December 03, '21 11:13 AM
By Regner Capener
Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!
Wow! Another week has gone by! Already, even.
Mmmmmm...........Mmmmmm.........Mmmmmm! Smell that
aroma of that wonderful French Roasted Columbian Supremo!
Now THERE's a smell to start the day with! The French Press is full and almost
running over. Pour yourself a cup. There might even be one of those
maple-covered "vitamins" lying around somewhere.
been promising for several weeks to share some rather remarkable experiences
that Della and I had while at the Heaven & Earth-themed
camp-meeting/conference in Red Deer, Alberta in July and August. On Saturday nite, August 7th, Della and I had parallel
dreams. By that I mean that what I dreamed meshed with what Della dreamed and
vice-versa. She actually dreamed the portion of a prophetic experience in which
she fulfilled her commission from the Lord, just as I dreamed the portion of
the same experience in which I fulfilled my commission.
the past months, we have been receiving multiple invitations to come and visit
and minister in numerous places around the world – Kenya, Pakistan, India, and
Ghana – even such faraway places as Alaska. (Grin!) We’ve yet to take folks up
on those invitations, but that day seems just around the corner.
dream began with an invitation from a pastor in Russia for Della and me to come
and minister to a group of Christians in Moscow. That seemed rather fortuitous
since I’d had an indication from the Lord some years ago that He would be
sending me to Russia from time to time.
time came for Della and me to board our flight to Moscow when I suddenly felt a
check in my spirit. I said to Della, “Honey, I’m feeling something really
strange or out of kilter concerning this trip. Though we rarely travel apart,
this is one time when I think you should remain behind until I arrive and get a
feel for the lay of the land. I’ll call you when I get situated and you can
board the next flight.”
was agreement between us that this was the best course to follow in view of the
warning from the Holy Spirit and I went ahead and boarded the flight alone.
my flight landed in Moscow, a fairly well-dressed gentleman met me at the plane
and said he was there to escort me to my destination. Because I’d never met the
pastor in person who’d invited me, I made the assumption that this man was the
same individual. He acted as though he was the pastor, but never came out and
said so. I should have caught it, but because of the newness of my surroundings
and my attention on the very different scenery and skyline of the city, I was
distracted enough not to actually verify who the gentleman was.
got into what seemed to be a rather official-looking vehicle and I was taken
into downtown Moscow. I was a bit surprised when we pulled up in front of what
seemed to be a large government building. A church building or even a home
would have been more expected. The gentleman escorted me into the building and
it was then that I realized we were at the headquarters of the Russian secret
police or FSB (what the old KGB evolved into).
surprise evoked the comment, “Wow! What are we doing here?” My escort then
introduced himself as an officer (obviously high officer) of the Russian
police. I said to him, “I thought we were going to a church or perhaps a home.
Why are we here?” He responded that I was under arrest.
arrest?” I exclaimed. “For what?”
received word that you were coming to Russia as an agent for the U.S.
Government and that you are here as a spy.”
couldn’t help but laugh uproariously. “You’ve got to be kidding? Me a spy? I’m
a minister of the Gospel and a representative of the Kingdom of God. I’m not
here to spy on anyone! I’m here to minister to the needs of people.”
silliness of the accusation was hard to digest and I just shook my head in
disbelief. The look on this officer’s face, however, was anything but genial
and he obviously wasn’t buying my defense. He directed me to a rather
bleak-looking room with nothing but a desk, a chair and a very plain and hard
leather sofa. He left and I was alone in the room for some indeterminate length
of time.
thereafter two other officers appeared indicating that I was to follow them.
They led me to another location. It wasn’t a prison in the sense that I could
see bars or barbed-wire fencing, but it was most certainly a secure location
from which there was no easy escape. I might have likened it to “quarters for
political prisoners.”
surroundings were bleak at best. The room temperature was below normal. The
walls of the rooms (there was a combination kitchen and living room, and a room
with a very sparse bed) were a dull grey-green – uninviting to say the least.
Once a day, I was brought an adequate, though not over-abundant meal. Since
Della and I have been used to semi-fasting with one meal a day on many occasions,
receiving only one meal a day was no big deal.
was concerned, however, that I had not been able to contact Della. I’d been
refused any telephone or mail privileges and I knew that she would wonder what
in the world happened to me. At the same time, I knew that the check in my
spirit that had prevented her from traveling with me would have had an impact
on her; and I was sure she would have been making inquiries to track me down.
