May 4, 2013
Back in the mid-1990's, we were gathered together at Trails' End
in Post Falls, Idaho for a series of spontaneous worship gatherings. Trails'
End was the ranch belonging to Earle and Marcia Treend,
and it served as a principal gathering place for these spontaneous worship
gatherings for roughly five years. For this particular gathering, we probably
had somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple of dozen worshipers, most of whom
were musicians.
A little word, first of all, about the nature of these
gatherings. Folks would gather from various places around the northwest and
Canada. These were not large gatherings -- generally ranging from two dozen
people to perhaps four dozen at most, and frequently consisted of somewhere
between 12 - 18. What made them differ from most was the fact that everyone
assembled for one purpose: to minister to the Lord.
We weren't getting together for fellowship, even though there
was plenty of that to go around. We weren't gathering for the teaching of the
Word, although Holy Spirit absolutely imparted His Word into us. Our primary
objective was that when we were finished, the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ
would have been thoroughly satisfied -- that He would have received from us the
ministry of our love to and for Him, and that He would have a responsive and
obedient people who would go forth from these gatherings to accomplish His
heart's desire wherever He sent us.
Our gathering together would begin early in the morning
immediately following breakfast when we would pick up our instruments and begin
(as I have earlier described in last week's article) to play whatever new music
was flowing in our spirits. We would continue in this prophetic vein until
sometime around noon and break for lunch. Following lunch, we would head back
to our instruments and resume the worship and prophetic declarations both by
voice and by the sound that came forth from our instruments functioning in
unity. This would continue until 5:00 PM or thereabouts when we would break for
a light supper, fellowship around the dinner table and -- perhaps -- prayer
over any issues Holy Spirit was bringing before us. By 7:00 PM we would be back
at it and continue until anywhere from 11:00 PM to as late as 1:00 AM before
quitting and heading for bed.
We repeated this same basic format over and over for the next two
or three days until there was a sense that we had accomplished the purpose for
what Holy Spirit had called us together. It became a fairly regular occurrence
for us to hear angelic voices adding their chorus to the music, and on a number
of occasions we heard (and recorded) the sounds of instruments being played in
our midst that weren't there (in the natural realm, of course)!
That's a general picture of what took place with each of our
gatherings. Each gathering had its own distinct character and flavor. Sometimes
the prophetic flow took on the ministry of healing for people hundreds of miles
(or more) distant from us, and we watched some pretty extraordinary healings
take place while we were worshiping.
Other times the focus was on deliverance for people from demonic
attack or oppression of a very severe nature. Then there were the adventurous
times when we were picked up as a body corporately into the heavenlies
and allowed to see the hosts of Heaven going forth to do battle on behalf of
the Beloved.
The event I'm preparing to describe to you was quite extraordinary
and differed significantly from every other gathering we'd ever had. We were
not long underway when we began to hear the sounds of angelic instruments
signaling that something unique was about to unfold prophetically.
The music took on the character of intense warfare as prophetic
pictures of the people of God at war with the enemy graphically unfolded before
us in the realm of the spirit. It culminated in battle music that was so
intense -- both from a musical perspective, and from a spiritual perspective --
that the ground under the ranch house where we were gathered began to shake and
It was so loud and so intense that we put down our instruments and
ran outside expecting to see a great earthquake taking place. What we heard
instead was the sounds of hundreds, if not thousands, of horses galloping in
cadence as warriors on horseback going forth to battle. What you don't realize
is that we were nestled among hundreds and thousands of trees. There was no
place for anything like what we were hearing to possibly take place in the
From this point forward in our gathering the music began to take
on the call to the people of God to come out of Babylon. Babylon had not been
part of any discussion with any of us, and the prophetic utterances and singing
that followed unfolded a panorama of God's deliverance for His people from the
crushing spirit of Babylon that has been at work in the earth for generations.
That one single four-day gathering unlocked an understanding of
what Babylon is all about, what it means Scripturally and prophetically to be
trapped by the system we call Babylon, and the process by which Holy Spirit is
setting people free. The 18th chapter of Revelation unfolded before us in a
portrayal I've sought to share ever since. This series of Coffee Breaks is an
effort to take you there and to methodically uncover and reveal every deceptive
trick Satan has used to ensnare well-meaning but truly ignorant believers with
Babylon's vices.
Now that I've shared this preface with you, pause for a minute to
pour yourself a good cup of some very dark double-roasted French coffee, pull
up a seat and let's get started.
has been a very great emphasis in the Spirit towards a drawing into the Holy of
Holies. This is that place of intimacy -- the place of joining and merging with
the Lord Jesus Christ as His counterpart -- His other Self.
that joining occurs -- that merging in the realm of the Spirit -- there is a
new dimension in the Lord that sets the stage for a timeless future. Still,
this is not the end of all that He desires and has purposed. There is a domain
to which He is taking us which transcends all that we can possibly imagine in
the natural realm. This is a place where mortality puts on immortality, a place
where time ceases to have relevance, a place of absolute unity with the Lord
such that we possess complete power and authority.
