Back Again!
Guess that's what happens when folks just keep writing and
responding! I just
keep sending out more of these Coffee Breaks.
I'm past the point of needing someone to monitor my email inboxes constantly. Even with condensing and categorizing
emails as they come in, I still have to scan more than 15,000 every day. It's getting to be a bit time-consuming.
I've said all that to say that if you have sent me a
personal email or response and it doesn't look like I'm answering you or paying
any attention, bear with me.
If you've sent me something that requires my response back, I will get
back to you. It may take a few days, however,
before I can get actually get the time to respond.
If you need an urgent response, say so, and I'll get back to just as soon as I
see the email.
We had a meeting of pastors here at River Worship Center yesterday. Every month the
local pastors of all (or most) of the churches in Sunnyside gather together as
part of the Sunnyside Ministerial Association to share with each other, to get
a pulse of what is happening in the community, to pray over issues, and to take
action on community needs where it is both practical and possible for us to do
Naturally, we have coffee together and other refreshments
-- and I said all that to say that I've got some "vitamins" left over
from our meeting. I've
also brewed up some nice, oily dark-roasted Columbian Supremo
and filled a thermos carafe with it. Drop by
if you have a chance and I'll pour you a cup.
Mine's already poured and I'm rarin' to go for the day. Ready?
By the way, I reckon you've already noticed, but
Wednesday's post didn't make it out on Wednesday.
There were too many things happening that day.
I had it written, but had to wait until Thursday to get it out, and then didn't
get this out on Friday as planned. So here it
is Monday again.
OK. We were talking about Dad and his Ham radio, and the
door of opportunity the Lord opened to him in ministry to the community because
he had the ability to communicate with the outside world.
For a long time, communications with the outside world was strictly limited to
postal mail. Telephones were a non-existent
thing on Saint Paul Island, except for intra-island governmental communications. HF radio communications and teletype
had been established on the island by the U.S. Army during the Second World
War, so it was possible to get a message off the island in emergency
The problem was that this was not a practical or easily
accessible means for most folks on the island.
With Ludy and Prokoff's
situation being handled as expeditiously as it had, Dad's Ham radio suddenly
became the "in thing." People who
had been banned by the Orthodox priest from coming to worship services at the
Assembly of God church could legitimately come to the Capener
home in order to make contact with family members who lived on the mainland, or
if they needed to order something from Sears or Safeway or whoever.
That, in turn, provided both Dad and Mom with the
opportunity to invite the folks who came over to stay for coffee and a piece of
Mom's apple pie, or some Constant Comment tea and cake around the dining table
while the folks shared the Gospel with them.
You've all seen it before, I'm sure. Whenever the Enemy seeks to prevent people from
seeing or hearing the truth and puts roadblocks in their way, the Lord had a
unique way of opening other avenues.
Think back to the 1960's for a minute.
Remember the fight that raged in the courts over prayer in school, and the
ridiculous effort Madalyn Murray O'Hair
went to in order to argue that prayer in school was a violation of her parental
rights as an atheist? So what happened? Eventually, a heavily weighted liberal
Supreme Court overturned centuries of accepted practice and constitutionally
guaranteed liberties and banned prayer in public school.
In 1968 when the Apollo astronauts made their first trip to the Moon, while
more than two billion people around the globe watched and listened, Neil
Armstrong read from the Scriptures, and prayed a simple prayer -- the same kind
of prayer that the courts said school children couldn't participate in.
God always gets the last word!
The more Satan seeks to prevent people from hearing the truth, the more new
avenues of opportunity God provides to and for hungry people.
Satan thought he could stop several thousand children from hearing someone
pray, so God opened a way for billions to hear.
It matters not what Satan does, everything he does to block the Gospel,
everything he does to block prayer, everything he does to prevent God's people
from worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ will only backfire on him and result in
all the more people hearing and receiving the truth.
And what happens to those people who allow themselves to
become the tool of Satan, and agree with his lies? In Madalyn Murray O'Hair's case, she vanished without a trace for years, and
eventually the police found what they believed were her bones in a shallow
grave in the Texas desert, having been murdered.
The son she was so anxious to "protect" from the Gospel grew up, came
to know Jesus Christ personally, and is now a minister of that same Gospel.
