12, 2013
This past Sunday we were really blessed to have Don Pirozok and his wife, Cheryl, as our guests. Don is known
nationally for his prophetic ministry and the accuracy of his prophecies.
Sunday was no exception. I really appreciated the manner in which the personal
and family prophetic words were given. We took a few people (perhaps three or
four) at a time, shared with them and then took a break for a time of worship.
More people would be ministered to, and that would be followed with more
worship. This process was repeated again and again. Our time of gathering for
fellowship, praise and worship, and ministry -- both corporate and personal --
along with fellowship around the table, lasted just over eight hours.
we don't often have that much time together when we gather, five to six hours
is pretty common. Our times of gathering are designed to be a true expression
of Ekklesia -- NOT church. While I'm not condemning
folks who still utilize the traditional mode of church gathering -- and
certainly we've seen the Lord work very mightily within the church from time to
time -- the Greek word "Ekklesia," which
has been almost uniformly translated "church" for the past four
hundred years or so -- represents a kind of gathering that is anything but the
conventional structured mode we see in the contemporary churches.
Ekklesia is really nothing
more than the assembling together of the Betrothed by the Bridegroom. (And when
I say that they have been assembled together by the Bridegroom, it is just
that! This is not a club you can join. If Holy Spirit doesn't draw you and bond
you to the group of people, you're just playing "church.") Ekklesia is a company of people -- not more than 12
families -- who've been drawn together among whom Holy Spirit is developing a
close-knit bonding, a place of absolute trust, a level of confidence that each
person in the Ekklesia has your back -- and at the
same time, is willing to administer reproof and correction in love when needed.
could literally spend this entire Coffee Break talking about Ekklesia, and the things Holy Spirit has taught us about Ekklesia as a lifestyle and a processing period in our
lives to prepare us for the Bridegroom. But that's not where we will go today.
Let me continue where we left off last week.
Throughout my years of walking with the
Lord, enormous change has taken place in me. Yes, responses have been required
of me. Yes, obedience to the word and will of the Lord has been mandatory. But
the change, and the glory which is manifested, have come because of the
indwelling work of the Paraklete, and the sovereignty
of the Bridegroom in His choices for me.
This is what the onoma of
the Lord Jesus Christ is all about! His onoma -- which
incorporates the Spirit of Judgment and Burning, the Spirit of Wisdom and
Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the
Fear of the Lord, The Spirit of Grace and Supplications, the Spirit of Truth,
and the Spirit of Glory (all summed up in agape)
-- has been the onoma of
a Bridegroom-to-be seeking after a Bride, a Bridegroom who has sent a Paraklete to prepare, mold, train, equip and dress that
Bride for the final day of joining: the Marriage of the Lamb!
All those things which we have treated
as doctrines: Salvation, Water Baptism, Baptism in the Holy Spirit,
Deliverance, Sanctification, Holiness, etc., etc., have only been stepping
stones in the process to have a Bride. Those things which we have known as
"the gifts of the Spirit" are simply a dowry, given as a promise of
that which would become the natural, everyday operation and function of our
lives and existence. The gifts of the Spirit have simply been the
"interest," given to woo us onward toward the changes and processing
necessary which would result in those gifts being a 24-hour-per-day reality --
a part of the life and breath of our onoma.
The intention of the Lord is that we
become so like Him that these things which we have known as “gifts” are no
longer gifts, but the natural operation of our beings – an integrated part of
our very existence. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. His purpose is
to make us naturally supernatural, and supernaturally
natural. Expressing it another way, His intention is to see that which
we have regarded as “miraculous” become the norm of our daily breathing and
Take a quick look at this process from
the beginning through the perspective of what we have often heard, and what has
been taught to us as foundational doctrines:
1. Salvation: the
legal act of Jesus' death on the cross in order to free a people from bondage
to Satan, and bondage to the Law of Sin and Death: a legal act necessary to
make possible a way for people to respond freely to His wooing and romancing.
2. Water Baptism: the
legal act necessary as the first response of those who accept Jesus' offer of
freedom: a legal act which says to Satan, "the old me, born into this
world as a slave to you, subject to the Law of Sin and Death, has died and been
buried. The new me has been resurrected by the power of Jesus Christ, made
alive and freed to respond without your curses and penalties hanging over
3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: the
first joint-legal act of the Bride-to-be and the Paraklete,
in which we release our tongue to Him and He evidences that release by using it
to speak in previously unknown or unlearned languages as a sign of the release
of our entire being, which then gives Holy Spirit the right to begin the
process of house-cleaning, change, and restoration of the individual into the
image and onoma of
the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
4. Deliverance: the
legal right, and necessary act of the individual now undergoing the
housecleaning process of the Paraklete to expel all
those spirits He identifies, which have worked to shape and mold us into
the onoma of
5. Justification: a
legal act, consummated by Jesus Christ, which establishes our right to come
before the Father as freely as both the Son and the Paraklete.
6. Sanctification: the
processing of the Paraklete to enact the necessary
changes of our onoma so
as to conform us to those requirements of the Bridegroom prior to the day of
the Marriage of the Lamb.
7. Holiness: the
change which is wrought to our makeup, our character, the very essence of our
being so that we become like our Bridegroom.
