May 16, 2014
A quick note before we get started today: due to increased
family activities on Fridays with the encroaching summer, more and more people
are finding Friday nights an issue to join us for our Healing Prayer Call.
Accordingly, we are temporarily suspending our Friday night calls until the
need requires its resumption. Meanwhile, we continue to minister to folks on
Mondays and Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific).
months, now, we've been focusing on healing, on the Table of the Lord as it
relates to healing, and to the Covenant that Jesus Christ made on our behalf
which is demonstrated so effectively and so phenomenally with His Table. I'd
like to take another crack today at describing this Covenant we have in Christ,
with Christ, and the co-equal benefits we (both Jesus and us as Covenanted
believers) receive.
me begin today by saying that if Jesus Christ is going to get His benefits from
the covenant He has made with us and on our behalf, we MUST become His co-equal
partners. I keep saying this, and it is at the center of all covenants: those
who enter into covenant regard each other as co-equal. Covenant shores up our
weaknesses. I know some folks have a struggle with the idea that Jesus has any
weaknesses -- and from our perspective, He absolutely does not. From Jesus'
viewpoint, however, until we have been transformed and conformed to His image
and likeness, He is incomplete, lacking, and minus His counterpart, His other
I can render this another way. Covenant completes us. Jesus has made Himself to
be incomplete without us. (I will get to that picture in a moment.) We are,
without doubt, incomplete without Him!
fulfilled both parts of the Covenant -- His part as the provider and enforcer,
and our part, which required the shedding of blood for the remission (aphiémi: eradication)
of all past sins, iniquities, failings, etc., and -- more than that -- the
curse that brought about sin, sickness, disease, infirmity and demonic
affliction. In his general letter to the Hebrews (the Jews scattered
abroad), Paul expressed it this way.
"Who being the brightness of his glory,
and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of
his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the
right hand of the Majesty on high." (Hebrews 1:3. KJV)
" But this
man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on
the right hand of God, From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool." (Hebrews 10:12-13, KJV)
phrase, "sat down," is an expressive metaphor from the Hebrew meaning
that He finished everything that He needed to finish and fulfill on our behalf.
The expectation that His enemies would be made "His footstool" was
His expectation that we would do our part, empowered by Him, to defeat those
enemies. Perhaps we can get into this a bit more as this discussion proceeds.
I want to take today's discussion is to show you the concept -- from Jesus'
perspective -- of His being made complete in us. That, my friends, is what
being co-equal is all about. That is what THIS covenant was ordained for.
a look at something that Paul writes in his epistle to the Romans.
"For those whom He [the Father] could foresee and know
[their choices and decisions] beforehand, He also did ordain and determine to
become jointly formed and fashioned into the image and likeness of His Son, so
that He might be first begotten son among a multitude of brothers and sisters.
“Furthermore, those whom He ordained and determined [by virtue
of knowing in advance their choices and decisions] He also called, beckoning
them in their inner beings; and those whom He called, He also determined and
declared to be innocent [rendering judgment of them beforehand]; and those whom
He determined and declared to be innocent, He made glorious [magnifying them as
He magnified His Son].
“What shall we say, then, regarding these facts? If God the
Father be for us, having made these determinations on our behalf, who can
possibly succeed in opposing and withstanding us?"(Romans 8:29-31, my
translation with amplification)
are you beginning to get the picture? Do you see where we stand with the
Father? Do you see where we stand with Jesus Christ?
the Father has determined to have for Himself a family. He -- in concert with
Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- made this determination before
Creation ever unfolded. If you take the concept of family, you understand that
you WILL have an older brother who is the firstborn. But that older brother is
going to have younger brothers and sisters; and those brothers and sisters have
all the same rights of inheritance and access to the resources and assets of
the family that the older brother has access to.
older brother's position gives him some rights of determination and delegative authority on behalf of the younger family
members, but positionally he is treated as co-equal
with his brothers and sisters. All of the siblings have equal access to, and use
of the family resources, along with the family's authority and power by virtue
of their extreme wealth.
that in context, now, to Jesus Christ as our older brother. Consider His
statement to the disciples as He prepared to leave them: "All (exousia) privilege, force,
authority, power and jurisdiction is given unto me in Heaven and in earth. You
go, therefore, [by virtue of your relationship to and with me] and disciple,
instruct and teach all nations, tribes and ethnic groups and peoples, immersing
them in the (onoma) character, the makeup, the power and authority -- the very
essence -- of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them
to observe, guard and protect all that I have charged you with [in every
respect, without compromise or redaction]; and take notice of the fact that (eimi) [all that] I am [have
been, and ever will be -- the totality of my existence] with you, even unto the
final and total completion of this age. So be it!" (Matthew
28:18-20, my translation with amplification)
therefore, was commissioning His disciples to go forth in, with, and through
ALL of the power and authority that He had -- and Brother, was that ever SOME
power and authority! Look at what Mark records concerning this same event.
"[All of] you go into every area and segment of the world
and proclaim, herald, declare and preach the good news [that I have given you]
to every single creature. He that believes, implicitly trusts in, exercises
faith, and is immersed [in the character, makeup and essence of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit]] shall be saved, healed, delivered, preserved, caused
to prosper, and made completely whole; but he who disbelieves [refusing to
trust in and exercise faith] shall receive sentence and judgment [according to
the Law].
