October 2, 2015
While the parable of the ten virgins plays again into the
picture of the release of the Glory of God, we're going to take a different
track today as we get back into the picture we first drew with Adam and Eve of
the union that God created between them, and the union He has been building
between us and the Lord Jesus Christ.
For that union to be built to the place where we are the
reflection -- and the completion -- of the Lord Jesus Christ, there must be
some radical changes to our nature, our personality, our makeup, the very
essence of who we are. And that's where we take up with today's
Revelation 3:12:
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar
in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him
the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new
Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write
upon him my new name.
taken this verse out of its original context, so let me briefly take you to
that overall prophecy. This was a statement made to the Ekklesia in Philadelphia -- the sixth of seven letters to
the seven Ekklesias in Asia Minor. These seven
letters comprise a single letter overall to the body of Christ, and address a
series of issues that still affect the body of Christ today. Each of the
seven letters wraps up with the promise
"to him that overcometh," and
each letter is sequential in its promise from the first one to Ephesus, to the
last one addressed to Laodicea.
promise to the overcomer adds a new dimension to the
one previous. These seven letters begin with the rebuke to Ephesus
because they've been so caught up in doing good works that they've lost their
first love. (In fact, that same issue affects several of the Ekklesias addressed in these letters.) They've turned
their attention to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and are making
decisions predicated on humanly acquired reasoning and rational thought.
There's a whole lot more here than I want to even try to get into today so let
me simply summarize. The promise to Ephesus is that if they will overcome
their reliance on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and/or the Knowledge of Evil,
the Lord will reopen the Garden experience to them and give them to eat of the
Tree of Life.
progression in the seven letters continues from there, and without recapping
each of the ones that follow, let me quickly move to the promise in the letter
to Philadelphia.
is so much contained in this one prophetic promise that it is almost
mind-boggling, so let's see what it looks like when we retranslate and amplify
from the Greek text.
He that overcomes [the temptation to rest on previous overcoming
and past victories] will I make to be a support (and a symbol of the Glory) in
the dwelling place of Yod Hey Vav
Hey (Elohim), and from that place of dwelling there
will be no reason [or cause] to ever leave; and I will engrave within and upon
him the very nature, the character, the authority, the makeup, the very essence
of Yod Hey Vav Hey (Elohim), and the very nature, the character, the authority,
the makeup and the very essence of the city of Yod
Hey Vav Hey (Elohim), which
is the new Jerusalem (*), which descends [to the earth] out of Heaven from my Yod Hey Vav Hey (Elohim); and I will engrave within and upon him my new (and
completed) nature, character, authority, makeup and very essence. (Revelation 3:12, RAC Translation and Amplification)
(*) Now,
put this together with Revelation 21:2: And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from
God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
isn't bad as a translation, but it still misses the whole picture. Let's
try this one again:
And I, John, saw the holy, consecrated and set apart city [of
many people], the recently made and unprecedented Jerusalem, the city of double
peace (**), descending out of Heaven [to the earth] from Yod
Hey Vav Hey, made ready as the betrothed Bride,
adorned, ornamented and embellished with honor for her husband-to-be. (Revelation
21:2, RAC Translation and Amplification)
starting to look like a broken record with these asterisks, but there is a
point to this.
(**) A short history lesson, if you don't
mind. The picture of the "double peace" as the Hebrew
translation of Yerushalayim goes is based on David's
capture of the city from the Jebusites. The Jebusites had occupied the fortress of Salem (Shalom) after
Shem's death and renamed the city, Jebus, after their
father. Ironically, their father's name had been, Jerus,
meaning "foundations." Jebus meant
"crushing," and that was the military tactic of the father of the Jebusites -- hence the name change given by Jebus' sons.
David took the city from the Jebusites, he restored
Shem's original name of Salem, but added to it the original name of the father
of the Jebusites, Jerus
(pronounced "Yeroos"). Thus, the City
of David became Jerus-Salem, and the
"foundations of peace" were established in the now-combined ten
tribes of Israel with Judah and Benjamin, creating the nation of Israel with
its capital.
was the first of the two pictures of peace. The geographical city of
Jerusalem lost its picture of peace when Rehoboam
(Solomon's son) disbanded the ministry of praise and worship in the Temple at
the urging of his counselors, and Jeroboam came up out of Egypt and split the
nation into two again, taking the ten tribes with him. Throughout the
Psalms, David clearly had the picture of Jerusalem as the City of God and as
the heart of the Lord. In the years that followed after the division of
Israel, the prophet Isaiah made a unique distinction by referring to Jerusalem
in general as the people of God, but identifying Zion (where David established
his Tabernacle, and the Temple was later built) as a metaphor for the Bride to
John, therefore, is given the picture of Jerusalem as the double peace, he is drawing
the analogy of reestablished, permanent peace,
"the peace that passes all understanding."
(Philippians 4:7)
of you are looking cross-eyed at me wondering what all this has to do with the
Glory of God being revealed. This is a quick illustration, but let me put
it like this:
you've been in or under the Glory of the Lord, you just don't want to
move. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but the peace is so phenomenal
that you NEVER want to leave it. I won't take time now to share some personal
stories, but let me simply say that whenever you have a time of very intense
intimate worship that continues on and on and on, you frequently experience the
Glory settling in over everyone in such a way that folks don't want to move,
they don't want to talk, and they just want to "soak".
frequently, we launch into "soaking worship" as a fellowship.
