Deliver Us From Evil, Part 10
May 3, 2019
In our last study on this topic, we began doing a breakdown and
pursuit of understanding the various words that are translated in the Old and
New Testaments — Hebrew and Greek — that are either translated “witchcraft” or
“sorcery” or one of the variants that are part of the whole genre of witchcraft
in general.
We wrapped up taking a look at the word pharmakeia,
which is one of the primary words translated witchcraft in the
New Testament, and specifically translates as: “to enchant with drugs.” I want to move on today with another one of
these 64-dollar words from the Greek that are part and parcel of witchcraft or
Witchcraft. Manipulation.
Control. The control of our
thoughts and subsequent behavior by lies repeated again and again and again and
again and again and again and again and again, ad nauseam. It’s easier to believe the lies than it is to
believe God’s Word! We’ve heard those
same lies propagated from the pulpits of churches for centuries.
and ministers of the Gospel have been permeated with the same witchcraft our
society has been filled with, and because they haven’t had a deep,
interpersonal, one-on-one love relationship with Jesus Christ, the Truth of His
Word and His promises have gotten lost in the shuffle; and they’ve simply
repeated the same old drivel coming out of Mammon, the Beast.
Christians have been deceived into taking the Mark of the Beast, and are
completely oblivious to it. They live
and operate by and through the world system, by a system that controls their
behavior, their lives, their finances – their thinking! It’s witchcraft, folks! Pure and simple.
Wow! I’ve hardly scratched the surface. Looks like we’re going to be on this topic
for awhile. There are a lot of words in
Greek and Hebrew that translate out to witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment,
etc. Every one of them has its own
special significance.
gotten started on this topic of Witchcraft, Sorcery and Fear over the past few
weeks, and I want to continue today with a look at a word that occurs in
reference to witchcraft and idolatry in the New Testament Greek. I was going to take a different track today,
but felt to deal with this word before we go any further because of the way this
form of witchcraft or sorcery has taken hold in the body of Christ.
word, eidololatreia, is generally translated “idolatry,” in
the New Testament. It occurs in its
various forms 33 times in the Greek text.
By itself, it translates literally to: wholly given over to idols; the
intense worship of idols; the service of idols.
of its combination words is: latreia, which generally
translates to “service.” The context of
this kind of “service” is what I want to get at.
John 16: 2-3: “They
shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time
cometh, that whosoever killeth
you will think that he doeth God service. And these things
will they do unto you, because they
have not known the Father, nor me.”
Greek word, latreia, has a companion word, leitourgeo, which provides us
with the context. Leitourgeo
the verb (or adverb) form, and its noun form is leitourgia. Thus, leitourgeo is the “doing,”
and leitourgia is the “doer.” On the surface, these words sound absolutely
Leitourgeo translates out: to
perform a public function; to perform religious or charitable functions;
to minister to a need, to relieve or serve.
good, right? We often see our
representatives in government in this context, and it can be a proper
application to use that word this way.
the problem. The word, leitourgeo is derived from leitourgos: a functionary in
the temple; more generally, it is applied to a worshiper and one who is a
benefactor. See the catch? Benefactor?
word derives from the picture of one who has both ability and resources meeting
the needs of one who is needy. The
benefactor is the superior individual, whereas the “needy” individual is
inferior – at least at that moment in time.
is nothing wrong with being a benefactor in our society today. There is a sense of good, a sense of
accomplishment, a sense of well-being that goes with serving the needs of
people. The problem comes when we retain
that place of being and standing in our efforts to serve God.
when are we the benefactors of God?
Since when is He needy and wanting?
To come to Him in that sense is to come before God in utter arrogance
and pride.
have an English word you no doubt easily recognize from these Greek words: liturgy. We often make reference to the so-called
“liturgical churches” and the fact that they have a spelled-out liturgy for
those who attend the church services.
Liturgy, in today’s usage, literally means: order of service.
my friends, IS a form of witchcraft and idolatry. We spell out – usually on paper, but not
necessarily – the songs we are going to sing, the time when we are going to
take up an offering, the time when we are going to have some testimonies (if
indeed such a thing even happens during the service anymore), announcements,
and the topic of the morning (or evening) sermon: i.e., the order of the
service, and [almost] the timing of things to a gnat’s hair.
start at 10:00 AM (or 11:00 AM – or whatever time we so choose) promptly, and
by 12:00 noon, folks are looking at their watches to make sure the preacher is
going to let them out of church in time to take care of their roast in the
oven, or whatever.
basically say to the Lord, “this is what you get from us today, and that’s
yourself fortunate that we’ve done all of this for you. You have need of our service, and we’ve given
it to you.
is the attitude that makes the difference between liturgy and real
worship. It is the spirit that makes the
difference between whether we are engaging in sorcery, and attempting to
manipulate God into doing certain things for us or meet certain needs and
whether or not we are engaging in true praise and worship in a spirit of love.
Leitourgeo – liturgy – when
applied like this is nothing more and nothing less than witchcraft, sorcery,
and idolatry. It takes a humanistic
approach, putting man in the driver’s seat as the benefactor of God. It takes away completely the freedom and
liberty that exists in the Spirit.
is nonexistent. Praise is
nonexistent. We’ve gathered together to
sing songs, have a good old time, listen to a (hopefully) inspirational and
motivational 20- or 30-minute message that makes us feel good and tickles our
insides, and then we head out the door to do our more important things. We’ve “given” God an hour or two of our time
(if He’s really fortunate), we’ve done our duty to Him and now it’s time for us
to get on with our day and our week.
that really big of us? Didn’t we really
bless God by our service (latreia-leitourgeo)?