Back to Saint Paul Island.
Remember how I told you in Wednesday's post how the lay reader in the Russian
Orthodox Church was a falling down drunk?
There were times when he would show up for church services so inebriated he had
to hang on the lectern while he read the Scriptures to keep from falling down.
The day came when he showed up at the Capener
home (he wouldn't dare come to any of the church services, of course) because
he needed emergency medical assistance, and Dad could contact the hospital in
Anchorage by Ham radio. On
this particular day, radio communications were spotty and it took several
efforts to finally get through. Meanwhile the
reader (we'll call him "John" for the sake of this story) sat next to
Dad's desk and listened to the sharing of the Gospel.
He later acknowledged that it was the first time in his
life he'd actually heard the plan of salvation and understood that Jesus Christ
died for his sins; that he could have a personal relationship with the Lord
instead of a religious one filled with dead form and ritual. "John" did not receive his complete
deliverance from alcohol that day, but he was set on a path that eventually led
to his total deliverance from the snares of addiction and drunkenness.
The Orthodox priest was furious when he heard that his lay
reader had gotten "saved." As far as
he was concerned, it was a personal slap in the face.
It mattered not that John continued to attend services at the Orthodox Church. It mattered not that he continued in his
role as lay reader. It was the change in his
life, his countenance, his home and everything about him that bothered the
You recall how the Pharisees and Sadducees were angry over
Jesus healing folks on the Sabbath? (See, for
example, Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 2:24-28; Luke 13:10-17) Remember how
upset they were when Jesus forgave a man's sins before healing him? (Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke
5:17-26) They were angry because results were taking place through
Jesus' ministry -- results they had not been able to achieve through their
religion and traditions. Jesus' teaching and
preaching didn't fit their understanding of what should be able to happen, and
it made them afraid -- fearful that they were following a dead religion -- and
they couldn't have that! No.
Huh Uh! No way!
In John 5:16-17, we see how the religious leaders decided
they couldn't have Jesus doing all these things in their midst and
demonstrating how dead their religion and traditions really were, so they
decided they would kill him.
Whether there was an overt effort on the part of the Russian Orthodox
priest to kill Dad and Mom is questionable, but he certainly did his part to
drive them off the island.
In his anger over seeing the transformation of people in
the community -- people who had been lifelong members of his church -- the
priest decided if he couldn't keep folks from going over to use Dad's Ham radio
for communication with the outside world, he'd try something new. He decided to gather
together some of the young boys -- teenagers, actually -- in much the same way
the shaman had attempted at Point Hope, and use them for his ends.
A rock-throwing effort began. In the middle of the night, Dad and Mom were awakened
to hear the rat-a-tat-tat of rocks pelting the roof of the house.
Dad got up and went to the door just in time to see a rock thrown towards him. He ducked in time and the rock bounced
harmlessly off the side of the house. When he
hollered at the boys who were throwing the rocks, they dropped the rocks in
their hands and scattered. Not before he
recognized a couple of them, however.
The next morning, he went to the parents of the boys he
recognized to report the incident and advise them to keep a handle on their sons. A couple of days went by.
Dad and Mom were sitting at the dinner table when another barrage of rocks
came, this time breaking windows in the kitchen and one of the bedrooms.
This time, Dad sprinted to the door and chased one of the
boys down, grabbing him by the collar of his coat. The boy was one Dad had seen the first time. He marched the boy over to his parents' house
and let them know that he would not tolerate this.
When he released his grip on the boy's coat, the boy said to Dad, "I'm
sorry, Reverend. Father Michael told me to do
He'd suspected it because of the priest's non-stop
opposition to them and their presence on
Swift denial followed his confrontation. "The boys are lying," the priest said. "I never told them to do any such
Funny thing, though. The
rock bombardment stopped. For a few weeks, anyway. Then it started again.
It would be a single barrage and the boys would run away.
Sometimes it would be one or two boys throwing just a few rocks, and other
times it would be as many as six to eight boys.
One afternoon, Dad stepped out the back door in time to
see the priest's son cock his arm and let loose with a rock right toward his
office window. Crash! Bye Bye window. This time Dad
took out after the priest's son. The boy was
pretty fleet of foot, but Dad was no mean runner.
