Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello......
Sorry 'bout that!
Every once in awhile, my greeter gets stuck.
Didja miss me? Huh?
Huh? Well, we've just had a marvelous week. The West Coast Believers' Convention in
Anaheim, California has got to be the best Believers' Convention yet! The revelation that poured out during the week
was nothing short of stupendous. I took many
pages of notes, and it'll take awhile to digest it all, but ..... all I can say is, WOW!
We're going to do this again for the week of August 6-11
when Kenneth Copeland Ministries hosts the Southwest Believers' Convention from
Fort Worth. We will carry the convention live
again here at River Worship Center. I'll
remind you again as we approach the date. Then
Della and I will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the Great Lakes Believers'
Convention August 20-25. We will be set up to carry it here at River
Worship Center as well, but someone else will be responsible for setting up the
If the theme of the Anaheim convention carries through the
other conventions as well, the teaching and sharing will revolve around the
topics of Increase, the Abundant Life, and Unwavering Faith.
Although none of the speakers at the Anaheim convention had compared notes
beforehand, it was clear that the Holy Spirit was orchestrating things in such
a way that each successive speaker and each successive message built upon the
previous teaching. Many hundreds of people
came to know Jesus Christ for the first time, and I've no idea how many people
received physical, mental and emotional healing.
What a flow of the Spirit!
Well, it's time for us to get back to our discussion on
the adventures in faith I lived through (and was a part of) watching my Dad and
Mom consistently and persistently obey God as churches and missions were
founded throughout the
We've got some of that organic dark roasted Columbian Supremo in the French Press today. Pour yourself a cup and pull up a chair.
Our First Trip Down the Alaska Highway, 1949
Ever see this much snow?
When we broke from our discussion a week ago last Friday,
Dad had packed up the family, and we were heading out to itinerate in the
"Lower 48" (or, as we more often referred to it back then, "the
states.") We had (and still have to this day) a number of relatives
living in the northwest, and after spending some time with them and catching
them up on the vision for Barrow, we headed to Salt Lake City for a family reunion. There are two major (and quite separate)
branches of the Capener family in the United States.
We refer to them as either coming from "John"
(my great-great grandfather) or "William" (his brother). The two brothers came to the United States in
1836. Whatever provoked the disagreement back then is not really quite
clear, but William parted ways with John and joined Brigham Young to organize
the westward movement of the Mormons from Nauvoo, Illinois.
The result is that we have a large number of Mormon relatives in the U.S.
For nearly a hundred years, the two branches of the family
scarcely knew of the existence of each other. Dad's brother, Everett, stumbled onto the Mormon
branch of the family during a stopover in
Finally, we headed eastward. With my brother and I needing to be in school, Mom
and Dad decided we needed to stay put in one place while they traveled, and we
wound up staying on a farm just outside of Hot Springs, Arkansas with a family
who provided temporary housing and oversight for the children of missionaries
and folks in ministry while they "itinerated."
In the late Spring of 1954, with school out for my brother
and I, travel resumed for us. Dad and Mom had
been traveling on the east coast in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and
Connecticut, and when they picked us up, we headed back toward the west coast. Enough money had been contributed towards the
building of the church in Barrow that Dad went ahead and ordered the building
materials and had them delivered to the docks in Seattle.
Howard, my brother, and I helped Dad strap and band the lumber for loading on
the North Star freighter -- the one ship that makes its way through the
ice-laden waters of the Arctic Ocean to Barrow with supplies, and only once a
Howard Andersen, a Swedish evangelist who had made his
home in
From a grainy newsmagazine photo, the foundations
of the church in Barrow.
Tom Brower, who was the son of the famous whaler, Charles
Brower, provided an old military 4x4 weapons carrier, a 1942 Dodge fitted with
tires from a Douglas DC-3 airplane to provide flotation on the tundra and
swampy ground, and Dad -- along with Howard Andersen and Lew
Welker, and a few conscripted locals -- hauled gravel from the beach to provide
some fill for the swampy ground in the middle of town Dad had chosen for the
church site. It required more than 200 loads
of gravel before the ground was firm enough to support a building.