Huhh! Right! Sure! Eidololatreia: idolatry. The trick here is that WE are the idols we
are worshiping. We’ve become so
important to ourselves and so preeminent that our needs and our lives take the
greater importance over our worship and true service of or waiting upon the
Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve become number
this. We are stupid enough and arrogant
enough to think that we are doing God service.
It stinks in the nostrils of God!
is a rather extraordinary example drawn for us in the picture of Saul. In I Samuel 15, we have a picture of Saul
being instructed by Samuel (as the prophet of God) to kill Agag, the king of
the Amalekites, to destroy every last man, woman and child, sheep and oxen and
beast of burden and to wait for him following the battle to offer up a burnt
offering and sacrifice to the Lord.
in fact, saves Agag alive (it was politically expedient for Saul to keep his
foe alive and in chains in order to demonstrate his military might and
supremacy), keeps alive the best of the sheep and the oxen, the fatlings and
the lambs “for a burnt offering to the Lord.”
You’ve got the picture, I’m sure.
didn’t matter that the Lord had instructed Him to destroy them all because of
the evil Amalek had wrought upon Israel when they were fleeing Egypt. It didn’t matter that Saul was instructed to
destroy ALL of the livestock and beasts of burden. Saul decides that his choices are of greater
importance than God’s.
makes a decision on how he will “serve” the Lord and “offer up” to the Lord
sacrifices and burnt offerings of the sheep and oxen kept alive. Thus, he determines his own liturgy for his
“order of service” to the Lord.
shows up on the scene, realizes what has happened and rebukes Saul.
I Samuel 15:22-23:
“And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt
offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey
is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is
as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because
thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being
it? Saul’s decisions were seen by the
Lord as direct rebellion. His choice to
save alive the best of the sheep and oxen for his “order of service” was
regarded by the Lord as idolatry. Both
those choices cost Saul the throne of the kingdom, and – most importantly – his
standing with God.
isn’t any different in today’s society – and especially today’s churches. When we come before the Lord with a planned
order of things, a set schedule of how we are going to “serve the Lord” and do
this really big thing for Him, He sees our idolatry. Idolatry results in a loss of standing with
God. Witchcraft – manipulation and
control of people and events – and idolatry – the worship of, or placing
greater importance upon anyone or anything than we do of the Lord – costs us
our kingship.
to rule over sickness and disease? Need
to rule over poverty and needs? Need to
rule over the prevailing circumstances in your life instead of having them
prevail over you?
ain’t gonna happen, folks, when you decide that you will “serve” the Lord
according to your dictates, your priorities, your needs and your wants. You can call it “service” if you want. The Lord calls it witchcraft and idolatry.
“createds” don’t tell the Creator when, how and where they will respond to
Him. “Whosoever wills” don’t come to Jesus
Christ as their redeemer and decide the terms and conditions under which they
will serve Him, walk with Him, love Him and become heirs and joint-heirs in the
Kingdom of God.
is for those who meet God’s conditions.
The mandate for becoming an heir and joint-heir with Jesus Christ is
determined by the Testator – NOT the heir.
to become an heir of the Kingdom of God?
Want access to health, life, wholeness, healing, prosperity, and
abundance in Christ? Then stop making up
the conditions upon which you think you can have them. Stop with your fake “orders of service.” They count for squat in terms of spiritual
value and Kingdom authority.
know this sounds really strong — and my comments are not intended for those who
really are coming before the Lord to minister to Him — on His terms — but
rather, those who are stuck in the religious system — that system we’ve talked
about in bygone days that came out of the Sadducees and Pharisees. The Sadducees had an ecclesiastical,
hierarchical order we refer to as “Power over Man.” The Pharisees had an order we know today as
“Democratic” — or rather, “Power to the People.”
matter how you slice it, whether you see it as power vested in a few, or power
vested in the masses, it is still “Power to Man.” NOT Power to God. Whether you know it as “Secular Humanism” or
“Religious Humanism,” it still boils down to humanism — man making the
decisions for himself and taking God off the Throne of their lives.
need to take you down a bit of a rabbit trail for a while to show you where
this Spirit of Idolatry leads in the body of Christ. Allow me to borrow from
something I wrote in the book (soon to be published) titled: Seven Nations,
Seven Letters. You’ll recall from
earlier discussions that this book deals with the parallel between the seven
nations that occupied Canaan — the same ones that God commanded Israel to drive
out of the land He was giving to them — and the seven letters in Revelation
which essentially become a single letter to the Body of Christ.
week we will begin with the Letter to Thyatira, which addresses the idolatry
and witchcraft that was manifested in Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab.
In case you are
missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship
gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:30AM
Pacific. That conference number is (712) 770-4160, and the access code is 308640#. We are now making these gatherings
available on video using ZOOM. If you wish
to participate by video on ZOOM, our login ID is 835-926-513. If you miss the live voice-only call, you can
dial (712) 770-4169, enter the same access code and listen in
later. The video call, of course, is not
recorded – not yet, anyway.
on you!

Regner A. Capener
Temple, Texas 76504
Email Contact: CapenerMinistries@protonmail.com
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