"And these (semeion) distinguishing
signs, evidences, wonders and proofs [of my commission to you, and your
relationship to and with me] shall accompany and closely follow you: In my(onoma) character, makeup, power and authority -- the very essence of
who I am -- they shall cast out demons (evil spirits); they shall speak with
fresh new [and previously unlearned] languages and tongues; they shall take on
(serpents) artful, cunning and malicious persons whose arguments cannot and
will not dissuade; should they drink or partake of any deadly, poisonous thing,
it shall not hurt or injure them in any way; they shall lay hands on the sick,
the infirm, those who are weak and without strength; and they shall recover,
mend, and see their infirmities cease." (Mark 16:15-18, my
translation with amplification)
promise or prophecy of the Lord could better describe our co-equal status.
These are the distinguishing signs and evidences that followed and accompanied
Jesus. Fully one-third of all the miracles that Jesus performed as recorded in
the Gospels incorporate the casting out of demons, as Jesus exercised the
authority that was His to exercise.
remaining two-thirds of His recorded miracles include the raising of the dead,
healing of the sick and infirm, cleansing the lepers, commanding the weather,
commanding plant-life such as trees, walking through walls, disappearing in the
midst of crowds, taking on the Serpent following his 40-day
fast, along with other (serpents) artful, cunning and malicious Scribes and
Pharisees whose legalistic and twisted demonic arguments from Scripture could
not and would not dissuade Him, and -- surprise, surprise! -- remitting the
sins of people even before He had gone to the Cross.
always been a bit amused at folks who think that Jesus was advocating the
handling of snakes. EVERYTHING He prophesied of and to "them that
believe" was a demonstration of exactly what He had accomplished and
fulfilled during His three-and-a-half years. Jesus never handled snakes, but He
DID take on serpents -- regularly! He referred to the Scribes, Pharisees and
Sadducees on more than one occasion as a "generation
of vipers," meaning
of course that their lives, their motivations and their speech were artfully
crafted to manipulate people and lead them into further legalistic bondage,
away from the relationship with God purposed from the beginning.
therefore, that Jesus promised to and prophesied of His followers was something
they had a proof text for in His life and ministry.
know that some folks have tried to become so technically picky (legalistically
artful and manipulative) with the Scripture as to suggest that these
"signs" and evidentiary proofs of the "Lord working with them and confirming the Word with signs
following" (Mark 16:20) applied ONLY to the
apostles and disappeared shortly after the turn of the century.
same doubters and unbelievers promote the idea that apostles and prophets died
out in that same time frame, and that Paul's statements in I Corinthians and
Ephesians are to be ignored because the body of Christ has already "come to the unity of the faith," having
been perfected at the Cross.
really is one of the looniest doctrines I've ever heard. It defies any
rationale concerning Paul's preaching on apostles and prophets roughly 30 years
after Jesus ascended, and forces one to dismiss whole portions of God's Word if
they are to believe such nonsense. Those who "artfully craft" and
"maliciously use" God's Word so as to seduce believers and keep them
from their full covenant benefits are nothing more than a modern
"generation of vipers."
If we
are seated with Christ in heavenly places -- as Paul writes in
Ephesians 1:20-23, "Far
above all principality, and power, and might and dominion, and every name (onoma) that is named, not only
in this world but that which is to come: and hath put all things under His
feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the Ekklesia
(not church) -- that called out and betrothed company of people by the
Bridegroom -- which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth
all in all," then we most certainly ARE co-equal
with Jesus Christ!
have you ever seen a body-less head accomplish anything? When have you ever
seen a headless body accomplish anything?
do you understand covenant?
been fitted together and joined together with Jesus Christ as a living,
breathing extension of Him. If you'll pardon the rather oversimplification, He
is us, and we are Him. Whatever He does, He does through us. Things don't
happen without our participation. Jesus Christ does not randomly, mystically,
perform miracles in the earth, or work some kind of sign and wonder in the
earth without the direct participation of His covenant people.
have and live a covenant that requires our all. Jesus has made a covenant with
us that requires His all -- and the last time I checked, He hadn't left
anything out or stopped His covenant partners from living in, and operating in
all that He is and has.
His covenant is as alive and breathing today as it was when He said, "All (exousia) privilege, force, authority, power and jurisdiction is given
unto me in Heaven and in earth. You go, therefore.." .
OUR responsibility. Our covenant responsibility to the Lord is to do the works
that He did, to preach the Word that He preached, and -- moreover -- to fulfill
His prophetic Word,
"Truly, of a surety, I declare to you, He who puts their
full faith and credit in me, entrusting their entire well being to me, shall
not only take care of my business, performing the same acts, deeds and
[miraculous] works that I do, he shall enlarge upon them, working and
accomplishing greater, stronger, more powerful [and magnificent] acts and deeds
because (and by reason of) I leave to join with [and be seated with] my Father.
"And whatever [deed, act or work you have seen and heard of
me] you desire, call for or require in My (onoma) authority, makeup, nature or essence, that will I perform and
accomplish so that the Father will be rendered and esteemed glorious, being
magnified in and through the fully matured and patterned Son." (John 14:12-13, my
translation and amplification)
finishing up with some Scriptures we used last week:
1:18-23 (NASB): "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are
the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the
surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in
accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about
in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right
hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and
authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in
this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under
His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body,
the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
2:4-7 (NASB): "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love
with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us
alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised
us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in
Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing
riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."
you see where this leads?
been seated IN CHRIST and with Him in the Heavenlies.
That's our legal position! Jesus paid the necessary -- COVENANT -- price so
that we would once again have access to the Throne with all the authority and
power necessary to make Jesus' enemies His footstool.
Again, if you are in need of healing -- especially if you have
some terminal disease or prognosis of a very short time to live from the
doctors -- please join our prayer conference calls on either Monday or
Wednesday of each week at 7:00 PM Eastern. Once again, the number to call is
(805) 399-1000. Then enter the access code: 124763#. Let us minister to your
need for healing!
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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