At the very least, I was sure that she would be praying and interceding.
days had turned into weeks, and weeks into months, time became almost
meaningless. I really had no concept of how long I was being made a prisoner.
No trial had taken place. No court proceedings had ensued. No official charges
had been lodged against me to which I could answer.
dawned on me one day that I was wasting perfectly good opportunities to be who
I am in Christ Jesus, and to allow His grace, His love and His Glory to work
through me to the few people I had daily contact with. Food was being brought
to me daily by someone. There were other individuals who periodically checked
in on me. I needed to begin ministering the love of the Lord Jesus Christ to
them. And that’s exactly what I did.
reaction from them at first was skeptical, then curious, then receptive. It
seemed I was making some real headway.
day the officer came to see me who had put me there in the first place. When I
began to share the Lord with him, he became angry. The more I talked the
angrier he became. Finally he could take no more. He grabbed me by the arm and
said, “I’m going to show you what we do with Christians!”
was forcibly hauled out of the room and taken to another facility. My first
reaction when I saw the place from the outside was that it was some kind of
warehouse. When we entered the building, it was clear that it was a whole lot
more than a warehouse. A large steel cage with vertical and horizontal bars was
in the middle of the place. My initial estimate was that it was roughly 40 feet
long by perhaps 16 feet wide.
that wasn’t the focus. In the cage were perhaps 30 or 40 (or more) people who
were in grotesque condition.
Russian officer unlocked the door of the cage, threw me in and promptly left.
The condition of these people was far worse than words can adequately convey.
Their faces were chewed and gouged. Many of them were missing fingers, toes,
hands, feet, and in some cases arms and legs or parts thereof. Some faces were
missing noses and others eyes. They were literally attacking one another with
intent to kill or destroy. Talk about “biting and devouring one another!”
had fashioned metal pieces around their arms or wrists and formed claws with
which they struck at one another taking bits of flesh each time. A few were
grabbing the wrists or legs of others and taking hunks of flesh and eating
them. The blood was flowing profusely from the faces and bodies of most of
them. They were resorting to cannibalism. The shock of what I saw literally
woke me from my dream.
awakened in horror wondering why in the world I was having this dream. Shaking
myself awake I got myself a drink of water, used the restroom and headed back
to bed.
* * * * * * * *
dream picked up right where it had left off. As it resumed, it dawned on me
that the reason these people were behaving in such animalistic ways was because
they were starving. I saw that a ration of food was being brought to them, but
it wasn’t enough to go around. As the food was delivered – literally dumped in
– people scrambled for any portion they could get their hands on. The fighting
ensued because there wasn’t enough to go around. They were literally biting and
devouring one another because of it. Even those who did get some of the food were
not getting enough to meet their needs. They were not satisfied. A few of them
were near death.
was likewise apparent to me that this had been going on for a long time. The
bones that littered the outside of the cage were mute testimony to those who had
been killed off.
horror of what I was seeing was more than I could stand. When these caged
people saw me they came after me, claws swiping at me. I ducked and dodged and
lifted up my right hand toward them.
stops right now,” I commanded with a loud voice. Everyone froze momentarily.
in the back of the group shouted, “Oh yeah? Just who do you think you are?”
a representative of the Kingdom of God and a servant, a messenger, a friend of
the Lord Jesus Christ.”
scarcely a pause I lifted my hand again and spoke loudly. “I command and
declare peace in your midst in the name of Jesus.’
was no time to waste. The words kept on coming. “And in the name of Jesus I
declare and decree healing to all of you. Health! Wholeness! Restoration!
Creative miracles for each of you!”
my many years of ministry I’ve seen creative miracles – restorative miracles,
flesh renewed, new limbs grown – but what I saw unfold before my eyes was
stunning! The mutilated and gouged faces suddenly became new. New noses
appeared. Eyes appeared in formerly gouged-out sockets. Arms and legs appeared
where people had lost them. New fingers and toes grew out. Scarred and bloody
flesh healed over and became as new.
a matter of a few moments every single person standing there was whole and
restored! Metal implements that had been fashioned as weapons fell to the
floor. I saw a people – all of whom had been thrown into this prison cage
because they professed to be born-again, committed Christians – looked around
at each with a very different gaze.
that all this butchery had begun because these folks were being starved to
death, I again lifted up my hand.
