Deliver Us From Evil, Part 8
April 19, 2019
Several years ago, I was prompted to do a study on witchcraft
and discovered that there are a host of words and applications in Scripture
that spell out in great detail the nature and character of witchcraft and its
This is a study that I can’t even begin to share in a week or
even two weeks, so we will likely spend the next three weeks talking about
it. My objective is not to focus on
something that is so dark and negative — even if I have to for a short time —
but rather to open up your understanding to the invasiveness of these spirits
(and there are many!) to help you understand what we are battling in these
transitional days before the thousand year reign begins.
It is critically important that Christians see clearly how the
Enemy operates in this realm so that they are not fooled by his deceptions and
the next few weeks or so, I’d like to take you into a discussion of something
that has been a real problem in the body of Christ, something that has led many
men and women astray for century after century after century: witchcraft, or as
it generally applies to men, sorcery.
generally think of a witch as an old hag of a woman who casts spells, does
incantations, and performs magic tricks.
A sorcerer is regarded as a man who essentially does the same thing, but
has even more evil power than a witch.
are impressions that go back as far as the first-century BC Roman poet, Horace,
who described witches as hags who invoked spirits of the “underworld.” Second-century AD Roman philosopher, Lucius
Apuleius, refers to sorcerers as those “forcing compliance with their wishes or
commands” through the invoking of spells, incantations, or placing of certain
animal objects or images in or outside their homes in order to achieve certain
results. Apuleius refers to sorcerers
“nailing images of owls to the entrances of homes in order to ward off storms.”
are the more traditional concepts of witchcraft or sorcery, and of course most
folks are aware of witchcraft as it is practiced in our society today under the
guise of the so-called “white witches” or wiccans, astrologers, palm-readers,
tarot card readers, necromancers and “spiritualists” or mediums.
need to all be on the same page, however, as to the purpose and objective of
ALL witchcraft, sorcery and so-called “magic.”
a quick look at God’s command to Israel.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Amp. Bible: “There shall not be
found among you any one who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, or
who uses divination (or astrology), or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a
sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
“For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord; and
it is because of these abominable practices that the Lord your God is driving
them out from before you.
“You shall be blameless (and absolutely true) to the Lord your
God. For these nations, whom you shall
dispossess, listen to soothsayers and diviners, but as for you, the Lord your
God has not allowed you to do so.”
Brother! The Lord was STRONG on this subject! There was no compromise whatever!
are two issues here that I would like to address – and they are the two primary
reasons why I believe that God is so adamant on witchcraft, sorcery, etc.
first issue is based on the very first of the Ten Commandments, “Thou
shalt have no other gods before me.”
rich young ruler summarized this commandment when talking to Jesus, and all of
the rest of them this way:
Luke 10:27: “Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.”
the picture? The reason one doesn’t have
any other gods beside the Lord God Jehovah is because one is faithful to Him
from a complete and total love for Him.
issue that governs all witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, augury, necromancy,
wizardry, or divination of any kind is the search for answers to all of life’s
needs or problems FROM SOME OTHER SOURCE THAN GOD!!!
cannot engage in witchcraft without seeking for answers from something other
than God’s Word. One cannot engage in
sorcery without attempting to place someone under YOUR control, thereby
supplanting God as THE authority. One
cannot engage in astrology without attempting to divine one’s future (and
thereby protect oneself from some unknown evil) by taking guidance from the
stars instead of the Word of God.
can’t even begin to count the number of Christians I’ve run into throughout the
years who think nothing of reading their daily horoscope, (they think it’s
harmless fun!) and making judgments and decisions concerning their daily
affairs accordingly. Then they wonder why
their lives are in such confusion, why nothing works right, why they can’t get
answers from the Lord when they pray, why they are weak and sickly, why they
live in perpetual need, and on and on and on.
isn’t some harmless pursuit! It is
taking your direction from demons who’ve deceived you into thinking they can
safely govern your lives through the position and orbits of the stars and
about insanity! Demons didn’t create the
Universe. Demons had nothing to do with
Creation. Creation comes from God! What kind of irrational stupidity is it to
take the governance of your life from the position of stars or planets when the
Creator of those stars and planets wants to give you governance Himself through
a personal love-relationship with you?
is no love in astrology. There is no
love in witchcraft. There is no love in
sorcery. There is no love in
enchantments. There is no love in
necromancy or using mediums.
is no love in divination. There is no
love in soothsaying or charming or augury.
ALL OF IT is rooted in fear! All
of it is rooted in the rejection of the Word of God. All of it is rooted in the rejection of Jesus
can’t have direction from the Lord Jesus Christ AND astrology. It doesn’t work that way. The Lord doesn’t guide people’s lives and
unfold His Love, Mercy and Grace through astrology! Jesus does not provide a future for you with
Him through enchantments, or witchcraft, or sorcery. He does it through a personal
love-relationship between Him and you!
you realize that it is nothing short of adultery for you to claim you have a
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ – that you are betrothed to Him – while
at the same time going to a tarot card reader, a medium, or an astrologer? They don’t take governance in their lives from
Jesus Christ. What makes you think the
counsel and direction they give you is going to be anything that comes from the
Will of God in your life?
second issue that governs all witchcraft, sorcery, enchantments, speaking with
the dead (using mediums) (we know this a necromancy) or augury (the use of
psychic power) is FEAR! The Fear of Evil
is the principal driving force, but all spirits of fear are at work in the
demonic so-called supernatural (I prefer to call it “sub-natural”).