There is often a period of silence following that worship such that no one says
a thing, and everyone is just quiet before the Lord, enjoying the enormous,
indescribable peace.
I've kind of taken you down a rabbit trail for a bit in order to do some
clarification as to the translation and amplification from Revelation 3:12 and
21:2. Let's get back on track.
promise from Revelation 3:12 is for a transformation and radical change of our
character, our nature, our personality, our makeup, our identity and the very
essence of who we are. Consider the change promised to the one who
overcomes and gains victory over -- and I'll take these in quick succession
from the six letters up to this point -- the Fear of Evil, the Fear of Death,
the Fear of Man, the Spirit of Jezebel, the Spirit of Compromise [we know it as
"Democracy" in the body of Christ] (and its companion, Legalism), and
the tendency to rest on past laurels, the overcoming one has achieved to this
point, never mind the revelation that comes with each of these areas of
order to draw this characterization back to something we've shared in previous
Coffee Breaks, let's consider the message revealed in The Song of Solomon,
chapter 1, verse 5, along with the same message embodied in Jeremiah 8:21 in
which we see the statement repeated, "I am black."
already noted, this is a common Hebrew metaphor rooted in the extraction of Eve
from Adam's side, and the knowledge that for each of us God has created a
counterpart, an "other self" who completes and finishes our
makeup. In Jeremiah's prophecy (and he draws pretty much the same picture
in the sixth chapter), the Lord is crying out for that people whom He created
for Himself. Israel was a nation whom God had chosen, blessed, protected,
caused to multiply, set apart from every other nation on earth to be the
reflection of His Glory. Israel was designed to become His counterpart in
the earth and a representation to the rest of the world of what could be
available to anyone who could and would walk by faith in and with Him.
cry of the Lord, therefore, in Jeremiah's prophecy is identical to the search
that continues to this day. The Lord was speaking through Jeremiah and
calling out for that people He had searched out for Himself. The search
was going forth throughout the earth for that people. It is the same
search He has built in each of us for our counterpart, our "other
self" -- that one who completes and fulfills us (and that was the message
of the Shulammite in the Song of Solomon).
3:12 is the completion of the search God has made on behalf of Jesus Christ for
His counterpart, His other self. Is that clear so far? Then let me
add to this picture. Consider how Paul put it in writing to the Romans:
Romans 12:2:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Amplified Bible puts it even better.
Romans 12:2, AMP:
Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after
and adapted to its external, superficial customs [and mindsets], but be transformed
(changed) [metamorphosed] by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its
new attitude [taking on the mindset and manner of thinking of the Lord Jesus
Christ], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and
acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and
acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. (with
my additions)
whole purpose of this metamorphosing is to change us back into that image in
which we were first created. But there's more! You see, Adam and
Eve were created in the image and likeness of Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. There is a difference, however, between Adam and Eve, and that
which we are being transformed into. Adam and Eve were imbued with the
same qualities and nature of God and they were given dominion over the
earth. They had only one command or warning from the Lord, and that
referred to their NOT eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
What Adam and Eve DID NOT HAVE was a Covenant. True, when they were being
evicted from the Garden, the Lord told Eve that her seed would crush the
Serpent's head -- and through that prophetic promise would come the Redeemer,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
makes our existence so different from Adam and Eve is that first of all, we
have a Covenant with Father, made on our behalf by the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is a Covenant we can all freely enter into, and it is a Covenant which
guarantees our being changed, transformed, re-created, molded and metamorphosed
back into that perfect image and likeness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- SO
shouldn't be necessary to say this, but the Covenant that Jesus Christ made for
us is a Covenant we MUST enter into if we are to become partakers and
beneficiaries. Furthermore, this Covenant was designed to fulfill the
purposes of God which were set in motion before time began. From the very
beginning, all of Creation was designed to bring into being, to grow and to
mature a species of being who would become the very family of God -- a species
of being unlike any ever created. Creation was set in motion to grow and
mature a people who would overcome every conceivable obstacle, every temptation,
every force pitted against them, and choose an intimate relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ above life itself.
point of all this is that the Glory of the Lord is revealed in the earth,
throughout the Universe, and throughout all Creation. Holy Spirit brings
Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ through the teaching, the instruction, the
filling up of us as a people with the very presence and essence of the Lord
God. Jesus brings Glory to Father because it is through Him that these
changes, and this maturing process all achieves the destiny Father, Son and
Holy Spirit set in motion when they agreed and said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness, and
let them have dominion....."
need to talk about the changes Holy Spirit is working in us. Those
changes are no small thing -- and it is in those changes that the Glory of the
Lord is being revealed. We are being changed from Glory to Glory.
that's where we'll go next week.
I remind those of you
in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call takes place on Mondays at 7:00
PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). As of Monday, September 14th, our call-in
number has changed to (712) 775-7035.
The new Access Code
is: 323859#. Our previous conference line experienced drop-outs and
periodic audio quality issues, so this was a needed upgrade!
At the same time, in
case you are missing out on real fellowship in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship gatherings are available by
conference call – usually at about 10:45AM Pacific. That conference
number is (605) 562-3140, and the access code
is 308640#. We hope to make
these gatherings available by Skype or Talk Fusion before long. If you
miss the live call, you can dial
(605) 562-3149, enter the same access code and listen in
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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