May 9, 2014
Dale Petersen and his wife, Merlee, pastored a fellowship in Spokane for a number of years
known as Springs of Living Water. Della and I first met them through mutual
friends in late 1990 or early 1991. There was an instant bond that formed
between us, and over the next decade or so we had a wonderful level of
fellowship together. As we moved into the new millennium, Dale began to
experience Alzheimer's, and by late 2002 it had virtually wiped out his
recognition of friends and family, and at the same time he seemed to lose his
By this time, Della and I were in McAllen, Texas where I was
overseeing the construction of what would become one of the Telemundo
network's premier stations. For at least three years, Merlee
and other family members cared for him without his having any recognition of
who they were. Meanwhile we were all praying over Dale and declaring his
healing and recovery.
One morning in mid-2005, I received a call from Dale's brother.
He said, "I have someone here who wants to talk with you." I heard
him hand the phone over to someone so I said, "Good Morning!"
Immediately, a very familiar voice answered clearly and responded,
"Brother Regner, the Lord is preparing to do
great things!"
A wave of emotion swept over me as I heard Dale's voice.
"Brother!" I exclaimed. "How are you doing? Tell me what has
happened!" Dale choked up and began speaking in tongues. His brother took
the phone and explained that without any warning whatever that morning, Dale
had gotten up, dressed himself and began speaking as clearly as he had ever
spoken. Merlee (who was at that time a senior VP with
Bank of America) was already at work, and was unaware of Dale's sudden
recovery. Dale's brother told me that one of the first things Dale said to him
was, "I need to speak to Regner." That
precipitated the phone call. We were able to talk to each other again for a few
minutes before they hung up to call Merlee with the
good news.
The family was able to enjoy Dale for only a short time
thereafter before his health faded and he slipped into eternity. It has always
struck me that the first thing that took place when Dale regained his mind and
speech was the importance of delivering that short prophetic word to me. I saw
also that no matter how far gone a person is with Alzheimer's, complete healing
and recovery is a piece of cake for the Lord, and we need to quit being
intimidated by the disease and take the authority given to us in Christ Jesus.
past week has been a week of continually unfolding revelation, and I would like
to try and share some of it with you today. Let's begin with a scripture that
is more and more being quoted as the body of Christ moves into this last great
14:12-14: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than
these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in
my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye
shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."
see if I can amplify this for you from the Greek text.
"Truly, of a surety, I declare to you, He who puts their
full faith and credit in me, entrusting their entire well being to me, shall
not only take care of my business, performing the same acts, deeds and
[miraculous] works that I do, he shall enlarge upon them, working and
accomplishing greater, stronger, more powerful [and magnificent] acts and deeds
because (and by reason of) I leave to join with [and be seated with] my Father.
"And whatever [deed, act or work you have seen and heard of
me] you desire, call for or require in My (onoma) authority, makeup, nature or essence, that will I perform and
accomplish so that the Father will be rendered and esteemed glorious, being
magnified in and through the fully matured and patterned Son.
"If and should you desire, call for and require anything in
My (onoma) authority, makeup, nature or essence, I will perform and
accomplish it completely."
are many pictures revealed in Jesus' statement and I'll get to some of them
shortly, but first I want to add some additional scriptures for foundation.
John 5:14-15: "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if
we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth
us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the
petitions that we desired of him."
let's amplify this from the Greek:
"And this is the frank and outspoken public assurance we
have and possess in Him, that should we desire, call for and require anything
of, in accordance with, and in proportion to His expressed determination,
desire and pleasure, He hears, understands and responds to us. And if we see
and know with certainty that He hears, understands and responds to us, no
matter what we desire, call for and require, we know absolutely that we have,
hold and possess the thing we have desired and required of Him."
consider something that Paul wrote to the Philippians. There are very few
believers today who haven't accessed and quoted this scripture to themselves.
