April 29, 2013
Rich Warren and I have just returned from a three-day FGBMFI
men's retreat where we led worship for roughly 120 men. This was our third year
of being involved with this particular retreat, and it is safe to say that we
saw and experienced a dimension of the presence of the Lord in worship the like
of which we've never seen in a corporate setting like this.
You know that Holy Spirit is at work when you have a variety of
different individuals tell you that they visibly saw demons fleeing the place
in the midst of the worship. You know that God is at work when His Glory is so
thick that it rests like a huge blanket over the assembled group, and people's
lives are transformed, men receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and
others receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit -- all in the midst of worship.
shared this before, but what we do is to allow ourselves to become the
instruments that Holy Spirit plays. My guitar and Rich's bass are nothing more
than extensions of ourselves. We become the instruments that are played. The
sound of the Lord goes forth bringing healing, deliverance, restoration and
wholeness to those who will hear His voice and respond. We don't always sing.
Much of the time we prophesy with our instruments. People see visions. At times
they are transported into the heavenlies. Others hear
the voice of Holy Spirit speaking into their spirits ministering life and
breaking bondages. The music becomes the voice of Father bringing His authority
against the power of the Enemy.
had the addition of Craig Manley on drums, along with three young lads from
Heritage Christian High School who've joined us with their instruments. Every
time you add another musician to the mix -- normally, at least -- you add
another layer of complexity and another individual (or individuals) who must
respond and play the same heretofore brand new music they've never played, heard
or seen before, and have no sheet music in front of them.
I noted in sharing with someone else this afternoon, it's akin to having a
group of people all speaking in tongues at the same time -- the difference that
everyone is speaking the same tongue at the same time, and no one has a clue as
to what comes next. In this case the tongues become the music that we've never
heard before, never played before, and have no idea whatever where we're going
with it. Nevertheless it literally flows like a river with the presence of the
Good Morning! Pour yourself a 16-ounce cup of that java and let's get started
with today's discussion.
6. The doctrine of “Eternal Judgment” is the sixth stone in the foundation of our new onoma. We have already talked about the Spirit of Judgment and Burning as being one of the seven spirits of the onoma of Jesus Christ. Just as it is foundational to His character and makeup, so must it also become foundational to ours.
Because of His unique perspective, and
ability to see across time from beginning to end, He makes (and has made)
judgments which will stand through eternity.
“The judgments of the Lord,”
sang, “are true, and righteous
altogether.” (Psalm 19:9)
has pre-judged (from our perspective in a time-space world) His Bride, and all
those individuals who corporately consist, as righteous. In the same manner, He
has pre-judged all those who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour,
but have not (or will not) overcome all things in order to become a part of His
Bride. Even though they have not been incorporated into His Bride, the
invitation has gone forth to them to attend the Wedding Feast as His guests and
who have refused Jesus Christ, those who have rejected His claim as the Bridegroom,
those who have rejected His payment of their dowry, and those who have
continued their willful walk of agreement with Satan’s lies have all likewise
been judged. Their judgment is as final and eternal as those who are a part of
His Bride.
what I sometimes call “The Letter to the Bride” (better known as The
Revelation), John graphically describes the unfolding of events which we have
all been living through. He underscores the judgment of the Lord to all who
accept the thought processes of the Beast (which we understand and define as
that system and power by which the world operates in this present age), or
function and do business after the manner of the Beast (i.e., take “the mark of the Beast”
their forehead or right hand).
judgment is the lake of fire. John likewise speaks of the judgment of the
Antichrist (that pervasive spirit of humanism which saturates our society
today), and those who succumb to that spirit. Likewise do we read of the
judgment given to that great whore, the spirit of Jezebel, which has led or
driven so many of God’s people to destruction. And on and on it goes.
how is all of this foundational to our onoma? The judgments -- the decrees
of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ -- must be so integrated into our character and
makeup that we live them daily. His judgment towards His people is mercy and
truth. His judgment towards His Bride is love and power. His judgment of those
wicked spirits (and their father, the devil) which permeate today’s world is
imprisonment and containment in a bottomless pit for the next thousand years, a
short span to be let loose to try the generation of that age, and then final
the Bride of Christ, those judgments must be ingrained into the very essence of
her existence. She must live – today – His judgment and authority in the
realm of the spirit. The millennium to come is only the staging ground for
do you understand that these are only the very basic foundations for
relationship with Jesus Christ? Now do you see why there must be a “going on to
the completion?” These fundamentals set the stage for relationship with Him,
but they are not that relationship.