Temperatures were already below freezing and water was poured on the ground to
provide a base that was like concrete.
As the photo above shows, sinking piling in the ground
wasn't practical, so three-foot square pads were constructed out of 2x12's with
12x12 timbers cut to provide the support for the building's flooring structure. When the building was sufficiently far
along in construction, siding was added around the open area under the building. Enclosed, the ground would -- except under
unusual conditions such as those that occurred when Barrow saw record high
temperatures in 1979 (in the 70's) -- never thaw out.
You'll better appreciate this methodology when you realize
that Barrow, which is only 1100 miles from the North Pole, has an average
summer temperature of 39 degrees, and an annual mean temperature of about ten
to fifteen degrees below zero.
Having an average summer temperature of 39 degrees doesn't mean you
don't get warm days in the 50's and 60's, but those readings only last for a
few hours at a time.
Meanwhile, Mom, Howard and I hit the road again for more
itinerating and sharing the vision for Barrow with churches throughout the northwest. After making the rounds of a few more
churches in Idaho, we headed into Wyoming. Not
long out of Cody on what is now U.S. Highway 14 headed towards Sheridan, the
front end of that old 1947 Ford came apart.
The highway was narrow and winding through the Big Horn Mountains.
We were up at something like 10,000 feet. In
those days, there were no guardrails and the road often had little in the way
of a shoulder. Some places there were sheer
drops of hundreds and even more than a thousand feet right off the roadway.
When the steering linkage came apart, Mom lost control of
the car. Mom, Howie
and I all hollered, "JESUS!!" at the same time.
The car whipped around with the back tires dropping over a ledge.
As the centrifugal force of the car's sideways spin took it around, the tires
caught the ledge and flipped the car. We
rolled over three times before landing on all fours on the opposite side of the
highway. The car was totaled.
Had the car somersaulted to the other side of the highway instead, we wouldn't
be here to talk about it. It was the
protection of the Lord that kept us from going off a sheer drop of many
hundreds of feet.
Other than a lot of glass in our hair and a few minor
scratches from the flying glass, I was the only one to suffer any broken bones. My left wrist was broken in several places
from the impact of hitting the dash while we were playing "spin (or flip)
the car." We were able to kick open the
passenger side door and get out.
It was only a few minutes before another car came along.
That in itself was remarkable since we hadn't seen another car on the road for
what seemed hours. The couple who were driving
that car picked us up and took us into Sheridan (Sheridan had been our
destination, anyway) and to the local hospital where my wrist was put in a
The State Police arranged for our wrecked car to be hauled
into Sheridan where we took out all of our personal belongings.
Following our church service in Sheridan the following night, we boarded a
train for Chicago, and on to Madison, Wisconsin where my grandparents had
returned after some time in California. Not
having a car rather complicated things, so Grandpa took us to the local
Chevrolet dealer where they had a brand new (albeit a demonstrator with about
800 miles on it) 1954 Chevrolet they were willing to sell us for $1,000.
It was a bargain price -- even in those days -- but it took much of the cash on
hand Mom had received toward the paying for the materials for the church in
That meant we had to do some more travel -- quite a bit,
in fact -- and we wound up traveling throughout the entire state of Wisconsin
and then on to Michigan and Northern Michigan over a period of months, sharing
in church after church after church after church after church, ad infinitum.
It was late Spring of 1955 when we knew our travels were complete. Enough money had come in to pay the bills
for the building supplies, a year's supply of basic foodstuffs (dried and
canned goods only, flour, sugar, etc.) and pay for our return to Alaska. We arrived in Barrow in time for the opening
of the church.
The first Sunday the doors were open was a considerably
different experience from the startup in Nome. Nome had been tough sledding (pun intended) from the
get-go. It had taken nine years to build a
solid family of believers and make a difference in Nome.