4:19: "But my God shall supply all your need according to His
riches in Glory by Christ Jesus."
look at the way this is expressed in the Greek text:
"But my God will of a certainty furnish, satisfy and
execute (colloq. "cram
to the max") all your business, your
demands and your requirements out of, and in direct proportion to, His wealth,
riches, money and abundant possessions in Glory, magnificence and praise by and
through the anointing of the Anointed One, Jesus."
that a mouthful, or what?!
For centuries the body of Christ has been sold a bill of goods! Nowhere in
anything we see, read or hear in the Word does it indicate that we come timidly
before the Lord and ask quietly in a mousy voice, kinda,
sorta hoping He might deign to pass out some morsel
or crumb. We've been deceived into thinking that we somehow don't have the
right and/or that we just aren't "deserving" of "His riches in
a look for a minute at two Greek words which occur in these texts: (1: aiteo) and
(2: chreia).
The first word, aiteo (pronounced:
ah.he.tey.oh), mostly translated "ask" in
our English translations, is not a timid word. J. H. Thayer, in his
Greek-English Lexicon, describes aiteo as "a demand of
something due."
is a different word from the one we would normally use in the context of
"asking" or making a hopeful "request" for a favor. That
word is, punthanomai.
That is NOT the word that Jesus uses, and it is not the word Paul uses in
his epistles in any reference to our relationship with God.
we come to the word, chreia.
Rendered as "need" in our English translations, it has its roots
in chraomai,
which means "to employ, to furnish what is needed." Chreia, on
the other hand, occurs within the context of business, to provide what which
has been agreed to by contract or covenant; hence, "a demand note."
have frequently used the illustration from Costco or Sam's Club where a person
goes in to purchase something. The item is shown behind glass or in a security
setting. The purchaser takes a slip of paper to the cashier with the item's
identifying number and pays for it. Having been paid for, the cashier now calls
to a warehouse employee who picks up the slip with the ID number and goes to
retrieve it.
slip of paper with the ID number has become "a demand note." The item
being requested has been paid for. The employee is given a demand to retrieve
it and deliver it to the customer.
can use the same illustration in check-writing. I need to purchase something or
pay for a service which has already been rendered, or has been requested. The
vendor or supplier takes my check to the bank and "demands" that
money be transferred from my account to his. My check is his authorization to
demand those funds.
now it should be clear where this discussion is going. Jesus has already paid
the price. We've already seen that His body suffered 39 stripes with an
equivalent of 351 lashes tipped with lead to gouge out pieces of His flesh. All
that He did to pay IN ADVANCE for every sickness, every disease, every
infirmity, every demonic affliction of our body. To add to that, He suffered a
crown of extremely long thorns shoved into His scalp and His skull, penetrating
His brain. In so doing, He took all of our mental and emotional torment upon
Himself, paying for it so that we would not have to endure that torment ourselves.
He finished things off by going to the Cross, being crucified, having whatever
blood remained in His body drained to the ground, and having expired, had a
spear thrust into His side at the same place where the bone was taken from Adam
to form Eve. Out poured blood and water, and with it the curse of pain
associated with child-birth was taken.
then went to Hell for three days and three nights, dumping off all of the sin
of mankind, all of the sicknesses, diseases, infirmities and demonic torment
and leaving them where they belonged -- with Satan.
He took the keys of Hell and Death as Father raised Him from the dead,
restoring Him to His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Was
anything left undone? Was there some price He didn't pay that made all that He
went through insufficient for us? Are we still supposed to be subject to Satan?
see, in all that He did, Jesus established a new Covenant on our behalf: a
divine contract in which He fulfilled both sides -- His and ours! All we need
do is accept and acknowledge that every price necessary has been paid for
whatever we need or require. This Covenant that Jesus established puts each and
every one of us who place in Him our faith, confidence and absolute trust -- IN
it? We are now IN HIM! We have shifted places, and we have shifted dimensions
(and I'll talk more about that next week). Here's how Paul describes it in his
letter to the Ephesians:
1:18-23 (NASB): "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be
enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are
the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the
surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in
accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about
in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right
hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and
authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in
this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under
His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His
body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
2:4-7 (NASB): "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love
with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us
alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised
us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in
Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing
riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."
you see where we are going with this?
been seated IN CHRIST and with Him in the Heavenlies.