prophesied of the onoma
of Jesus Christ, saying, “The government shall be
upon His shoulder, and His shem (onoma) shall be Wonderful
(Pele -- miracle), Counselor (Ya.ats --
advisor, resolver, deliberator), the Mighty God (Gibbowr
-- {see previous discussion of gebuwrah} -- the champion
warrior), the Everlasting (Ad – perpetual) Father (Ab – founder, the progenitor, the ancestor: hence, the source of
creation), the Prince (Sar – the head, the source of all dominion) of Peace (Shalom – health,
wholeness, soundness, safety: and, as a direct consequence thereof, peace). (See Isaiah 9:6)
prophecy could have better underscored what Jesus manifested during the years
of His public ministry as well as the two millennia that have passed since. His
is Miracle. There is no aspect of the natural realm over which He does
not exercise complete dominion. The laws of science as we know them -- the laws
of physics – are subject to His will and His word. Jesus was and is naturally
supernatural! So are we to be.
is the Spirit of Counsel and Might!
Jesus described Himself as the first comforter, and then said that He was
sending “another comforter” (Paraklete) whom we have come to know as Holy Spirit. We are
both recipients and bearers of that spirit of counsel, that ability to resolve,
that ability to deliberate in every situation, not to mention the ability to
war in the spirit as champions.
infuriated the religious people (the Pharisees and Sadducees) by saying to
them, “Before Abraham was, I AM!”
so saying, He made clear that His existence was perpetual. But He was more than
perpetual: He was and is the founder, the progenitor, the source of creation!
was Jesus who spoke the words of creation (witness the mathematical
demonstration of His number, 8-8-8, incorporated into the phraseology, “And God said…..”
the Genesis account), and it was He who fathered Adam, forming him by His hand
from the dust of the very same earth He had spoken into existence. In like
manner, Jesus Christ – as our Bridegroom – has fathered us, has brought about
our ability to exist in Him, with Him, and for Him as His counterpart, His
co-equal, His beloved Bride! And He has seated us with Himself, giving into our
that same creative power which went forth by His Word!
Him is all dominion. In Him is all health. In Him is all wholeness. There is
nothing about Jesus Christ that is not perfection. In Him is soundness. In Him
is perfect safety. He is, therefore, the Prince of Peace – the King of Glory –
the great I AM! He is the Alpha and the Omega – the
(pronounced, awb) and the Achariyth (pronounced, ahk.ar.eeth)
– the beginning, the end, and the future!
is the originator, and He is the reward. No wonder He could speak the word, and
disease would flee. No wonder He could speak the word and storms would cease.
No wonder He could say, “I AM the Way, The Truth,
and The Life.” He was. He is. It is His onoma. And it must be ours!
by the Plan He set in motion before time began, in spite of all that Jesus
Christ is, yet has He been incomplete. It sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t
it? Under any normal circumstances, and unless it be revealed to you by Holy
Spirit, it is impossible to see Jesus Christ as anything but complete. Yet, He
has been anything but sub-standard.
you begun to understand this new onoma – this new name? It is new because
it has never been up to this time. It is a new onoma,
and though envisioned by our Bridegroom and shown to us in the realm of Holy
Spirit, it has always been a Plan and a promise of Father to the Son.
promised to the Son that on the day of His reward, He would receive a Bride who
would complete and fulfill Him – a Bride who would have become Him, even as He
had become her. And thus it is unfolding before us.
the promise of the Son, the Bridegroom, to that people called out and formed unto
Himself, the Bride: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God,
and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the onoma
of my God, and the onoma of the city of my
God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and I
will write upon him my new onoma!"
is a conditional promise, made to the overcomer – not
to those who seek to escape tribulation, not to those who run from the fire,
not to those whose thoughts are focused on “the rapture,” and escaping from the
“wrath to come.” It is a promise made to those who rise above their
afflictions, the tribulation of this day, and the terrors which are befalling
the wicked generation in which we live. It is the promise to those who have
overcome the seven nations – the principal ruling spirits of the Enemy.
is a promise made to those who speak Life and Truth in the midst of increasing
death, those who bring health and mercy to the afflicted, those who live agape, might and soundness. It is made to
those who overcome all and endure all until they be presented to the Bridegroom
by the Paraklete: those who can say in Truth to Him,
“All that I am is yours. I am One with you, and you are One with me. We are
is not a boast. It is not being presumptuous. It is an absolute necessity, and
Jesus Christ has so ordained it. While we certainly are beneficiaries of this
reward, His completion in and with us is His reward. This Plan was set in
motion by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for their sake!
you understand the significance of this promise to the overcomer?