From the day the doors of the church opened in Barrow, the place was packed to
Dad had built the church auditorium to seat perhaps a
hundred people reasonably and comfortably. Right. "Reasonable and comfortable" were
not terms those folks were thinking in. My
recollection is that Dad counted 174 people crammed into the place. "Crammed" is exactly what they were. Bench seats designed to hold 10 to 12 people
were holding from 16 to 20. When every seat filled, people lined up
standing around the back, then around the sides, then sitting on the floor in
the aisles, then sitting on the floor in front right up to the altar benches.
It was just a tad different than Dad had been expecting. When he gave his
first altar call for salvation, people literally had to crawl over each other
in order to make it to the front, and wound up on the platform.
I do not remember how many people responded that first service, but before that
first week was out, there were more than a hundred people who had accepted
Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives, and many of them were baptized
in the Holy Spirit.
Many extraordinary "Acts Chapter 2" experiences
began to occur. For
time's sake today, I'll save those stories for our next Coffee Break.
The first Monday morning after that first Sunday service,
people came over to ask if we could have services every night.
Night after night, week after week, month after month, we were having services. It would be inaccurate to say that every
single service was packed to capacity, and the newness of "another
church" in Barrow began to wear off.
Nevertheless, for all practical purposes the church was mostly full every
single night. Construction hadn't been
finished on the living quarters yet, but by the time it reached the finishing,
it was apparent that the church simply wasn't large enough to accommodate the
increasing numbers.
During this period of time, the Lord brought into our
lives a Texas preacher who would eventually become the means by which literally
hundreds of churches throughout Texas, Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma would
become involved and share the burden for the ministry that was unfolding in the
arctic. Lonnie Mullen was the pastor of a
church on the north side of Dallas. He'd heard
about the ministry of the Capeners in the north and
decided to take advantage of a hunting trip to Alaska to travel all the way to
Barrow and check things out for himself. When
he saw what the Lord was doing, the Holy Spirit fired him up with an enthusiasm
and an excitement to become financially involved.
In the years to come, he called upon numerous pastors and opened doors of
opportunity and utterance so that Dad and Mom could share both the vision and
the burden of the Lord for the north country.
Dad began working on a redesign of the building
that would more than double its size, increase the auditorium size by 50%, add
rooms for Sunday School facilities and enlarge the living quarters, which were
meager at best. By
the late spring of 1957 arrangements had been made for Paul and Marguerite
Bills to fill in for us while we began traveling once again in churches
throughout the "states" to share the vision and the need for the
expansion of the church in Barrow.
The opportunity came along to purchase a Jeep with an
extended rear-end. My brother and I helped Dad
build a box shell on the back similar to a small camper shell so that the
vehicle could be used to haul things. We drove
back to North Dakota to Uncle Roy's sheep ranch (I talked about him in the
Coffee Break titled, SHEPHERDS
& SHEEPHERDERS) where he had a
hundred-foot tower and a Wincharger wind generator. We dismantled that generator and tower,
strapped the 10-foot tower section pieces (we had it broken down completely) to
the top of the box, and put the smaller pieces and generator inside the box so
it could be hauled up the Alaska Highway and flown to Barrow.
Until such time as a highway gets constructed from
Fairbanks to Barrow (other than the temporary winter ice roads made across the
many lakes that dot the Arctic Slope) the only way to get anything into Barrow
other than by the North Star ship is by air. Vehicles are loaded into cargo aircraft (in those
days, it was a C-124) such as a Hercules and flown north.
The wind generator would provide us with cheap electrical
power once installed and take advantage of the winds that blow pretty regularly
in the arctic.
During the summer months of 1957, we traveled mostly
throughout Wisconsin and Michigan as a family, while Dad and Mom shared in
numerous churches the developments that had taken place in Barrow, and the
marvelous work of the Holy Spirit that was unfolding in the arctic. With the school year approaching and the folks
wanting to get headed south in response to Lonnie Mullen's invitation, my
brother and I headed to Toronto, Ontario where we enrolled in Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute.
We'll continue this adventure on Wednesday.
Lack is not supposed to be everlasting: it is a temporary
situation until you can grow some Word seed to meet the need.
God has given us the two things we need to get whatever we desire: Dominion and
Bless you.

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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