That's our legal position! Jesus paid the necessary price so that we would once
again have the same access that Adam and Eve had. They were multi-dimensional
beings. They had the ability to move back and forth between time and eternity.
They were able to see what Father God desired that they duplicate here on
severed that ability. Adam and Eve once had everything that Heaven offered. In
the Garden they lacked for nothing. That's the way things were designed from
the beginning. Sin caused the light in their veins to congeal into blood. (Now
don't look at me like that! Bear with me!) It took a blood sacrifice under the
Law to atone for (archaic English word meaning: to cover over, or to hide) sin,
since every human being born into Adam's lineage once they had sinned had the
DNA of sin in them. Hiding the sin wasn't enough, however. It had to be
eradicated and eliminated from existence as though it had never been.
was the only one whose DNA came from Heaven, and yet because He was born into
the human race, He qualified to become the once and for all sacrifice that
would eliminate the curse and restore the interdimensional
access we were designed for. Once He rose from the dead and ascended into
Heaven, He was able to stand before the Universal Court and to testify that
Satan's hold was eliminated, and that those people who would accept the fact
that His blood sacrifice DID pay the necessary once and for all time cost
necessary for restoration could have that interdimensional
access once their testimony agreed with His.
sort of getting ahead of myself here and laying some groundwork for the next
Coffee Break.)
point I'm trying to make is that Jesus went to the cashier and paid every price
for everything that we could possibly and conceivably have need or desire for.
Let's go back to John 14:13 again.
"And whatever [deed, act or work you have seen and heard of
me] you desire, call for or require in My (onoma) authority, makeup, nature or essence, that will I perform and
accomplish so that the Father will be rendered and esteemed glorious, being
magnified in and through the fully matured and patterned Son.
understand, I'm sure, that we don't get to make requirements or demands on the
storehouses in Heaven that we haven't heard or seen in Jesus. We don't get to
make up stuff! Neither are we "demanding" that Father give us what we
are requiring! We are seated with Jesus, and we are seated in Him! Therefore,
our requests, our requirements, our demands, our declarations and decrees are
coming and being accomplished because they are coming in, through, and out of
Christ Jesus.
as Jesus never did anything He didn't see Father do, neither do we. Just as
Jesus never spoke anything He didn't first hear from Father, neither do we!
demands are NOT on Father! Our demands and requirements are NOT on Jesus! They
are on Satan!!!!! Anything that we have need of once we are in Christ, any area
of healing, deliverance or provision we have need of is taken back from Satan.
He has been, and IS the liar, the thief, the murderer, the tormentor, the
jailer. We were designed to be rich in every way! Satan -- in the form of the
spirit of Mammon -- continually and consistently, steals, withholds, deceives
and blocks every effort for God's people to have their covenanted wealth. God's
people are supposed to be the healthiest people on earth -- not those who live
after Satan's agenda. God's people are supposed to be the wealthiest people on
earth -- not those who steal, kill, destroy and deceive in order to get as much
money as they can.
have a covenant in Christ Jesus, folks! Everything we could possibly have need
of spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and materially has been paid
for. It's all available IN CHRIST! All we have to do is surrender the demand
note so that it can be retrieved for us and transferred into our possession.
really only scratched the surface of this. Let's stop for now and pick this up
again next week.
Again, if you are in need of healing -- especially if you have
some terminal disease or prognosis of a very short time to live from the
doctors -- please join our prayer conference calls on either Monday, Wednesday
or Friday of each week at 7:00 PM Eastern. Once again, the number to call is
(805) 399-1000. Then enter the access code: 124763#. Let us minister to your
need for healing!
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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