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command and decree a feast spread before
you – an abundance from which to eat!”
a long table appeared in their midst spread with a feast fit for a king. I
didn’t have to invite folks to eat. They began to eat ravenously. The feasting
continued until every person was thorough satiated. The atmosphere in the cage
changed rapidly. People began to turn to one another and repent. There was a
display of love and forgiveness that went around that group the likes of which
are hard to describe.
I heard the door of the “warehouse” open and the Russian officer strode in. He
was obviously expecting to either see my corpse or find me in the same
condition as the rest of the people. He opened the door of the cage and looked
in because he couldn’t believe what he was seeing through the bars.
amazement flooded his face, then shock, and then tears. He fell to his knees in
the gateway and began to cry out in repentance. In minutes he had accepted
Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
he finally got to his feet, he turned to the people and began to openly
apologize and repent for his behavior towards them. He said to me, “I’m so
sorry! I had no idea of the reality of Jesus Christ. I thought this was some
kind of religious myth.”
continued, “You’re free to go.” He threw open the cage door and stood back. He
turned again to face the others and said, “You, too, are free to go.”
that moment it dawned on me that four years had passed since I had been seized
and arrested. There had been no communication whatsoever between me and Della
and no opportunity to let her know what had happened. I said to the officer,
“Sir, I need to contact my wife. I need to get to a telephone and call her.”
said, “Follow me,” took me back to the FSB headquarters and ushered me into a
room where there was a telephone and opportunity for privacy. I called home and
Della’s Mom answered the phone.
knew you would call. We’ve been praying and interceding for you.” She handed
the telephone to Della who began to talk about the daily gatherings and nonstop
intercession that had gone on for me.
knew the Lord was going to intervene for you and set you free.” Della went on
to share how when no word had been forthcoming from me after departing for
Moscow, she called the pastor who’d invited us in the first place. He had
advised her that he’d been delayed in getting to the airport and later
discovered that I’d been arrested.
was an unshakeable confidence that despite the lack of word of any kind, God
was at work in the situation. People in our fellowship, friends and
fellow-believers spread abroad were contacted and the intercession began.
* * * * * * * *
I said that Della had a parallel dream which actually meshed into my dream.
I’ll let her share her portion of this which began after I’d awakened from the
first part of the dream, gotten my drink of water, used the restroom and gone
back to bed.
* * * * * * * *
my dream I was gathered together with a large number of people in a home
setting. Many of the faces were those of people I did not recognize, although
there were many others that were.
were obviously engaged in prayer and intercession. At first it was not clear to
me why we were gathered in prayer or where the focus of our prayers was
targeted. My looking around the room made it clear that Reg
was not there and he was not a part of the gathering.
took some time – and it was a bit later in the dream – that I realized that he
was the focus of the prayer and intercession and that we were praying for his
restoration. At that moment, however, it was not clear that the restoration was
his being restored to us, or that he was actually missing and his whereabouts
unknown. That was something the Holy Spirit showed me later – and particularly
after awakening from my dream.
were a number of declarations and decrees during the prayers being offered.
Healing, restoration, cleansing, wholeness, health and resurrection life were
all a part of the declaring taking place. The breaking of bondage and setting
free were clearly a purposeful intent on the part of those praying.
sister in the Lord who had been alienated from us for a number of years because
she had earlier rejected a Word of correction and admonition was there.
Restoration and healing in our relationship had obviously taken place. She was
clinging to me like a magnet and often saying, “I want what you have in God –
and more!”
one point during the time of prayer, I had a glass in hand and I was handing it
to someone. It slipped from my hand and shattered on the floor. The Holy Spirit
spoke to me and said, “The bondage has been broken and the prison doors have
that moment I awoke from my dream unaware of the significance of what the Holy
Spirit had said, or that it paralleled the moment in time when the door of the
steel cage swung open for Reg and he was told that he
was free to go.
* * * * * * * *
spiritual parallels and the prophetic Word that the Holy Spirit gave us in and
through these dreams – both to the body of Christ, and to the leaders and
shepherds in the body – was far-reaching. That’s where we’ll go with the next
Coffee Break.
The Holy Spirit is moving and
operating in this day and age in non-traditional ways; and any attempts we make
to box Him in or try to second-guess Him are doomed to failure. Those who are
willing to hear what He has to say and are ready to “operate outside the box”
will see and experience the Glory of the Lord!
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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