It is multifaceted and all-encompassing. First, the promise is that we will
become a “pillar in the temple of
my God, and he shall go no more out.”
statement is a parallel to some phraseology used by Matthew. Matthew, being an
orthodox Jew by birth and upbringing, used a typical Jewish metaphor when he
quoted Jesus, saying, "shall enter into
the kingdom of the heavens."
on the other hand, uses a Graecism to identify the
very same thing: "...make a pillar
in the temple of my God..."
both identify "rulership in the
house of the Lord." They both illustrate becoming part and parcel
of the dwelling place of the Lord. And this promise is to "the overcomer." For those who have learned to rule in the
midst of every situation in this present age, a new dimension of rulership lies ahead.
very next part of this promise is,
"...and I will write upon him the onoma
of my God..." The phrase, "I will write upon him,"
unique to middle-eastern thought, and is found in the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic,
and Chaldean languages. It means:
to strike a visible mark with the identifying characteristics of a person, place, or
thing. In this case, the identifying
characteristics are seen as, "the onoma of my God."
that is not the end of the promise.
"..And (I will write upon him) the onoma
of the city of My God, which is New Jerusalem..."
the time of Shem, the son of Noah, and throughout the history of the nation of
Israel, Jerusalem has been a picture of the Bride. Shem initially established
this as the city of Salem, building it as a citadel – a place of protection and
honor for his bride. Because of Shem’s extraordinary stance and reputation as a
representative of righteousness, the Canaanite peoples who dwelled in the land,
referred to him as Malkiy-Tsedeq, “The King of
in modern translations as “Melchizedek,” Shem demonstrated the heart of the
Lord for His Bride with Salem. Hundreds of years after Shem’s death, David took
the city away from the Jebusites, who had renamed it,
Jebus, in honor of their ancestor (one of the sons of
Canaan). He called the city “Jerusalem,” and immediately set up his tabernacle
with the Ark of the Covenant on Mount Moriah. He
thereupon established a picture of the Bride which has stood throughout the
picture of the New Jerusalem was a picture seen in the spirit. The natural city
of Jerusalem represented a physical picture of that which has been being
established in the spirit by the Bridegroom. What John saw was the Bride of
Christ coming down from Heaven. He saw Father presenting Jesus with His
long-awaited Bride and counterpart. The promise, therefore, to the overcomer was that they would be incorporated into the
final phase of this promise was,
“and I will write upon him my new onoma.” And
here we are! This has been what it is all about: our change, and His change. Together,
we make up one new being!
transformation has resulted in a people whose entire existence revolves around
what the Lord desires of them at that moment – a people who are immersed
in Him. This is a people who eat from "The Tree of Life" --
"life" being, in this case, the living presence of the Lord
Jesus Christ. That is a tangible, definable, discernible, quantifiable reality,
experienced in the realm of the Spirit – one which we have all tasted of and
experienced in true worship!
this completion of His onoma,
His character and makeup, comes a new dimension for all of us – a future
radically unlike that which we have known. With that future awaits an expanse
of rulership as spiritual beings which transcends the
natural, physical realm – and yet encompasses it.
New Onoma is for the overcomer – and the overcomer
beloved brothers and sisters: for Jesus’ sake, and for yours, let nothing stand
in your way! Let there be no whim of the flesh, no attachment of the past, no
afflicting or tormenting spirit, no vain imagination of any kind prevent you
from being that overcomer. Let us together go on to
the completion.
Paul was writing to the Philippians, he put it like this: “I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also
I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”
“Brethren, (Sisters), I count not myself to have apprehended, or
to have laid hold of that total completeness. But this one thing I do:
forgetting the past, and reaching forth unto those promises and goals which are
before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus (i.e., being One with Him)."
“Let us, therefore, as many as be perfect and complete, have
this attitude; and if in anything your attitude differs, God shall reveal even
this unto you."
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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