I can see that I’m not going to even begin to scratch the surface with these
topics today. I want to take you into
all of the Greek and Hebrew words that are used throughout Scripture that get
translated witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment), charming, etc.
shock you! You’ll be astounded at some
of the commonly accepted practices in the body of Christ today that are
absolutely rooted in witchcraft and sorcery.
for example. (And we’ll get into this in
more depth after a bit.) You have words
that are translated as “enchantment” – both in Hebrew and in Greek – that
literally mean, “to enchant with drugs,” or “to enchant with music.”
folks think of enchantment as the product of “spells” cast by speaking certain
words over a person. That’s partially
true, but only partially. The broad
concept of enchantment is to cause a person to make decisions or to alter
previously made decisions, using an outside controlling substance or emotional
force, thereby controlling or specifying an outcome or result in their life.
me give you some examples.
shared with you in times past some of my experiences when I was teaching
classes in broadcasting and dealt with the topic of subliminal programming.
I had
one class in particular take apart some of the popular music of the day — some
of the recordings of the Beatles, for example — in which messages which seemed
harmless in and of themselves.
Nevertheless, the purpose of those messages was to get people to spend
money on the Beatles recordings, thus hyping them and their sales so that they
were selling incredible amounts to people who might have otherwise not crossed
the street to buy them.
there were the AC/DC recordings with backward masked messages invoking the
worship of Satan and leading the people who purchased those recordings into a
dark, demonic realm.
in the early 1980’s, a certain mother came to me because her son was beginning
to display violent characteristics, at times exploding into a rage without
warning. She told me that this behavior
was totally at odds with his normal character.
She couldn’t understand what was happening to him. I asked her to show me the records he was
listening to. He had been listening to
Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Prince and a host of other like recordings.
spoke with her son about what he was listening to and he wasn’t about to hear
what I had to say. Because of his age,
and the fact that he was under his parents’ subjection, I recommended that they
bring those recording to me and allow me to burn them in our furnace. At an appropriate moment when their son was
not home, they did so. I went downstairs
to the basement and opened up the furnace, throwing all of the recordings into
the fire. When I closed the furnace
door, the Spirit of Death emerged visibly from the furnace and followed me up
the stairs. It sent cold chills down my
spine. I rebuked that spirit and
commanded it to get out of our house and stay out!
with the boy’s parents a bit later, they assured me that they would watch their
son’s record purchases more closely from the day forward. By the same token, his behavior changed, and
they later told me that he was once again the normal, rational, well-behaved
son they were used to.
are examples of cases where the individuals were being “enchanted” by the music
they were listening to. The programmers
and recording engineers had a deliberate agenda in mind when they programmed
these recordings.
take this another step.
music in the body of Christ, while improving, has often been a case of very
subtle enchantment. Now don’t go
throwing rocks at me before I explain!
have been lulled to sleep spiritually with some of the music that has become a
staple of Sunday morning services throughout the years. Much of it has been what I like to refer to
as “feel good” music while it lacks in any specific direction towards the
Lord. You KNOW that I’m going to
accentuate this because of the calling to real praise and worship, and the
reason for that is that we are not supposed to be gathering to feel good, to
listen to preaching, etc., but rather to minister to the Lord. There’s nothing wrong with testimony
songs. There’s nothing wrong with singing
songs that are instructional and invoke the Word of God. Our music just cannot consist of messages
which do not offer to the Lord directly, real praise and real worship.
I’ll get off this rabbit trail and back on topic!
are seven specific words that occur in Hebrew or Greek to define the various
characteristics under which we categorize “witchcraft.” We won’t get into all of them today, but
let’s begin with the first. This is a
word we all easily recognize, and it perhaps the most easily recognizable in
today’s culture.
This first definition comes from the NT Greek where the primary
word used throughout the New Testament for witchcraft is pharmakeia. It translates literally to: to enchant (or
cast spells) using medication, drugs or potions.
from pharmakeus, which comes from pharmakon, it draws a
picture of using drugs and medications to poison a person without killing them
(at least immediately) for the purpose of putting them in a kind of hypnotic
state where they become susceptible to the seductions of demons.
we get too far along, I know that the word conjures up visions of pharmacists –
and it is the word that “pharmacist” comes from. Let me say that I’m not suggesting that
pharmacists are sorcerers who practice witchcraft – not all of them, anyway.
(Hehehehehehe……….) I have very close friends – committed
Christians – who have been in the pharmaceutical world for many years, and they
are anything but sorcerers.
said, there is much of the medical industry today that people overly rely on
that falls into the category of sorcery.
This is a personal opinion so take it for what it’s worth.
week, I will give you an illustration of an application.
In case you are
missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday
worship gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:30AM
Pacific. That conference number is (712) 770-4160, and the access code is 308640#. We are now making these gatherings
available on video using ZOOM. If you wish
to participate by video on ZOOM, our login ID is 835-926-513. If you miss the live voice-only call, you can
dial (712) 770-4169, enter the same access code and listen in
later. The video call, of course, is not
recorded – not yet, anyway.
on you!

Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76504
Email Contact: CapenerMinistries@protonmail.com
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