He caught up with him and instead of taking him to his house, he took him to
the City Office where an Alaska State Trooper happened to be.
I think I mentioned before that during the 1960's, and
even into the early 1970's, we only had an occasional police officer who would
fly out from Anchorage. Other than a resident
security officer hired by the City, Saint Paul had no police presence of its own. Most matters were dealt with internally by the
Russian Orthodox priest, and since nearly all of the families on the island
were related to each other one way or another, it became just a family affair
in dealing with local problems. The presence
of an Alaska State Trooper meant that some crime had been committed that had
been reported off the island.
Dad's taking the priest's son directly to the Trooper and
handing him over meant that the vandalism and malicious destruction of property
(which was how the Trooper classified things) was now a police matter. It wasn't long, however, that the priest's
son was released from police custody and his father ordered to pay a small
It wasn't long before the rock bombardment resumed with
more broken windows and the destruction or damage of other property.
This had now gone on over a period of weeks stretching into months, and Dad had
had it! Walking down the street one day to the
local general store, he happened upon "Father Michael" coming out of
the store.
A boldness came over Alvin Capener
that was not his usual boldness (and Dad was not known for shying away from
confrontation under the right circumstances in spite of his rather retiring
mannerisms). He addressed the priest directly in the presence of other
townspeople and passersby.
"Sir, you cannot continue this opposition. You are not standing against us, and your opposition
and resentment is not against us personally.
You are fighting against the Lord Jesus Christ who sent us here.
If you continue your fight against the Lord, it is you who will ultimately
suffer the consequences."
It came out as a prophecy. Dad wasn't given to prophesying a lot, and it never
occurred to him to speak judgment against anyone.
Nevertheless, the priest paled at the rebuke, ducked his head and walked away. I don't remember if it happened that night, or
whether it was the next day, but the priest's son orchestrated himself another
all-out rock-throwing barrage.
It would be the final event in this series of attacks. A short time
later, the fishing season began and the priest's son signed on as a crew member
on one of the fishing boats. As already noted,
the Pribil of waters are classified as among the most
dangerous in the world. Storms arise suddenly
and -- because of the depth of the waters -- the waves can become very great
and treacherous, especially for smaller fishing craft.
It was no surprise to hear that a fishing boat had
disappeared in the middle of a storm, but it sort of caught everyone off guard
when they realized that the priest's son was among the missing. Day after day after day after day, and week after
week after week after week for the better part of a year, the priest walked the
beaches of Saint Paul Island, literally walking the circumference of the island
many, many times in search of some remnant of his son.
The Russian Orthodox folks have a tradition that says that
if they can recover even a fragment of clothing worn by the person who is lost
at sea, they can have a burial and ceremony that ensures (?) that the dead
person makes it into Heaven.
If no evidence of the person or his/her clothing is ever found, no
burial can take place, and the person is regarded as a castaway by God who will
not allow that person into Heaven.
You'll appreciate, then, the effort that the priest went
to in order to find some remnant of his lost son.
After a year of fruitless searches, a very gaunt and exhausted Father Michael
showed up at the door of the Capener home. Dad answered the door and invited him in.
He shook his head, then changed his mind and stepped
inside the door. Without waiting he said,
"It is the judgment of God against me. I
was wrong to persecute you. It was me who
stirred people against you and now the hand of God has been stretched against me. My son's death is the result.
Will you forgive me?"
Dad shook his hand, nodding vigorously. "Of course," he said.
"Come on in."
My recollection is a bit hazy here, but if memory serves
me, Mom brought him into the kitchen and served him coffee and cake. The conversation was
somewhat sparse, and Dad and Mom obviously felt Father Michael's grief. I don't recall that there was any great
effort made that day to talk to him about his personal relationship with Jesus
Christ: that would come later.
This is where we need to leave this story for today. Have a great weekend. We'll resume on Monday.
God NEVER calls His people to do the possible.
"Possible" is only the rational mind's way of dealing with human capabilities. God ALWAYS calls His people to do and
perform the impossible. "Impossible"
only exists in rational thinking.
"Impossible" is ALWAYS "probable" and
"accomplished" when seen through the eyes of faith.
The Blessing of the Lord be upon you.

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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