing was specific so that Israel – and the world around – would have a
revelation of the Lord God in a way that had never before taken place. Although
I didn’t get to see it in the natural, I certainly got to witness it through
the eyes of the Lord once I was here with Him.”
That, my friends, is
as far as I can take this discussion today. I’ve run a bit long, but I’m sure
you will appreciate the significance of the revelation that unfolded in this
Though 2011 has
already been a difficult year – and it is going to get even more difficult in
the weeks and months ahead-- God is going to show His hand on behalf of His
people, especially those who believe His Word and trust Him implicitly!
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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