Now, I realize that the way I have
defined some of these "doctrines" may not be the way some of you are
familiar with them, but bear with me for a moment. Intriguingly enough, only
the first three "doctrines" in this list are so mentioned in Scripture.
The last four are not. They are concepts which have been taught as doctrines,
often to the exclusion of those which Paul taught as "stepping
stones." In an Open Letter to the Ekklesia entitled, The
Strait Gate, which was sent out a number of years ago, we talked about
those doctrines which are laid as foundations in our lives; and the necessity
of leaving them, once established, so as to "go on to the
I won't try to cover all that ground
again, but in brief (see Hebrews 6:1-3) Paul talks about "not laying again the foundation of (1) repentance from dead works, and (2) faith in God, of (3) the teaching of baptisms, and (4) of the laying on of
hands, of (5) the resurrection of the dead, and (6) of eternal judgment." (Without getting into
any argument on the subject, I will repeat that we assume for the sake of this
discussion Paul to be the author of Hebrews.) The point he makes is that it is
necessary to "go on." The aforementioned teachings are simply the
foundation place of our relationship -- not the end! To make
the assumption that we "have arrived," once these are locked down in
our understanding is to fall short of the Glory of God.
“Change” is the operative word.
Consider again the significance of these foundations of which Paul writes.
1. “Repentance from dead
works.” We have often expressed this as
“Salvation,” but let’s look a little farther. The “dead works,” of which Paul
speaks, takes on a different perspective in the light of his letter to the
Hebrews. Dead works are the keeping of the law, the performance of duties and
rituals “because they are expected of you,” the observance of commandments
because “they are ordered,” etc., etc., etc. Make sense?
(In case we forget, let’s remember that
the objective of all of this is the most intimate of relationships with Jesus
O.K! Where’s the relationship if we
keep the law? Where is the relationship if we observe His commandments just
because they were ordered of us? Where there is a love
relationship – an intimate love-relationship – these things happen as a natural
byproduct of that bond between us and the Lord. There is no place for ritual in
relationship. There is no place for “duty” in relationship. There is no place
for a careful observance of the law. These things are all “dead works.” Where
there is a bond of love and intimacy between us and the Lord Jesus Christ, His
heart’s desire becomes as normal to us as breathing. It is integral to
our onoma.
Let me use the relationship between
Della and me as an example. Suppose when we first got married that I handed her
a list of requirements: ten “do’s” and “don’ts” which she was required to
carefully observe on a daily basis, with the threat of punitive action on my
part if she failed to keep them. Suppose she had been given a list of duties
and requirements – whether written or unwritten – by which her commitment to me
would be required. Sounds insane, doesn’t it? What kind of relationship would
we have? Zero! O.K., well, maybe a master-slave relationship but not a marriage
of counterparts, co-equals, or one in which true love was genuinely manifested.
Now let me take it a step farther.
Suppose Della took all of my letters and writings over the years, along with
various accounts of my accomplishments which have been reported in the news
media, Who’s Who volumes and other publications, and pored over them daily so
that she would get to “know me better?” Are those letters and writings, and
news reports going to give her an in-depth knowledge of me, my makeup and
character, my personality, or my love for her? Of course not! It’s ridiculous!
Especially when she has me in person, and we can communicate personally,
sharing ourselves with one another on the most intimate basis.
So it is with the Lord Jesus Christ. To
trade that which has been written, said, and done for a personal intimate
sharing relationship on a daily basis with Him is to live in “dead works,”
ritualism and legalism. “Repentance from dead works,” therefore, begins with
Godly sorrow over our having lived legalistically and ritualistically,
repenting or turning from such dead living, and embracing Jesus Christ as
lover, as Bridegroom-to-be, and even more – as the totality of our existence
without whom we neither live, nor breathe, nor have our being.
2. “Faith in God” likewise
has a deeper significance than that which we have commonly accepted. Jesus made
it clear that “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Then He identified
the means by which that faith comes by saying, “Faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God.” Faith, therefore, is not faith
if we have not heard the Lord.
that make sense? O.K. Let’s try it this way.
Lord often speaks through many different methodologies. For example, we hear
His Spirit speaking within our spirit. Sometimes we are reading and a scripture
will stand out. There is a quickening in our spirit by the Holy Spirit that
this is a truth He is applying to us, or to a specific situation in our lives.
Then there are the occasions when He speaks to us directly in dreams or
visions. On rarer occasions, we are permitted to hear
the audible voice of the Lord in our ears. In each instance – no matter what
method He utilizes – He will confirm that “word” through multiple avenues so
that we can know of absolute surety that we have heard Him.
we have heard Him, faith is generated. That faith becomes the very substance of
that which He has spoken by virtue of the creative power of His onoma. As
we speak out of that substantive faith, we speak our agreement with that which
He has spoken. When we agree with Him – not intellectually, but in our spirit –
within the very core of our beings, life explodes. Creative forces are
unleashed. Our faith in Him, therefore, becomes a practical reality with signs
in God,” therefore, is not some mystical, ethereal hope within our hearts. It
is a life-giving force with the very same creative dynamics which were
unleashed when Jesus Christ spoke the worlds into existence, and set in motion
the inevitability of His Bride.
We'll stop here and continue with "The Teaching of
Baptisms" as we continue to share on this onoma transformation. See you next week.
on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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