Folks! I'm not talking about "in the sweet bye and bye" or "when
we all get to Heaven!" I'm referring to a current-day reality and
practical dimension of life in the Lord Jesus Christ!
and more in recent days, weeks and months, the Lord has been releasing through
such prophetic and apostolic teachers as Chuck Pierce, Paul Keith Davis and
others some pretty amazing views of the fall of Babylon. At the same time, a
cry is actively going forth from Holy Spirit,
"Come out of her,
My People!"
the gathering to which I have just referred, there was birthed in all of our
hearts a cry for those people who are still caught up in the structure and
system of Babylon. These are those who, while they have not responded to the
call of the Bridegroom to come into the place of intimacy, still have a love
for the Lord Jesus Christ. Because they have been too sidetracked with issues,
doctrines, and a focus on end-time events, their spirits have been desensitized
to hear the call to intimacy.
does not take away from the fact that they have a genuine love for the Lord. It
simply means that they have limited their responses to the Lord predicated on
the realm of spiritual understanding in which they walk. Thus, there is a call
going forth by the Holy Spirit for them to hear and respond to the Lord, and
come out of Babylon -- and all that it represents -- for their safety's sake.
the view in Revelation 18 of that which is currently happening, even as this
Coffee Break is being written:
"After these things I saw another angel coming down from Heaven,
having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. And he
cried out with a loud voice, saying, 'Fallen, fallen, is Babylon the great! And
she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit,
and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk
of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have
committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have
become rich by the wealth of her sensuality’."
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come
out of her, my people, that you may not receive of her plagues; for her sins
have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Pay her
back even as she has paid, and give back to her double, according to her deeds;
in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her. “To the degree that
she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment
and mourning; for she says in her heart, 'I sit a Queen, and I am not a widow,
and will never see mourning"
also, Isaiah 47).
"For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and
mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who
judges her is strong........And every shipmaster and every passenger and
sailor, and as many as make their living by the sea, stood at a distance, and
were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, "What city
is like the great city?' And they threw dust on their heads, and were crying
out, weeping and mourning, saying, 'Woe, Woe, the
great city, in which all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth, for in
one hour she has been laid waste!' Rejoice over her, Oh Heaven, and you saints
and apostles and prophets, because God has pronounced judgment for you against
her." (NASB)
the midst of that 1990's gathering, and again today with a renewed emphasis
among the prophetic voices, the Spirit of the Lord has been trumpeting, "Rejoice over her, my people, for your day of vindication has
order to understand the significance of this, we need to understand exactly
what Babylon is, and what Babylon represents in this modern day.
the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq and the Bush administration's
efforts to bring democracy into a region that has known little of it
historically, the discovery that Saddam was seriously moving forward to restore
the ancient city of Babylon has brought renewed attention to its existence.
More than a few folks have immediately calculated that the references to
Babylon in Revelation (among other prophecies such as Isaiah's) were referring
to the physical, geographical, ancient city itself.
"end time" preachers have sought to compare Babylon to the Roman
Catholic Church. Writers of numerous religious books have simply identified
Babylon with the city, Rome, and the political power of the Vatican. This is an
analogy which really misses the point. It mis-directs
the wrath of the Lord against Roman Catholics, and causes people to completely
sidestep a critical issue which the Lord has been addressing for thousands of
issue is not Rome, and it is not the Roman Catholics. Babylon represents a
whole system -- a way of life -- a modus operandi. It is a
thought process which has become the core of the entire church structure -- no
matter by what name, title, denomination, or organization it gets called.
is a principle. Babylon is a throne -- a ruling spirit or principality which
has long prevailed over many of God's people, deceiving them into false
allegiances and idolatry. The Lord views this as adultery and fornication. We
will identify the presiding spirit of Babylon as we progress in sharing this
how do we know this? Simple! Back up for just a moment from the previous
scriptures and take a look at Revelation 17.
3 begins, "And he carried me
away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet
beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. And the
woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious
stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations, and of
the unclean things of her immorality; and upon her forehead a name was written (an
onoma), a mystery (the word, "mystery," in
Greek is musterion,
which -- as used in the N.T. Greek text – denotes: a previously hidden thing which is clearly explained and
revealed, in and by the Spirit),
OF THE EARTH." And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and
with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus……….." (NASB)
go through this again. The truth of this revelation can only be understood "in the Spirit," as John states,
since this was the manner in which it was revealed to him. To attempt to
understand this truth in the natural realm without the revelation that comes in
the presence of the Lord is to simply eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil.
attempt to explain this in a political, governmental, or religious sense, is to
be likewise sidetracked by the thirst or quest for human knowledge. This is a
"knowledge" which takes us away from the place of intimacy with the
Lord Jesus Christ -- a knowledge which only salves our ego and permits the
fulfillment of fleshly desires and needs.
revelation, therefore, which unfolded before us as an Ekklesia
in the midst of worship, is a revelation in, and by the
Spirit. I realize that this revelation flows counter to some generally accepted
"truths," so if that which is shared troubles you, please bear with
me. Put it on the shelf until the Holy Spirit can reveal it. Ask the Lord to
open your understanding in and by His Spirit.
me stop here, and we will pick this up next week and begin laying out a pattern
in history within the Word to help you see and understand this from the realm
of Holy Spirit.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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